Do you think the Louisiana Shooter represents Conservatives, Tea Partiers and White people?

Do you think Houser is a representative of the Tea Party, white people, or conservatives in general?

  • Yes, he represents conservatives

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • No, he is a murderer, not representative of anyone

    Votes: 28 77.8%

  • Total voters


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?
About like Westboro Baptist Church and Fred Phelps represent all Libs!!!!:badgrin:, he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?
Actually, he seemed to be an advocate of Hitler, the KKK, and various fascists. All Big-govt-pushing dictators, who were much closer to today's leftists than to conservatives.

I saw one report where one leftist announced he was a "Tea Party racist" - apparently not knowing that TEA Party people aren't racists.

There is NO evidence that the guy had anything to do with conservatives or conservatism.

Since you brought it up, and are insisting that we find some political affiliation for this guy, it's clear that he's a leftist.

Nice try.

I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

Who the fuck is John Houser?

What the fuck is it with these wags who just come on here assuming everybody knows what they're talking about?
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

Who the fuck is John Houser?

What the fuck is it with these wags who just come on here assuming everybody knows what they're talking about?
He's the Lafayette shooter all over the news today.
About as much as Franciso Sanchez who shot Kathryn Steinle represents all immigrants legal and illegal or Mohammad Abdulazeez represents all Muslims., he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?
But conservatives were just saying last week the Chatanooga shooter represents all Muslims. So if we apply that logic here...
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?
But conservatives were just saying last week the Chatanooga shooter represents all Muslims. So if we apply that logic here...
Er, no, they weren't. Faulty premise, dismissed.
About like Westboro Baptist Church and Fred Phelps represent all Libs!!!!:badgrin:
Yeah. Sure. Fred Phelps and his gang of knuckleheads form a circle, join hands, wear Birkenstocks and sing Kumbya.

And you're an idiot.

Half of what I posted here is true.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

Who the fuck is John Houser?

What the fuck is it with these wags who just come on here assuming everybody knows what they're talking about?
He's the Lafayette shooter all over the news today.

:dunno: Have yet to see it here., he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

So far, the only poster who's tried to pin this guy down to an ideology in this thread is declaring him a "leftist".

I notice you haven't "forced " him to "defend his position"...

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