Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The TEA protestors recognized the cops were there to do their job and maintain order, and they followed the rules.

I'm frankly wondering what the OWIES are trying to accomplish here? They honestly sound a bit selfish. "The rest of you should pay for my college!"


Because that's kind of what it's devolved down to. Boo-hoo, I owe a lot in college loans and I'm not getting that $50,000 job on graduation.

Not building up a lot of sympathy from someone like myself, who paid for college with miltiary service and working minimum wage jobs.

Let's concede, TEA and OWS both are really upset about the same thing- how our economic and governmental system is broken. Both have valid complaints about what some of the problems are.

But honestly, making life difficult for everyone else by occupying parks and campuses for days?

the tea people were a) older; b) had sporadic rallies; and c) weren't attacked by police like the Occupy people were in Oakland and UC Davis. To be fair, the police then also weren't paid 4.6 million to protect corporate interests like the NYPD were either.

just saying.
They didn't break the law, either.

Just sayin'.
I have a feeling when this happens to Tea Partiers,many on this Board are going to feel differently. We should not allow our Police to meet peaceful protests with ignorance & brutality. That goes for all peaceful protesters.

You haven't kept up. Your Tea Party people would not be in a situation where the police would have any reason or purpose to use any type of force. Simply not going to happen.....

Well then their movement will die and they'll never achieve anything. Check out what the original Tea Party was all about. Kissing the jack-booters' asses aint gonna get them anywhere. Pissing off the jack-booters is what they should be striving for. You think the King and the English were pleased with our original Tea Partiers? So if the jack-booters are pleased with the Tea Partiers,then they have failed. Our original Tea Partiers understood that.

Different laws, different times. Could the original Tea Party have gotten people elected into the Kings court? Can you understand that?
Check out what the original Tea Party was all about. Kissing the jack-booters' asses aint gonna get them anywhere.

the orginal tea party were not pussies who would cry about pepper spray

they killed their oppressors

bring it ows

Well today's Tea Partiers don't seem to be resembling the original Tea Partiers in any way. If you aren't pissing off the powers that be,you aren't a real protest group. You have to shake things up to get anything done. Look at what the original Tea Partiers did. They pissed the King and the English off. They didn't only play nice-nice with them. So if you want to get something done and make them listen,you better be willing to get your hands dirtied a bit.
As an anti-government protest the TP could not possibly have worked without tons of lobbyist cash, OWS does not not have a money firehose, they have only their bodies and minds and determination, is it scary to see such determination from a group most of you have written off as worthless human waste?

Oh my, so dramatic.:lol:

I'll take that as a yes.

You shouldnt. the system worked so well it sparked democrats to cry terrorist at any spending cut.

There is a reason you address government and not some tree in the park.
As an anti-government protest the TP could not possibly have worked without tons of lobbyist cash, OWS does not not have a money firehose, they have only their bodies and minds and determination, is it scary to see such determination from a group most of you have written off as worthless human waste?

Oh my, so dramatic.:lol:

I'll take that as a yes.

Take it any way you choose, continue to amuse me.:D
You haven't kept up. Your Tea Party people would not be in a situation where the police would have any reason or purpose to use any type of force. Simply not going to happen.....

Not as long as you are a "Good American".

And I am one of Americas best............

I bet you are, I thought my reference to the "Good German" might have been a little too obscure, glad to see you understand.
Well today's Tea Partiers don't seem to be resembling the original Tea Partiers in any way. If you aren't pissing off the powers that be,you aren't a real protest group. You have to shake things up to get anything done.

wait wut

the tea party shook it up through lawful elections and have neutered or prevented everything the "powers that be" have tried since 2010...

not through dissent doodie and arm locked circles

got er done
As an anti-government protest the TP could not possibly have worked without tons of lobbyist cash, OWS does not not have a money firehose, they have only their bodies and minds and determination, is it scary to see such determination from a group most of you have written off as worthless human waste?

Did you miss this?

Living like Gordon Gekko! Wall Street protesters Occupy luxurious five star hotel

Read more: Occupy Wall Street protesters living like Gordon Gekko in five star W Hotel Downtown | Mail Online

No money? Really? The W is going to be pissed when he tries to check out.....
And I am one of Americas best............

I bet you are, I thought my reference to the "Good German" might have been a little too obscure, glad to see you understand.
Negged for calling Ollie a Nazi, for Godwinning, and most of all for calling the USA a Nazi state.


I do so enjoy a good negging, Did I call anyone a Nazi? I inferred that the people who go along with tyranny and turn their backs on it's injustices have nothing to worry about, usually.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.
You have a point (if I understand it correctly) - when I was watching the video, besides the outrage I was surprised (but not a lot) that the others did not jump on those cops, but it's easy for me to say, but I think they really should start bringing guns to the movement for situations like this.

However, I also noticed that the gun totters also are not nearly as tough when it came to defend their neighbors from banks/police reposessing their homes. most were out in Iraq partying (or liberating something, whatever)

Take your suggestions of armed resistance to the police somewhere else, not interested.
Wait -- I thought you all were protest badasses.

Guess not. :lol:
I bet you are, I thought my reference to the "Good German" might have been a little too obscure, glad to see you understand.
Negged for calling Ollie a Nazi, for Godwinning, and most of all for calling the USA a Nazi state.


I do so enjoy a good negging, Did I call anyone a Nazi? I inferred that the people who go along with tyranny and turn their backs on it's injustices have nothing to worry about, usually.

The neg still stands in spite of your cowardice.
You have a point (if I understand it correctly) - when I was watching the video, besides the outrage I was surprised (but not a lot) that the others did not jump on those cops, but it's easy for me to say, but I think they really should start bringing guns to the movement for situations like this.

However, I also noticed that the gun totters also are not nearly as tough when it came to defend their neighbors from banks/police reposessing their homes. most were out in Iraq partying (or liberating something, whatever)

Take your suggestions of armed resistance to the police somewhere else, not interested.
Wait -- I thought you all were protest badasses.

Guess not. :lol:

Im disappointed.

Not a single dont taz me bro in the entire thing. Damn pepper spray.
The Tea Party is part of the problem; OWS is part of the solution.

When the solution is violence and preventing people from living their lives and operating their businesses so they can feed , clothe, and house their families; then you are in the wrong country.
Still wondering if any of them would have stood their ground in the face of official resistance. I guess all this talk of watering the tree was just talk, they are just looking for the right (republican) tyrant to bow down to.

Sorry, can't hear you...your voice is muffled up there in Obama's transverse colon.
Negged for calling Ollie a Nazi, for Godwinning, and most of all for calling the USA a Nazi state.


I do so enjoy a good negging, Did I call anyone a Nazi? I inferred that the people who go along with tyranny and turn their backs on it's injustices have nothing to worry about, usually.

The neg still stands in spite of your cowardice.

Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.
There is no right to break the law, damage public and private property, commit assault, rape, and be a danger to public health.

If you can find instances of TEA Party members doing any of that, you'll have a point. Until then, you don't.

Beating a dead horse, and we can hear the record skipping. Still falling into the bullshit of the "right wing vs left wing". Do you ever attempt to look deeper into the issues?

Is there anything that you agree with "the other side" about? Or do you label everyone a liberal who doesn't agree with you?

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