Do you remember when we were terrorists?

Israel has been around for 4000 years and still going strong! She will last well beyond out life time!

Well, except for the 3,000 years it wasn't there.
As for your lifetime and Israel's existence, I was rather hoping Israel would be gone by tomorrow lunchtime.
We Were Terrorists


Or were we? :dunno:

Did we intentionally target civilian populations? Did we regularly kidnap, torture and murder civilians?

Let's also not forget that WE fought for freedom! These horrible terrorists are fighting to have Sharia Law and to have people under their thumbs!

Yes to get the first nations lands, then the civilised nations realised that they were wrong. They did not give any of the land back, but did say sorry. The arab muslims will not do that as it would be a gross loss of face
Israel has been around for 4000 years and still going strong! She will last well beyond out life time!

Well, except for the 3,000 years it wasn't there.
As for your lifetime and Israel's existence, I was rather hoping Israel would be gone by tomorrow lunchtime.

And arab muslims only owned a tiny part of Palestine for 21 years, before they were destroyed. Such horrors being deprived of their land after killing so many innocents to get it. Israel has endured the might of the arab league armies 5 times and prevailed every time, what makes hamas think they can do what the standing armies of 7 nations failed to do. I can see islam dying in the near future when the west starts throwing them out to go and live in Islamic cess pits
...Israel has been around for 4000 years and still going strong! She will last well beyond out life time!

I'll give you 500 years assuming it ever existed in the first place. Someone needs to read a proper history book, oh, and learn how to spell. The word is "our". :D
Oh Israel was and is real for sure. Here is a carving on the Arch of Titus showing Roman soldiers looting the valuables of the temple in Israel after it's destruction. This structure is open to all who visit Rome and the ruins of the Forum and Colosseum. Titus brought back 50,000 Hebrew slaves, who built the Colosseum. The rest stayed back and some fled to neighboring lands. The Colosseum was actually built with the spoils from the destroyed temple in Jerusalem. All the marble from the colosseum was then taken out and the Vatican was built with it. True story :cool:


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We Were Terrorists


Or were we? :dunno:

Did we intentionally target civilian populations? Did we regularly kidnap, torture and murder civilians?

Let's also not forget that WE fought for freedom! These horrible terrorists are fighting to have Sharia Law and to have people under their thumbs!

Yup. :thup:

BTW that was also a play on Gib Melson's movie "We Were Soldiers". :eusa_whistle:
...Did we intentionally target civilian populations? Did we regularly kidnap, torture and murder civilians?

Yes you did, regularly. "Patriots" terrorised most of the population of the 13 colonies into submission; civilian colonists were often tarred and feathered or murdered if they disagreed with or professed loyalty to the King.

Let's also not forget that WE fought for freedom! These horrible terrorists are fighting to have Sharia Law and to have people under their thumbs!

No, you were already "free" to all intents and purposes. You fought for a small embittered elitist clique who, terrified of the possibilty of rebellion against them by the waves of new immigrants, deflected the hunger for land from their own vast estates towards the policies of the British Crown who had barred further expansion westward until it could be properly managed and with the consent of the natives.
...Israel has been around for 4000 years and still going strong! She will last well beyond out life time!

I'll give you 500 years assuming it ever existed in the first place. Someone needs to read a proper history book, oh, and learn how to spell. The word is "our". :D
Oh Israel was and is real for sure. Here is a carving on the Arch of Titus showing Roman soldiers looting the valuables of the temple in Israel after it's destruction. This structure is open to all who visit Rome and the ruins of the Forum and Colosseum. Titus brought back 50,000 Hebrew slaves, who built the Colosseum. The rest stayed back and some fled to neighboring lands. The Colosseum was actually built with the spoils from the destroyed temple in Jerusalem. All the marble from the colosseum was then taken out and the Vatican was built with it. True story :cool:


Nope. There was a rebellion by Jewish citizens of the Hellenised Roman province of Iudaea or Judea , mainly due to taxation, in 66CE. This spiralled out of control into a full scale rebellion during which the Temple of the Jerusalem cult in Judea was destroyed. Judaism was just one of many religious cults in Roman Judea at the time. The Kingdom of Israel (if it ever existed, the jury is still out on that) was defunct centuries before.
From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!

