Do you support trans people

Mental disorder...they should be sent to the nut house for advanced treatments
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
Our generals found no problem with them being and fighting in the military. I'll take their opinion before a bigoted asshole like yours.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
At least you're honest about yourself with the screen name you chose.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
I'll do exactly what I please. Those who are marginalized and discriminated against need more support than others.
It's what being a Christian and good American is all about. I see that's not your thang.
People dont want your pity or your kids gloves. Quit patronizing people.
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

They are mentally disturbed who need treatment not mutilation.
Says someone who knows nothing about the transgendered and has zero empathy for them.

I'm sick of hearing about these fruitcakes.
Thanks for your bigoted small minded response.
Now back into your basket with your fellow deplorables.

Do you support transgender? What is your opinion?

I support them to the extent I accept everyone as an individual on a level playing field.

I do not support LGBT when they disseminate individual confusion to the public, otherwise known as "men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom". In other terms, I don't support anything that corrodes society, all the while telling nature and common sense to get fucked.
Look at this bigot trying to pretend he isn't one.
He always fails at everything he does.... just like his fuhrer.

I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
I'll do exactly what I please. Those who are marginalized and discriminated against need more support than others.
It's what being a Christian and good American is all about. I see that's not your thang.

Transgenderism is the same kind of disorder as body integrity disorder. I do not support people cutting off their arms and legs or putting drano in their eyes. It would take a person of a special evil to support that kind of lunacy. They don't need empathy, they need treatment. They are sick people.
You're more sick than any transgendered person. Your hate and lack of empathy proves it.

I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
Our generals found no problem with them being and fighting in the military. I'll take their opinion before a bigoted asshole like yours.

Mental disorder...they should be sent to the nut house for advanced treatments
Isn't it amazing how all deplorables have the same bigoted backward opinions.
Doesn't surprise me a bit..

I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
I marched in civil rights marches and anti war rallies.
I have a conscience unlike the fat anus who promised to protect the transgendered community and then didn't.

Trannies have to dildo fuck their bloody hole six times daily to prevent it from closing up. They have incredibly high rates of suicide. And the left thinks it's a good idea to have people like that in the armed forces.
At least you're honest about yourself with the screen name you chose.

Damn man, can you give us a break on your non stop trolling people?
Transgenderism is the same kind of disorder as body integrity disorder. I do not support people cutting off their arms and legs or putting drano in their eyes. It would take a person of a special evil to support that kind of lunacy. They don't need empathy, they need treatment. They are sick people.
You're more sick than any transgendered person. Your hate and lack of empathy proves it.
You keep saying I lack empathy like it has some special meaning.

Here is your quandry. If I don't have empathy, accusing me of not having empathy would never hurt my non existent feelings. It would wound you to say you don't have empathy. You might rise to defend yourself. Saying I don't have empathy is like saying the sun shines at noon. Do you think you are special for noticing?
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
I'll do exactly what I please. Those who are marginalized and discriminated against need more support than others.
It's what being a Christian and good American is all about. I see that's not your thang.
People dont want your pity or your kids gloves. Quit patronizing people.
Stop discriminating against and hating them.
And stop supporting a prez that promised to protect them but didn't.
Let me put it another way. I'll try to be as PC as possible. Male to female transsexuals are required to insert an object inside their artificially constructed vagina several times a day in order to prevent it from growing closed. They also have high suicide rates. When the OP asks whether or not I support transgenders, the unasked question is do I support them serving in the armed forces to which I would unequivocally respond NO. A battlefield is no place for these individuals, any more than there is for a diabetic who requires insulin injections. It is only logical.

I can't stop them from undergoing the procedure in civilian life, so in that regard I suppose I 'support' them. I think they're sad, confused, mentally ill people being exploited by by the left to create a new class of victims to use as pawns for their political agenda, which is a terrible thing indeed.
Transgenderism is the same kind of disorder as body integrity disorder. I do not support people cutting off their arms and legs or putting drano in their eyes. It would take a person of a special evil to support that kind of lunacy. They don't need empathy, they need treatment. They are sick people.
You're more sick than any transgendered person. Your hate and lack of empathy proves it.
You keep saying I lack empathy like it has some special meaning.

