Do you think people you disagree with should be shot?

Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?
Right wingers don't shoot you.

They push you out of helicopters silly.
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With respect, you have parsed and minced my words. Ideological expression and discourse are one thing, on one hand. However, Bill, when an outside ideology born of an epistemology and philosophy engineered to destroy and replace the founding philosophy of our Founding Fathers is weaponized and aimed or applied to that purpose, then and only then must we fight such and ideology tooth and nail.

What I read from reading you, and who knows, I am likely wrong, is you seem to believe there's no such thing as a harmful anti-American or anti-Western ideology, one harmful enough to destroy our nation. In answer to that, please see the lead up to the French Revolution.
What weaponized ideology are you referring to.

While I believe you are a highly intelligent individual who is playing coy pulling my leg with slightly dumbed down post modern Deconstructionist and Critical Theories, I will humor you.

Utopian, French Enlightenment Era, atheism based, Radical Revolutionary, Hegelian Dialectic, Marxist, Antipositivistc, Moral Nihilism, Moral Relativism, Historical Revisionism Extreme Left Leftism.

Now that I have answered you question thoroughly, Bill, I anxiously await the next manner-strategy you will employ, oh so tactically, to rephrase your same question in another effort to pretend you don't know what I am talking about.

Oh yes, I forgot to include Marquis de Sade's brand of atheistic, pro-abortion, pro-bestiality culture of abusing women, animals and all other humans and living things beneath the heavens.
I would personally make the re-read the Constitution. Especially the Second Amendment. And if "stand your ground" rule fails, then I would shoot them on the spot!

After the crazy left torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day and Hollywood celebs threatened the President with everything from arson to assault to murder and at least one grade B list starlet had herself photographed with a facsimile of the President's bloody severed head it was logical that the left would take even more violent measures to vent their frustration about the election. It seems that democrat activist and Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson was recruited by the left wing's new vision of anarchy when he loaded up his van with guns and headed to Washington D.C. on a suicide mission. After he was killed by Washington D.C. officers, they found a list of every conservative republican in congress on his body. Apparently it was common knowledge that Hodgkinson met with high ranking democrat operatives before he opened fire on a republican baseball team but the liberal media wasn't curious and they buried the story faster than Hodgkinson. It's likely that the FBI leadership engaged in an attempted coup on a sitting President so it's not surprising that they failed to come to the obvious conclusion that the Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was motivated by hatred when he opened fire on a celebration that the left wing media characterized as "noting but a Trump rally". They buried that story faster than Paddock too.
they have their reasons also....and the far left is "out there" too....
Name me one leftist group that is as "out there" as:
  • the Freedom Caucus
  • the Bagger Nation
  • Unite the Right
  • Americans for Prosperity
  • Freedom Works
  • Pumpkin-head
  • the Proud Boys
.Antifa is just as "out there" as any of those righty groups....BAMN is another one....Ultraviolet....
Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?

While I believe you are a highly intelligent individual who is playing coy pulling my leg with slightly dumbed down post modern Deconstructionist and Critical Theories, I will humor you.

Utopian, French Enlightenment Era, atheism based, Radical Revolutionary, Hegelian Dialectic, Marxist, Antipositivistc, Moral Nihilism, Moral Relativism, Historical Revisionism Extreme Left Leftism.

Now that I have answered you question thoroughly, Bill, I anxiously await the next manner-strategy you will employ, oh so tactically, to rephrase your same question in another effort to pretend you don't know what I am talking about.

Oh yes, I forgot to include Marquis de Sade's brand of atheistic, pro-abortion, pro-bestiality culture of abusing women, animals and all other humans and living things beneath the heavens.
I'm sorry, I don't see what you listed as threats.
Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?

Only with a thick rubber band in the eyeball.... other than that I love ya 'all !
Although there are a lot of people at this messageboard I think are disgusting, wrong, delusional, out there, sick, etc., I would never want any of them shot. Nor do I think of them as the enemy. Or evil. Even though I have said that on occasion. One of the things that makes this country great, is the fact that we can talk about our differences without going all Proud boy on each other.

What say you? You think liberals should be shot?

No but Trump haters certainly think so that's what Democrats are all about.

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