The mentally ill piece of shit whore wants all of the jews killed; it's great to see the filthy fucking lowlifes come clean and admit this - it takes away the need for the obfuscations about being anti-zionist or other nonsense. Someone needs to tell this whore that jews were given their country by the UN, and that's that.

Well, all i can say is that there have been scumbags like this throughout the existence of the jews, and there will be moving forward; the good thing is knowing that the God of the jews has a very firm, aggressive way of dealing with scum like this, and it does not include a long life.
You flatter yourselves if you think your cause is as noble a struggle as the South African Blacks'.

You know the difference between you and them?

You are haters.

Your religion is based on hatred of Jews and Christians and Pagans and Atheists and Homosexuals.

You are as worthy of sympathy as the KKK.

Maybe you should convert to Christianity or something if you want to be loved.

Cause you ain't never gettin the love from the rest of the non-Muslim world after people get a good look at what you are doing in Gaza this time around.

The World has finally gotten wise to your game.

Your cause is reprehensible.

You are NOTHING like the Black South Africans.

You are racist, anti-Semitic haters.

Agreed. As a non-jew, it is scum like the OP who has driven people like me towards the jewish side, because the screaming groups of trash I see at the pal marches have no interest in human rights, democracy or peace, all you have to do is ask how come they are not doing everything they can to stop the terrorists, and all you'll hear is "they are freedom fighters!" or some other garbage.

When the vast majority of your cause is seeking the mass death of another group of people, you're cause is simply not legitimate. When you compound it with the fact that the pals like hamas are funded by a fucking shit nation like iran, then it becomes an absolute certainty.

These psychopaths like the OP probably drive more people to supporting the jews than anyone realizes, they are actually very helpful to the Israel/zionist cause.
Well, except for the 3,000 years it wasn't there.
As for your lifetime and Israel's existence, I was rather hoping Israel would be gone by tomorrow lunchtime.

When are piece of shit muslims like you going to complain about muslim slaughters, terrorism and mass murder, raging across africa, the mideast and asia?
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...Did we intentionally target civilian populations? Did we regularly kidnap, torture and murder civilians?

Yes you did, regularly. "Patriots" terrorised most of the population of the 13 colonies into submission; civilian colonists were often tarred and feathered or murdered if they disagreed with or professed loyalty to the King.

Let's also not forget that WE fought for freedom! These horrible terrorists are fighting to have Sharia Law and to have people under their thumbs!

No, you were already "free" to all intents and purposes. You fought for a small embittered elitist clique who, terrified of the possibilty of rebellion against them by the waves of new immigrants, deflected the hunger for land from their own vast estates towards the policies of the British Crown who had barred further expansion westward until it could be properly managed and with the consent of the natives.

Well, for ONE thing you are full of it because MOST of us United States citizens (and our ancestors) were NOT here during those times. Most of us immigrated to the United States later on. There are very FEW people who are direct descendants of the original colonists. Learn some history!!!
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We Were Terrorists


Or were we? :dunno:

Did we intentionally target civilian populations? Did we regularly kidnap, torture and murder civilians?

Let's also not forget that WE fought for freedom! These horrible terrorists are fighting to have Sharia Law and to have people under their thumbs!

Yup. :thup:

BTW that was also a play on Gib Melson's movie "We Were Soldiers". :eusa_whistle:

Wrong. Chances are you have nothing to do with the original colonists and that your ancestors immigrated to America later on.
Well, except for the 3,000 years it wasn't there.
As for your lifetime and Israel's existence, I was rather hoping Israel would be gone by tomorrow lunchtime.

When are piece of shit muslims like you going to complain about muslim slaughters, terrorism and mass murder, raging across africa, the mideast and asia?

This is EXACTLY what I want to know. When???? I for one am sick and tired of it, and sick and tired of the LAME arse reasons given to excuse it, such as "well you guys did that 200, 300, 400, 3000 years ago!" Good grief!!! Times, they have a changed!!! This type of behavior is NO longer the norm like it was hundreds and thousands of years ago. This is unacceptable in today's modern world, and I certainly hope we aren't going to stand for it much longer. I have no more tolerance left in my heart for these people.
You flatter yourselves if you think your cause is as noble a struggle as the South African Blacks'.

You know the difference between you and them?

You are haters.

Your religion is based on hatred of Jews and Christians and Pagans and Atheists and Homosexuals.

You are as worthy of sympathy as the KKK.

Maybe you should convert to Christianity or something if you want to be loved.

