Netflix Did it Again! Was Hannibal Barca Black? I I DEBUNK Woke (Marxism ) History Lesson About Colonialism

I never said Hannibal was white. White would imply European; Hannibal was Caucasian that is he belonged to the same branch of the human family as Europeans do, but he was not European. Look at North Africa today black people are a small minority of the population. If they were there in ancient times they would be the majority today like they are in sub–Saharan Africa.
BS. There are light skinned blacks and Arabs. And some whites. Like I said, I get tired of whites like you and this ----. Obama can't be black, he must be known to be half white even as you determine half whites are black if they are in gangs. Colin Kaepernick was not half white to people like you, But by the time Mahomes is done people like you will tell us how he's half white because he will have been the greatest QB ever and whites must always be the center.
Mel Brooks never claimed that the Native Americans were really Jewish and spoke Yiddish.

Hannibal was not black. Tunisia is fighting back. They should sue like Egypt did.

There are no powerful black historical figures so blacks have to steal the history of others.
Spoken by a ignorant white woman. Hannibal was black, Egypt could not sue since black Egyptians existed. The only people who try stealing the history of other have been whites.


This 14th-Century African Emperor Remains the Richest Person in History​

Forget today’s tech billionaires. The wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali was too vast to be imagined—or equaled.

And that's what the brother did to you.
Da bro? You like to think so don't you. It must excite you. To all compliments to black men, none had money enough to attract me, nor were any black men willing to take my abuse. They have radar or something.
Da bro? You like to think so don't you. It must excite you. To all compliments to black men, none had money enough to attract me, nor were any black men willing to take my abuse. They have radar or something.
No, actually the thought of a brother stooping so low to show interest in white trash like you when there are white women with class would be distgusting. You have problems and the only reason I can see for your problem is your insecurity as a white person because that's what white supremacy is based on.
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BS. There are light skinned blacks and Arabs. And some whites. Like I said, I get tired of whites like you and this ----. Obama can't be black, he must be known to be half white even as you determine half whites are black if they are in gangs. Colin Kaepernick was not half white to people like you, But by the time Mahomes is done people like you will tell us how he's half white because he will have been the greatest QB ever and whites must always be the center.
The truth is not always what some want to believe. Black people who are light skinned have some white ancestry, or Arab, or Central Asian, or other Caucasoid. On the other hand, many whites especially in this country and especially in the South among old families have some black ancestry. I have 2% myself. It could be that some white people wouldn’t consider me white if they knew ¼ of my ancestry is Mexican Indian. Like I said, I’m a quarter Mexican, 2% is sub–Saharan African and I probably have at least about 2% Neanderthal, but none of that bothers me; I am what I am and that is the truth, and the truth doesn’t bother me.

I don’t mean to be offensive and I’m not trying to insult you or anything when I say I’m sorry that the world did not progress equally in all regions; that’s just the way it was. Africa was behind Eurasia but not as much as the Americas in Australia. All the people Eurasia were developed in culture and technology more than any other people on Earth. And it was just a matter of luck that the Europeans pulled ahead of the other peoples of Eurasia; it was not because of any Europeans superiority in any way. It was because they were lucky and just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I am convinced if there had been no Eurasian continent, we all would still be hunter, gatherers. See Professor Jared Diamond’s book: Guns, Steel, and Germs.
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Netflix becomes Putin´s 🇷🇺 pravda ?​


Almost no society is colonial imperialist until it is forced to become one by the attacks of a colonial imperialist.
And Russia is about the least colonial imperialist of the modern world.
The way to tell is the size and mobility of the armed forces.
And Russia essentially has no remote military capability at all.
That makes colonial imperialism impossible for them.

Those who claim the Ukraine proves otherwise, are incorrect.
The Ukraine is historically Russian, and Kyiv used to the capital of Russia.
It only moved north to avoid the Mongol invasion.
Kyiv is currently occupied by the remnants of the Polish Empire who invaded and was defeated around 1700.
Spoken by a ignorant white woman. Hannibal was black, Egypt could not sue since black Egyptians existed. The only people who try stealing the history of other have been whites.

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This 14th-Century African Emperor Remains the Richest Person in History​

Forget today’s tech billionaires. The wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali was too vast to be imagined—or equaled.

was it Mansa Musa the N1 slaver in the history ? "Mansa Musa owned thousands of slaves, and his mines were worked by slaves."

ivan, how is weather in Moscow ?

the reality :

the leading expert on this subject speaks :


View attachment 875941

That is silly.
Russia has always consisted of those many provinces.
They are not imperial colonies.
Colonies do not have rights and are economically drained by the imperialists.
Litwin is not telling you that he is part North African and Central Asian.
As a black African, I need to just say that this need to “re-represent” everything is a black AMERICAN phenomenon. Us here on the continent know full well that Egyptians look very different from sub-Saharan Africans. In fact, we know that most (all Muslims with exception Nubians ) of them identify as Arabs and not necessarily “Africans”.


6 months ago (edited)

Hannibal was of color and not Caucasian.
no, you promote racial conspiracy here. by the way , have you ever been in Northern African ? how ´d you describe the locals ?

ps whats really funny here (US eternal race debate ) , that the real Caucasian are subjects of racially motivated HARASSMENT IN Muscovy , even more , they are the victims of Muscovite most horrific genocide

by the way, dont you think that US term “Caucasian” is a racist one ?

Muscovites never considered Caucasian people to be white, regardless of ethnicity, religion, appearance, or status within the colonial system....
Alexei Balabanov’s works became widely exploited in war-justifying propaganda. By portraying Muscovy as a problematic yet sacred Christian place, he drew a clear racial distinction between “white” and “black.” His most renowned film, Brother (1997), features a bus dialog between a Muscovite man and two Caucasians whom he forces to pay the fare at gunpoint. This dialog is the answer to the question of whether Caucasians have ever been white or not:

“Brother, don’t kill. Brother…”

“You are not my brother, black-ass louse”
and of cos Caucasian people hate , fight Muscovites 🇷🇺right back


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