Do you really believe news is fake?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
This is off the Yahoo page. They basically repeat "the news" from other PROG "news" sources. So I'm wondering, if this is what's being reported today for simplicity, and I didn't cherry pick, is it your opinion mainstream media is fake on any level?

Reads “State bans masks without governor being aware.” A republican gov. of course. So remember, don’t wear a mask in Idaho, they’re banned by Republicans and they’re not even aware, believe me. FAKE NEWS

Teacher on leave suggesting boys can’t really be girls. Practice of suppression for speaking honestly, they’ll ruin you economically and emotionally by character assassination too. Most of all is this really the most important thing today? Worse than FAKE NEWS.

Whitehouse to purged Trump appointees, get over it. “Thing about Biden is he brings anti-partisan & mature leadership to the Whitehouse”. Apparently this is the 3rd most important thing going on today. FAKE NEWS

Bill Gates money manager told black employee lived in a ghetto. I suppose the fifth most important thing today. Nice Biden is doing so well and the world is at peace, though don’t forget racism, another election is coming up. FAKE NEWS

Newsome asks what the hell is wrong with us after mass shooting. Yeah no shit Newsome, why are your cities a mess? Could it be fake & agenda driven "news" are contributors? This is ACTUAL NEWS, wholly shit, alert the media.

Woman claims husband behind bars for sex crimes expects her to be a loving wife. About the 8th most important thing today. FAKE NEWS

Tennessee bathroom law stuff. Your genitals matter A LOT, same your color. FAKE NEWS, all distractions and distortions.

US soldier reveals locations of nukes in Europe report claims. Wholly shit real news, though who knows, might be BS.

40 celebs who are actually transgender. Fuck is that confusing, chicks with dicks, chicks who had dicks, dicks with dicks and penises. FAKE NEWS.

Lauren Boebert’s latest attempt to bash Biden goes down badly. I don’t know about you but Biden is my hero. Who the fucks is Lauren Boebert?

Congress closer to passing China bill. Real News, wholly fuck how will they screw us next.

Poll Americans now more concerned about violent crime than COVID. That’s due MSM & left politicians stopped selling it. But remember, Americans are independent thinkers, threw-up in my mouth.

Matt Gaetz says we should use 2nd amendments rights over cancel culture. Wholly fuck is that guy a cock, lose that MFer already, that’s fucking news, what a total dick.

Baptist kids agency at risk over gay rights. Must be the 13th most important thing today. Good to know things are going so well the news only need to attend to gay rights and stuff. FAKE NEWS.

Biden’s tax plan back to the future with retroactive capital gains hikes. That’s news, but 98% of the people don’t know what it means beyond maybe Biden is going after other people's money so you can have it, which of course is BS in it's own right, another thread.

More stimulus checks going out for Americans. Don’t need a job now, regular welfare checks. I wonder why so many businesses sport help wanted signs and folks turn down an honest wage when welfare is at least as sweet? PROPAGANDA

Israeli Troops kill Palestinian during clash. See in the middle east the Israeli’s do all the killing while Palestinians are fitted into the victim role. Love victim roles, greatest political tool eva’

Biden tells Republicans who oppose Capital riot commission to eat chocolate chip ice cream. Biden was eating his jello puddin’ while rehearsing the paragraph written for him, come on man.

FAKE NEWS: Be sure to add the component it's not always what you say but what you don't. 98% of "news" today is FAKE NEWS.
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There is traditional "old" media, which oftentimes is bad journalism, but at least no deliberate disinformation or outright fake news.

Then there are relatively new "news" channels, which in reality are partisan propaganda channels, like FOX News, Newsmax and so on, and then ... there is social media. I have no means anyhow judging the real numbers, but my feeling is that around 90% of the "news" you see on social media, on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and so on, are blatant lies, fake news, party propaganda or at least absurd hyperbole bordering on lunacy.

There is traditional "old" media, which oftentimes is bad journalism, but at least no deliberate disinformation or outright fake news.

Then there are relatively new "news" channels, which in reality are partisan propaganda channels, like FOX News, Newsmax and so on, and then ... there is social media. I have no means anyhow judging the real numbers, but my feeling is that around 90% of the "news" you see on social media, on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and so on, are blatant lies, fake news, party propaganda or at least absurd hyperbole bordering on lunacy.

There is traditional "old" media, which oftentimes is bad journalism, but at least no deliberate disinformation or outright fake news.

Then there are relatively new "news" channels, which in reality are partisan propaganda channels, like FOX News, Newsmax and so on, and then ... there is social media. I have no means anyhow judging the real numbers, but my feeling is that around 90% of the "news" you see on social media, on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and so on, are blatant lies, fake news, party propaganda or at least absurd hyperbole bordering on lunacy.
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Yeah, your reply is about the intellectual level of current "discourse" in "new" American media, and perfectly exemplifies what I was trying to say.
The only sites that approach news are AP News, Reuters and BBC.

oh. wow. not for a long long time, if ever. Maybe BRIEFLY they were actual reporters...but that didn't last for long.
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I took journalism course at a Big Ten university in the 60s and this was the beginning of biased news reporting and NOT objective reporting. This is proven by the attached where so-called "journalists" gave 96% to Hillary. She lost so the biased MSM spent 4 years lying, taking out of context, biased negative news about Trump as this study shows.
Theses "journalists" then gave 90% to Biden, etc. and Trump was beaten. SO NOW where is all the Biden
"negative" news?
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden
Yes, when comes Fox/OAN/Newsmax/Brietbart...all fake
So MY submitting FACTS that hillary got 96% and Biden got 90% and that Trump had 62% negative vs Biden 19% negative doesn't mean ANYTHING to idiots you are proving! See this is why dummies like you have a problem making any valid statements. You totally are refuted with the FACTS! Geez why are you people so brain-washed?
The only sites that approach news are AP News, Reuters and BBC.
The other discuss Hollywood and missing kittens.
I mean fing embarrassing.

Good choices.
I also throw in al Jazerra, Die Zeitungen, and PBS, for more in depth coverage or different perspectives.
I don't believe most news is fake. I think it's very much real.

But you can take a news story and edit video, quote specific phrases, put emphasis on specific things, leave out context, and dozens of other things that drastically alter a news story.

One story can be altered dozens of ways with none of them being fake technically.

But I know for a fact news orginzations will push a narrative, and agenda, or edit something to show what they want shown.

Here is CNN technical director admitting on camera that their job was to get trump out of office and that they created propaganda against him. Which goes against everything a news orginzation is supposed to stand for morally and ethically.

I really don't know how ANY rational, logical intelligent person would defend the biased MSM.
Again for the countless time I'm waiting for your MSM defenders to admit the attached facts helped defeat Trump and elect Biden!
Fact 1. 96% of news donations to Hillary in 2016 and for the next 4 years here is another fact as to what they did.
Fact 2.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
  • Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
  • George W. Bush (28%),
  • Barack Obama (20%), and
  • Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden
Fact 3. In the 2020 election after 4 years of massive biased news, news groups gave 90% to Biden,
So Please will at least one of you TDS, hopefully intelligent readers answer how the below didn't BIAS the news?
I have put this up several times and NO one seems to refute it, especially the TDS readers!

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