Do you think the UN rep should be elected by national popular vote?

She is on my FB looks like her stupid poodle is enjoying the snow for the first time.


I meant this one


Cute dog
Great idea Matthew!! We can all sing Kumbya afterwards!!

Just kidding!! You're an idiot.

Fuck the UN.
Great idea Matthew!! We can all sing Kumbya afterwards!!

Just kidding!! You're an idiot.

Fuck the UN.
Oh, c'mon now...

The New York International Toothless Old Ladies Debate Club (a.k.a. the United Nations) has its place...

Every once in a while, folks need a place to sit and talk things out...

Every once in a while...
The UN is nothing more than a stage to propagandize against the evils of the free world and capitalism while at the same time demanding we pay more for nothing. Its time to send the UN to Europe and reduce our financial commitments.
Do you think the UN reps in the general assembly and the United states UN sectary be elected by national popular vote?

I think so as these post represent this country to the world and have voting power on the security council but also when it comes to where our money goes to broader world wide issues like refugees, wars and famine.

Maybe if we the people had some say in it we'd warm to it and be more accepting.
You've lost your mind.
Since the UN has absolutely no power to enact or enforce laws in the US it doesn't matter.

The UN is the biggest circle jerk in the history of mankind and it's time some other country foot bill for it
The UN is nothing more than a stage to propagandize against the evils of the free world and capitalism while at the same time demanding we pay more for nothing. Its time to send the UN to Europe and reduce our financial commitments.
Brussels would do nicely.
Do you think the UN reps in the general assembly and the United states UN sectary be elected by national popular vote?

I think so as these post represent this country to the world and have voting power on the security council but also when it comes to where our money goes to broader world wide issues like refugees, wars and famine.

Maybe if we the people had some say in it we'd warm to it and be more accepting.
You've lost your mind.
No great loss.

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