Do You Remember When Stormy Daniels Said Trump Told Her in His Hotel Room He Was Afraid of Sharks?

Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.


Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.

We know Pete. You love trump because you feel his presence allows you to express your nauseating bigotry and racism in ways you have not been able to do in quite a while. And nothing else matters.

When could racism not be expressed?
Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.


Please, a little person.
Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.

We know Pete. You love trump because you feel his presence allows you to express your nauseating bigotry and racism in ways you have not been able to do in quite a while. And nothing else matters.

When could racism not be expressed?
I didn't say it couldn't be expressed. Why are you so dumb?
Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.


Please, a little person.
Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.

We know Pete. You love trump because you feel his presence allows you to express your nauseating bigotry and racism in ways you have not been able to do in quite a while. And nothing else matters.

When could racism not be expressed?
I didn't say it couldn't be expressed. Why are you so dumb?

I laugh
Trump's statements have been 100% consistent.
Really? He said he likes to rawdog porn stars while his wife is at home with a newborn? I had no idea!
Check your reading comprehension skills, dumbass.

You will continue to get stupider by the day until you get help from a mental health professional to mitigate your TDS affliction.
Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.

Damn. I thought I was the only one that saw that movie
Trump was fucking a porn star while his third wife was at home tending to their newborn.

The party of "family values" :lol:
At least you admit the Democratic Party is not the party of "family values".
That's a good thing. Whenever you see someone trumpeting "family values", you can be fairly sure they are hunkered down in the truck stop bathroom stall later, or hiding behind a tree at the park, taking pictures of kids. .
Trump just told a rally of people he doesn't like sharks. What an odd coincidence given Stormy Daniels brought that up years ago, stating he told her that while she was in his hotel room with him... which Trump said never happened.

Are you accusing him of lying? About sex? Who cares?
Trump was fucking a porn star while his third wife was at home tending to their newborn.

The party of "family values" :lol:
At least you admit the Democratic Party is not the party of "family values".
"Family values" to the Dims is touching boys and 55-year old truck drivers watching little girls in the bathroom. They're soulless filth.
I'm terrified of snakes,
Trump just told a rally of people he doesn't like sharks. What an odd coincidence given Stormy Daniels brought that up years ago, stating he told her that while she was in his hotel room with him... which Trump said never happened.

LOL, he never denied his dalliance with the Pornstar.

Yes he DID

Not when it hit the news it he didn't. Sorry

Yes, he did.... a clip of him being asked about it on the airplane with the press, comes to just one of the occasions he lied about it.
He didn't lie about it, you idiot. You've simply been brainwashed into thinking he lied about it. You're not too bright, so you are easily brainwashed by fake news.

BTW, have you seen those pictures Stormy claimed to have? Of course you haven't, because they obviously never existed.
It was a joke, you insufferable little crybaby.

You're the joke you bed wetting parasite. The only "people" who express racism and bigotry in this country are turds like you who hate anyone that opposes your authoritarian globalist collective agenda and your policies that keep minorities contained in ghettos dependent upon government for sustainment. You're the bigots and racists, not those of us who support individual liberty and a Constitutional Republic. You're the assholes who exploit division and chaos, not us. You're the assholes destroying monuments and businesses in cities around the country, not us. You're the assholes who destroy people's lives and careers for defending their rights to speak freely, or in some cases just stay out of the fray entirely.


Pieces of shit like you are the reason I do not oppose abortion. In fact I encourage it and would support federal funding to make sure not one more liberal "woman" brings genetic garbage to full term. I encourage beta male bed wetting pieces of shit like you to be as queer as you can be so that all your bio-hazardous ejaculate is deposited in a rectum where it belongs.

When could racism not be expressed?

When someone was not a democrook.

If McLame had implied that the meat puppet faggot obozo had not done "the necessary SPADE WORK" to become President it would be etched on his tombstone, except it was Hitlary who said it and it was ignored.

I'm wondering why nobody is bringing up the comment that Hillary made herself when she said Obama hasn't done the necessary "spadework" needed to be as experienced as she. That remark I think is one of the more "racist" of all the remarks that have been cited. I think she actually said it during her last appearance on Russert although I'm not positive. If so, it's even more curious Russert did not bring it up today. My question to you is why have you and Mike Allen ignored those comments?

No I don’t remember nor do I find it important. FYI I don’t care for sharks either even though Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies.
:eusa_think: afraid of sharks? I assume he said that while laying out his new health care plan, or his strategy to fight the pandemic and the economy, or while announcing concrete concepts on what he would do if re-elected.
I'm terrified of snakes,
Trump just told a rally of people he doesn't like sharks. What an odd coincidence given Stormy Daniels brought that up years ago, stating he told her that while she was in his hotel room with him... which Trump said never happened.

LOL, he never denied his dalliance with the Pornstar.

Yes he DID

Not when it hit the news it he didn't. Sorry

Yes, he did.... a clip of him being asked about it on the airplane with the press, comes to just one of the occasions he lied about it.
He didn't lie about it, you idiot. You've simply been brainwashed into thinking he lied about it. You're not too bright, so you are easily brainwashed by fake news.

BTW, have you seen those pictures Stormy claimed to have? Of course you haven't, because they obviously never existed.

Ahhh, you are misinformed....And naive.... if you think Trump didn't dawg Stormy, or have a 9 month dawging affair with playmate Karen McDougal when Baron was a newborn.

Cohen had the National Enquirer pay them to silence them, then got reimbursed illegally with Trump Company money, claiming it was a business expense for tech equipment... NY Prosecutors have an investigation on going right now on it....

Sorry, no way Jose' did Trump pay to silence these two broads, for nothin'
Like I said long ago, when Stormy was supposed to be the issue that got Trump out of office that I don't give a shit if he fucked her. I don't give a shit if he fucked her in Moscow in a 9 way with Putin, two russian street whores, a rodeo clown, two priests and a midget, then had a turd fight.

We know Pete. You love trump because you feel his presence allows you to express your nauseating bigotry and racism in ways you have not been able to do in quite a while. And nothing else matters.
You have an inexplicable ability to succinctly hold folks to their own animosity. I love it.

BTW petey is a clown.

"We know Pete. You love trump because you feel his presence allows you to express your nauseating bigotry and racism in ways you have not been able to do in quite a while. And nothing else matters."

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