Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

While I agree with this Meme, the challenge we run into as a society is that there is a mindset willing not to classify such behavior as rioting or looting but rather "protesting". Liberals shit themselves when a bunch of Tea Partiers protest with American Flags yet clean up all of their trash yet they have no problem with people destroying cities, businesses and maiming and murdering people all because a person gets shot for not dropping a gun or going for the firearm of a police officer.
Full auto rubber bullets that sting like a mother, mow them down then cuff and stuff those lawless thugs into police vans. Lock them up until they learn we have laws in this country and thuggery looting, burning, and rioting like a bunch of animals will not be permitted.
Similar to Simians

What about those knock-out darts they use to subdue wild animals, which is what these "protesters" act like all the time?
Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

I think he would do it in a second. Especially of the police were white and the protesters black or Hispanic.

And if Trump becomes president, you know he will spend a fortune, with GOP approval of course, for all kinds of new military riot gear.

Only liberal democrats want to make it an issue of race, as opposed to a need to tackle the violence, vandalism, and crime in our cities. What about those cases where the officer involved in the killing happened to be an African American? Are we looking to seriously address violence, or are we more interested in grouping crimes that fit into our racial profile view of what we want America to look like?
Do you think Trump would tell police who are facing rioters to shoot to kill?

I think he would do it in a second. Especially of the police were white and the protesters black or Hispanic.

And if Trump becomes president, you know he will spend a fortune, with GOP approval of course, for all kinds of new military riot gear.
Absolutely. Look at how righties celebrate the Kent State shootings. Reagan called for a "bloodbath" of American Citizens, and he's the most celebrated republican of all time. Trump would order a total massacre in a heartbeat.

Reagan called for a "bloodbath" of American Citizens,

When did he do that? Where?
The next year, anti-war demonstrations caused more protests and a riot at UC Santa Barbara.

"If it takes a bloodbath to silence the demonstrators," Reagan said, "let's get it over with."

Hard line helped him win, flexibility helped him stay / Ability to compromise replaced his tough stance against UC student protests

I can see by the comment that it was in reference about rioters, which are not protestors but thugs acting in an aggressive and distructuve manner. I'm sure as governor he was commenting on the violence they would inflict upon authority figures in opposition to the police efforts to create order. I don't see any use of law officers towards violence beyond a statement surrounding thugs
I think he'd keep his nose out of it because he'll have his hands filled dealing with the mess he's been left. Until Washington is straightened up he'll stick with stuff that is rightfully on his plate and leave the state and local stuff alone.

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