Do you think American soldiers who commit war crimes play ruthless video games?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Do you think that Navy SEAL would play a game like this?

Does he like being a bully in role playing games?

Are video games raising a generation of ruthless killers?
no but we can bet you are a video game addict to even bring this shit up. Go play with DARPA ..........
Do you think that Navy SEAL would play a game like this?

Does he like being a bully in role playing games?

Are video games raising a generation of ruthless killers?

You've apparently watched too many movies, played too many bullshit video games yourself. While I realize kids these days understand the outside world only in terms of what they've gleaned from pixelized simulations of it, the experience on the ground can never be comprehended, conveyed or experienced in any other form than actually fucking being there. Imagine digging a machine gun position, manning it in under a steady downpour for days on end, bored out of your skull, soaking wet, visibility zero and randomly puking the mud you can't keep out of any body crevice or orifice. Now imagine endless hours of that, unable to sleep, no new orders, just ceaseless waiting, waiting and then suddenly . . . earsplitting explosions, smoke in your mouth and burning your eyes, screams all around you, panic and fear so bad you can't breathe or move but manage to piss yourself anyway. No, you can't imagine all that, not ever, and neither can some video game train you how to survive it or the difference between "right" and "wrong" in such a situation. When half-seconds bleed by like handfuls of minutes and you've got less than the time it takes to inhale to make a decision, to act, the last thing you're gonna think about is delicate nuances philosophized with a grain of gives a fuck about the greater good of the universe.
I am no stranger to playing a Golden Eye Nintendo 64 game and yet you don't see me out there making the headlines in such a horrifying way.

God bless you always!!!

No. Millions of people play graphic video games every day without ever killing anyone. People are responsible for their own actions, blaming external stimuli is like saying "the devil made me do it."
Do you think that Navy SEAL would play a game like this?

Does he like being a bully in role playing games?

Are video games raising a generation of ruthless killers?

What exactly is a ruthless video game? you know how many men are in the service that play video games and how many commit war crimes...????!!!!!
there are over half a MILLION just in the USMC and Army [active duty alone ]
Do you think that Navy SEAL would play a game like this?

Does he like being a bully in role playing games?

Are video games raising a generation of ruthless killers?

What an absolutely ignorant thread by a butthurt Libturd troll.

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