That secret service...very well trained. Yeah!!!! DEI!!!!!

Oh FFS is there anything Democrats don't wreck??
The scary thing is the democrats are mere puppets of the globalist cabal that control them. Meaning all of this is done intentionally. The real globalist leaders are having a laugh riot at how stupid their followers are and how inept we are in preventing this takeover.

Yes as we can see here how well trained Barbie Fife is. No doubt the pride of the pride people.

A whistleblower has come forward and said that DHS assigned people to Trump who were NOT part of the Secret Service and poorly trained. Those two women around the SUV, one of whom is overweight and couldn’t even holster her weapon, makes this seem believable.

(The A-team was provided for the First Witch, though.)

The Biden Administration provided totally inept protection to their rival, and that would be the best case exolanation.
They've declared war. They've stolen elections. Murdered millions with the organized plandemic. They've incinerated cities like Lahaina. They've occupied cities with antifa. They've murdered and attacked people and laugh while it's being done. They committed mass murder of "country song fans" in Vegas and laugh their fucking heads off while pointing their shit stained fingers at us flag waving idiots who do little more than wave flags and listen to country songs.
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