Do you think I can pass as austrian?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
To kick the truth to the young black youth
My social assistent* who is austrian, said im very "wandelbar" that means "diverse or adaptable" that i can pull it off, that it doesnt look foreign on me, that i can fit into many roles and it doesnt look foreign, and the austrian outfit looks good on me. Do you think thats true or she was just being polite?

I do think that i dont look austrian though, but i think im not too far off, i think the large black prey eyes are a big off, and from profile i also look indobrachid (for the ones who dont know old school anthropology that is a type of indian curry dothead like nordid is a type of european or sinid is a type of chinese)

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*Social assistent
My social assistent* who is austrian, said im very "wandelbar" that means "diverse or adaptable" that i can pull it off, that it doesnt look foreign on me, that i can fit into many roles and it doesnt look foreign, and the austrian outfit looks good on me. Do you think thats true or she was just being polite?

I do think that i dont look austrian though, but i think im not too far off, i think the large black prey eyes are a big off, and from profile i also look indobrachid (for the ones who dont know old school anthropology that is a type of indian curry dothead like nordid is a type of european or sinid is a type of chinese)

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*Social assistent

Yes, the Austrians are as weird as hell, I'm sure you fit in perfectly.
I say it because you look like an Arab. Have you ever considered growing a long beard?
You also said Allah Snackbar and even if i were Arab (which im not) or looked like an Arab, im not muslim, nor are all arabs muslims. Im also not sure i look like a arab or all arabs are very exotic, bella hadid is arab, the model, and so was the apple founder steve jobs, they were not muslims and were just white in america. Maybe also you mistake indians with turban for arabs, but arabs dont look like indians, and are less brown and exotic. I think you are dumb or a jew.
jews hate arabs, or the republican type jews (not the liberal type jews i guess), i guess you are such a jew (since your profile says trumplandia), or if not you are a goyim who is a zionist, like many american goyim, you guys are also all circumsized, from jewish influences in europe males are not circumsized and you can tell jews from christians or goyim apart if they are circumsized or not.
Well CAN YOU? It is Football Season. I mean real Football, not the one with the net
What do you mean with football season? In which context or with which aim did you said or is it a question? To some i can pass and to some i cant. But many said i can pass, and some said can nearly pass. But only now as adult, as kid and teenager i had more remarks regarding my alien look.
What do you mean with football season? In which context or with which aim did you said or is it a question? To some i can pass and to some i cant. But many said i can pass, and some said can nearly pass. But only now as adult, as kid and teenager i had more remarks regarding my alien look.
Your problem is you worry to much what others think.
Your problem is you worry to much what others think.
No I dont really, I ask for fun only because i have joy discussing such things, like someone collects baseball cards, its something i enjoy posting on social media and discussing, it doesnt always is the same though discussion, i discuss many things, for example religion too or relationships, not only look and race, but i could understand if i would, because remarks about your alieness, can affect you, and its legit.

Why do you think they stopped making remarks about my alien look​

To some i can pass and to some i cant. But many said i can pass, and some said can nearly pass (like a old grandfather in hospital where i had back surgery). But only now as adult, as kid and teenager i had more remarks regarding my alien look.


  • I look different then as kid? (Eventhough I dont think so)
  • It got more diverse and accepting of differences then 30 years ago
  • I changed my attitude, now i say im asian, and say im colored, i dont get offended either when someone says im muslim, i actually think highly of islam, and act as muslim sometimes (and now that i do that it causes the oppossite that people say "but listen you are not a colored person or you arent really a brown person) - when i said im a serb, people said "no you dont look like one you are persian, egyptian, indian".... Do you think that is a psychological effect somehow which triggers in one direction and vice versa?
  • I dont go as much anymore into truly native crowds, i meet native people individuals but not as many anymore as at school for example, where there are really many natives, so there isnt as much opportunity for people making remarks about my alien look?

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