Do you need a haircut (women, a hair coloring)?

I'll wait until mine gets caught in my zipper.....or buy some button fly
I got my hair cut days before everyone went batty when I was in Hilton Head. I'm quite glad I did b/c my last haircut was in October. I might have to search the closet for my mom's old Floobie. lol
I was temped yesterday to ask the guy I saw using a weedeater to give my hair a trim.
Barber's, stylists and manicurists are getting the word out for home visits. Pay in cash. The tax man loses.
If you were the Democrat mayor of Chicago you would get one anyway, Marie Antoinette style, and then tell the peons, "I'm in the public eye, I deserve it".

Democrats, everyone
What are you going to do about it?

I need a haircut (8 weeks out). I'm going to let it grow until I can get one "legally." Just for fun.

But to give answer: my dad, and his dad, had silver hair. Not grey or white but silver. And my roots are coming in, and they shine in the light, like silver.

Makes a girl think like...hmmmm...might be "a look". But not until I retire.

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