Do You Support Federal Funding For California's High-Speed Rail?

Do You Support Federal Tax Dollars Being Spent On California's High-Speed Rail?

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Democratic Lawmakers just gave the green light to start building an estimated $68 Billion high-speed rail line in California. This, despite California being very deep in Debt. They have also requested partial Federal Funding for the project. Should Non-Californians be forced to give their Tax Dollars to this project? What do you think? How do you feel about that?
Just amazing...

Yeah, and $68 Billion is just the estimated cost. Obviously it will be much more than that figure. Government isn't known for coming in on-budget. I'm just shocked they have the balls to demand Federal Funding for their farce. Unbelievable.
They're going to build this little stretch in the central valley, run out of money, and abandon the project...
I totally support this project. It's the kind of thing we should be doing on a national level. We're looking at least 4000 new jobs being created. I thought Republicans loved jobs being created? No?

Who will pay for all these supposed jobs? A $68 Billion Taxpayer burden is a very low cost estimate at best. It will end up costing much much more. And why should all American Taxpayers be forced to fund a California project?
Not only no, hell no.
You took the words right out of my mouth.... NO

I guess it is thought to or it is being sold by Obama that it will quickly spur the economy in California once construction is started, but they need a highspeed rail like I need a hole in my head.. Isn't this earth quake central by the way? So we are going to sink billions into something that will be at risk for destruction by earh quakes ? Sounds like Obama is trying to really look out for his hollywood donors now... Typical !
They're going to build this little stretch in the central valley, run out of money, and abandon the project...

Depends on how much Federal Taxpayer cash they're allowed to steal.
I totally support this project. It's the kind of thing we should be doing on a national level. We're looking at least 4000 new jobs being created. I thought Republicans loved jobs being created? No?

Except that it would loose money and just become another money pit. If there was a profit to be made with high speed rail, a private customer would be building the system right now. In stead, you want to tax 300 million people to subsidize high speed transportation for the 10 or 12 people who would benefit from another government boondoggle.
They're going to build this little stretch in the central valley, run out of money, and abandon the project...

Depends on how much Federal Taxpayer cash they're allowed to steal.

They've got to sell the bonds in the state first, I see them having a hard time with that.

Yeah, me too. But that's when they'll start demanding more Federal Taxpayer cash. It's been done before. In my opinion, if they want a high-speed rail, they should build it themselves. Period, end of story.
I totally support this project. It's the kind of thing we should be doing on a national level. We're looking at least 4000 new jobs being created. I thought Republicans loved jobs being created? No?

Who will pay for all these supposed jobs? A $68 Billion Taxpayer burden is a very low cost estimate at best. It will end up costing much much more. And why should all American Taxpayers be forced to fund a California project?

Democrats believe it is entirely possible to create jobs by hiring a crew to dig a hole and another crew to fill it in.

Jobs were created No?
I totally support this project. It's the kind of thing we should be doing on a national level. We're looking at least 4000 new jobs being created. I thought Republicans loved jobs being created? No?

Except that it would loose money and just become another money pit. If there was a profit to be made with high speed rail, a private customer would be building the system right now. In stead, you want to tax 300 million people to subsidize high speed transportation for the 10 or 12 people who would benefit from another government boondoggle.

Hmm. Sounds like a lot of unsubstantiated speculation. Which is also known more commonly as "Bullshit." So why don't you rustle up a few links that support, with actual data now, not Right Wing heeby-jeeby feelings about shit, how it would lose money and become another money pit.

Otherwise, I'll call it California being once again ahead of the curve on cool shit.
I think the pipe line would have been more fisable, but a rail line instead ? Just go look at how profitable Amtrak has been lately, then do the math from there... B )

Obama might just show his idiocy or desperation to do something on this one, but the sad part is the American people will pay dearly for it all in the long run.. Alright all you poor people who thought Obama was your guy, will he have enough printing press ink left over for you next, after rolling down this rail line to disaster ?? I bet soon the American peoiple are going to hide the ink from washington and their idiots in charge soon. I mean they have to or what next from the circus club who is running washington ??.

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