Here is your quandry. If I don't have empathy, accusing me of not having empathy would never hurt my non existent feelings. It would wound you to say you don't have empathy. You might rise to defend yourself. Saying I don't have empathy is like saying the sun shines at noon. Do you think you are special for noticing?
Thanks for admitting it's very easy and noticeable to spot your hatred and lack of empathy for those who are marginalized in this country..
I support all Americans but those discriminated against even more so.
You shouldnt do that. Just treat everyone the same. Us republicans have been called nazis and racists just for being republicans, but we dont need you to treat us differently. That would be just as insulting as the non stop "youre racist" crap..
I'll do exactly what I please. Those who are marginalized and discriminated against need more support than others.
It's what being a Christian and good American is all about. I see that's not your thang.
People dont want your pity or your kids gloves. Quit patronizing people.
Stop discriminating against and hating them.
And stop supporting a prez that promised to protect them but didn't.
Protecting them does not mean allowing them to go into hostile environments, does it? No, they have no business in the military.
Let me put it another way. I'll try to be as PC as possible. Male to female transsexuals are required to insert an object inside their artificially constructed vagina several times a day in order to prevent it from growing closed. They also have high suicide rates. When the OP asks whether or not I support transgenders, the unasked question is do I support them serving in the armed forces to which I would unequivocally respond NO. A battlefield is no place for these individuals, any more than there is for a diabetic who requires insulin injections. It is only logical.

I can't stop them from undergoing the procedure in civilian life, so in that regard I suppose I 'support' them. I think they're sad, confused, mentally ill people being exploited by by the left to create a new class of victims to use as pawns for their political agenda, which is a terrible thing indeed.
I think this is the most absurd attack on the children in America that has ever been. We are convincing our children that through mutilation they can be any of a hundred sexes. And it is a lie.
We need to tell little Timmy that whacking off his penis does not make him a little girl. Neither does putting a bow in his hair.
We need to tell the little kindergartner that calling Billy, Billy is ok.........

It is mind blowing the parents that allow this insane bullshit. This is a confusing lie:
  • Androgyne
  • Androgynous
  • Bigender
  • Cis
  • Cisgender
  • Cis Female
  • Cis Male
  • Cis Man
  • Cis Woman
  • Cisgender Female
  • Cisgender Male
  • Cisgender Man
  • Cisgender Woman
  • Female to Male
  • FTM
  • Gender Fluid
  • Gender Nonconforming
  • Gender Questioning
  • Gender Variant
  • Genderqueer
  • Intersex
  • Male to Female
  • MTF
  • Neither
  • Neutrois
  • Non-binary
  • Other
  • Pangender
  • Trans
  • Trans*
  • Trans Female
  • Trans* Female
  • Trans Male
  • Trans* Male
  • Trans Man
  • Trans* Man
  • Trans Person
  • Trans* Person
  • Trans Woman
  • Trans* Woman
  • Transfeminine
  • Transgender
  • Transgender Female
  • Transgender Male
  • Transgender Man
  • Transgender Person
  • Transgender Woman
  • Transmasculine
  • Transsexual
  • Transsexual Female
  • Transsexual Male
  • Transsexual Man
  • Transsexual Person
  • Transsexual Woman
  • Two-Spirit
its a broad question.

They shouldn't be treated in any way different than anyone else.
Let me put it another way. I'll try to be as PC as possible. Male to female transsexuals are required to insert an object inside their artificially constructed vagina several times a day in order to prevent it from growing closed. They also have high suicide rates. When the OP asks whether or not I support transgenders, the unasked question is do I support them serving in the armed forces to which I would unequivocally respond NO. A battlefield is no place for these individuals, any more than there is for a diabetic who requires insulin injections. It is only logical.

I can't stop them from undergoing the procedure in civilian life, so in that regard I suppose I 'support' them. I think they're sad, confused, mentally ill people being exploited by by the left to create a new class of victims to use as pawns for their political agenda, which is a terrible thing indeed.


I post a :cuckoo: showing I believe an opinion is :cuckoo:, and he rewards me with an 'agree'.

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