Cause you ain't never gettin the love from the rest of the non-Muslim world after people get a good look at what you are doing in Gaza this time around.

The World has finally gotten wise to your game.

Your cause is reprehensible.

You are NOTHING like the Black South Africans.

You are racist, anti-Semitic haters.

Agreed. As a non-jew, it is scum like the OP who has driven people like me towards the jewish side, because the screaming groups of trash I see at the pal marches have no interest in human rights, democracy or peace, all you have to do is ask how come they are not doing everything they can to stop the terrorists, and all you'll hear is "they are freedom fighters!" or some other garbage.

When the vast majority of your cause is seeking the mass death of another group of people, you're cause is simply not legitimate. When you compound it with the fact that the pals like hamas are funded by a fucking shit nation like iran, then it becomes an absolute certainty.

These psychopaths like the OP probably drive more people to supporting the jews than anyone realizes, they are actually very helpful to the Israel/zionist cause.

Great post. Agreed 100%. :)
You flatter yourselves if you think your cause is as noble a struggle as the South African Blacks'.

You know the difference between you and them?

You are haters.

Your religion is based on hatred of Jews and Christians and Pagans and Atheists and Homosexuals.

You are as worthy of sympathy as the KKK.

Maybe you should convert to Christianity or something if you want to be loved.

Cause you ain't never gettin the love from the rest of the non-Muslim world after people get a good look at what you are doing in Gaza this time around.

The World has finally gotten wise to your game.

Your cause is reprehensible.

You are NOTHING like the Black South Africans.

You are racist, anti-Semitic haters.

Agreed. As a non-jew, it is scum like the OP who has driven people like me towards the jewish side, because the screaming groups of trash I see at the pal marches have no interest in human rights, democracy or peace, all you have to do is ask how come they are not doing everything they can to stop the terrorists, and all you'll hear is "they are freedom fighters!" or some other garbage.

When the vast majority of your cause is seeking the mass death of another group of people, you're cause is simply not legitimate. When you compound it with the fact that the pals like hamas are funded by a fucking shit nation like iran, then it becomes an absolute certainty.

These psychopaths like the OP probably drive more people to supporting the jews than anyone realizes, they are actually very helpful to the Israel/zionist cause.

Well said. :eusa_clap:

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I'll give you 500 years assuming it ever existed in the first place. Someone needs to read a proper history book, oh, and learn how to spell. The word is "our". :D
Oh Israel was and is real for sure. Here is a carving on the Arch of Titus showing Roman soldiers looting the valuables of the temple in Israel after it's destruction. This structure is open to all who visit Rome and the ruins of the Forum and Colosseum. Titus brought back 50,000 Hebrew slaves, who built the Colosseum. The rest stayed back and some fled to neighboring lands. The Colosseum was actually built with the spoils from the destroyed temple in Jerusalem. All the marble from the colosseum was then taken out and the Vatican was built with it. True story :cool:


Nope. There was a rebellion by Jewish citizens of the Hellenised Roman province of Iudaea or Judea , mainly due to taxation, in 66CE. This spiralled out of control into a full scale rebellion during which the Temple of the Jerusalem cult in Judea was destroyed. Judaism was just one of many religious cults in Roman Judea at the time. The Kingdom of Israel (if it ever existed, the jury is still out on that) was defunct centuries before.
Jerusalem cult? Ha ha ha Gawd are you morons funny or what. Looks like you failed in history as well. Judea was under Roman occupation, and Judaism, the first monotheistic religion happened to be older than the pagan Romans. What an ignorant idiot!

Wasn't that by one of the Crusaders who defeated the muslims. Just think what Israel could achieve in 200 years, and how little the Palestinians could.

Yeah, the Crusaders massacred the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem and enslaved or expelled the survivors. Roughly what the Zionist colonizers did to the Palestinians in 1948. The Kingdom lasted until the various Muslim states and warlords managed to unite under the Mameluks. Oh well, 144 years to go...tops.

Those savages can't unite. Most of them cannot even read a book.

Yeah, ok...

Literacy rate in Zionist Israel= 97.1% not bad as UK and USA are 99% but getting there.
Literacy rate in Occupied Palestine= 95.6%, basically a 1% difference
Literacy rate in Gaza= 96.4% about par with the Zionists.

Perhaps they can't read books because the Zionists have bombed all the bookstores and libraries.
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