Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

Full auto rubber bullets that sting like a mother, mow them down then cuff and stuff those lawless thugs into police vans. Lock them up until they learn we have laws in this country and thuggery looting, burning, and rioting like a bunch of animals will not be permitted.
When protests turn to violent riots, they deserve to be killed. They are out there burning, looting, beating, and killing. Fuck them.

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Did it take a bloodbath?
He tried at Berkeley, which some would consider a bloodbath, and celebrated the Kent State bloodbath.

He tried at Berkeley

He called for a bloodbath and it didn't happen?

Maybe he didn't really call for one, eh?
Yes he called for a bloodbath. The closest he came to personally ordering one was at Berkeley where hundreds suffered shotgun wounds and thousands were tear gassed.

Yes he called for a bloodbath.

He was in charge of the National Guard.
They had guns and helicopters. If he wanted a bloodbath, they could have killed thousands of Commie protestors.
Good news for you, your hope for a real bloodbath is alive and kicking, as you and your rabble have managed to nominate a lunatic who would jump at the chance.

Check your hat. There seems to be a rip in the tin foil.
Jesus Christ. This boy done lost his marbles. LE isn't centrally controlled. Every state, city, county has their own force and not accountable to the president. That's apart from the hysteria in your post.

What I have advocated for many years is water canons. Why don't we use them? Clears the streets fast.

They did, I remember it clearly from when I was a teen. Women and children included.

Didn't clear the streets. Only made them more persistent.

Those people had legitimate grievances. The people in Charlotte are just thugs.
In a few of his speeches he did say that America use to be tougher and that is what he wanted. So roughing people up or shooting them maybe something he'd do.

When you can't pin anything real on Trump, you just make stuff up.

How beautifully liberal!
Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

I think he would do it in a second. Especially of the police were white and the protesters black or Hispanic.

And if Trump becomes president, you know he will spend a fortune, with GOP approval of course, for all kinds of new military riot gear.

Do you think this shit up all yourself or is your ten year old sister your source?
Jesus Christ. This boy done lost his marbles. LE isn't centrally controlled. Every state, city, county has their own force and not accountable to the president. That's apart from the hysteria in your post.

What I have advocated for many years is water canons. Why don't we use them? Clears the streets fast.

They did, I remember it clearly from when I was a teen. Women and children included.

Didn't clear the streets. Only made them more persistent.

Those people had legitimate grievances. The people in Charlotte are just thugs.

You don't want civil unrest ? Try not killing unarmed citizens and then plant a gun on the body to cover your tracks .
Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

I think he would do it in a second. Especially of the police were white and the protesters black or Hispanic.

And if Trump becomes president, you know he will spend a fortune, with GOP approval of course, for all kinds of new military riot gear.
Absolutely. Look at how righties celebrate the Kent State shootings. Reagan called for a "bloodbath" of American Citizens, and he's the most celebrated republican of all time. Trump would order a total massacre in a heartbeat.
I asked my colonel in the army about kent state.
He said, tyrone if you do something stupid I'll chew you out and you'll eventually leave the army and get on with your life.
But if you unlawfully shoot someone, You'll be in and out of court the rest of your life.
Jesus Christ. This boy done lost his marbles. LE isn't centrally controlled. Every state, city, county has their own force and not accountable to the president. That's apart from the hysteria in your post.

What I have advocated for many years is water canons. Why don't we use them? Clears the streets fast.

They did, I remember it clearly from when I was a teen. Women and children included.

Didn't clear the streets. Only made them more persistent.

Those people had legitimate grievances. The people in Charlotte are just thugs.

You don't want civil unrest ? Try not killing unarmed citizens and then plant a gun on the body to cover your tracks .
LOL, you've been watching to much Copland.
Jesus Christ. This boy done lost his marbles. LE isn't centrally controlled. Every state, city, county has their own force and not accountable to the president. That's apart from the hysteria in your post.

What I have advocated for many years is water canons. Why don't we use them? Clears the streets fast.
I think rdean enjoys showing everyone he isn't too smucking fart.
ah @@@@ LOL
Reagan called for a "bloodbath" of American Citizens,

When did he do that? Where?
The next year, anti-war demonstrations caused more protests and a riot at UC Santa Barbara.

"If it takes a bloodbath to silence the demonstrators," Reagan said, "let's get it over with."

Hard line helped him win, flexibility helped him stay / Ability to compromise replaced his tough stance against UC student protests

Did it take a bloodbath?
He tried at Berkeley, which some would consider a bloodbath, and celebrated the Kent State bloodbath.

He tried at Berkeley

He called for a bloodbath and it didn't happen?

Maybe he didn't really call for one, eh?
Yes he called for a bloodbath. The closest he came to personally ordering one was at Berkeley where hundreds suffered shotgun wounds and thousands were tear gassed.
But it's pretty good for cleaning out the sinuses.
The next year, anti-war demonstrations caused more protests and a riot at UC Santa Barbara.

"If it takes a bloodbath to silence the demonstrators," Reagan said, "let's get it over with."

Hard line helped him win, flexibility helped him stay / Ability to compromise replaced his tough stance against UC student protests

Did it take a bloodbath?
He tried at Berkeley, which some would consider a bloodbath, and celebrated the Kent State bloodbath.

He tried at Berkeley

He called for a bloodbath and it didn't happen?

Maybe he didn't really call for one, eh?
Yes he called for a bloodbath. The closest he came to personally ordering one was at Berkeley where hundreds suffered shotgun wounds and thousands were tear gassed.
But it's pretty good for cleaning out the sinuses.
Maybe he was just concerned about their health :dunno:
Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

I think he would do it in a second. Especially of the police were white and the protesters black or Hispanic.

And if Trump becomes president, you know he will spend a fortune, with GOP approval of course, for all kinds of new military riot gear.

you feeling ok??
Did it take a bloodbath?
He tried at Berkeley, which some would consider a bloodbath, and celebrated the Kent State bloodbath.

He tried at Berkeley

He called for a bloodbath and it didn't happen?

Maybe he didn't really call for one, eh?
Yes he called for a bloodbath. The closest he came to personally ordering one was at Berkeley where hundreds suffered shotgun wounds and thousands were tear gassed.

Yes he called for a bloodbath.

He was in charge of the National Guard.
They had guns and helicopters. If he wanted a bloodbath, they could have killed thousands of Commie protestors.
Good news for you, your hope for a real bloodbath is alive and kicking, as you and your rabble have managed to nominate a lunatic who would jump at the chance.

On what date did he call for the bloodbath? Any specifics?

your hope for a real bloodbath is alive and kicking

Thanks to our first "post-racial" president, many cities are already a bloodbath.
At least they get to loot the occasional CVS and WalMart, eh?
Jesus Christ. This boy done lost his marbles. LE isn't centrally controlled. Every state, city, county has their own force and not accountable to the president. That's apart from the hysteria in your post.

What I have advocated for many years is water canons. Why don't we use them? Clears the streets fast.

They did, I remember it clearly from when I was a teen. Women and children included.

Didn't clear the streets. Only made them more persistent.

Those people had legitimate grievances. The people in Charlotte are just thugs.

You don't want civil unrest ? Try not killing unarmed citizens and then plant a gun on
the body to cover your tracks .
LOL, you've been watching to much Copland.

Hmmmm I don't know . CPD has been really shady about this video . Usually they drop vids in a hot minute if it helps the police cause .

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