Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

I do so enjoy a good negging, Did I call anyone a Nazi? I inferred that the people who go along with tyranny and turn their backs on it's injustices have nothing to worry about, usually.

The neg still stands in spite of your cowardice.

Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.
When ever the lawful protection of my rights becomes oppression, we'll have tyranny.

Until then, you remain retarded and a coward.
Negged for calling Ollie a Nazi, for Godwinning, and most of all for calling the USA a Nazi state.


I do so enjoy a good negging, Did I call anyone a Nazi? I inferred that the people who go along with tyranny and turn their backs on it's injustices have nothing to worry about, usually.

The neg still stands in spite of your cowardice.

As does mine, but then he is starved for attention.
Still trying to see how people seemingly obsessed with tyranny are cheering at the use of government force to shut down free speech. How can minds so compartmentalized even function?
OWS rights were not suppressed. Don't be stupid...unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
I do so enjoy a good negging, Did I call anyone a Nazi? I inferred that the people who go along with tyranny and turn their backs on it's injustices have nothing to worry about, usually.

The neg still stands in spite of your cowardice.

Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The OWS crowd is not civil.

When the police ask you to move, you move
That's what I thought, bad hygene and stubbornness is all the reason they need to spray chemical weapons into the faces of unarmed and non violent Americans. If they will do it to them they will do it to you under the right circumstances, also, it must be nice to feel that you actually have a voice in your elected representatives, I have no idea what that is like.
I was right. You can't help being stupid.

Morons were pepper-sprayed because they broke the law. Your victimhood fantasies are meaningless.

Grow up, dumbass kid.

The neg still stands in spite of your cowardice.

Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.
Still trying to see how people seemingly obsessed with tyranny are cheering at the use of government force to shut down free speech. How can minds so compartmentalized even function?

The system for change was set up.

If you wish for insurrection grow a pair.........

The system for change has been hijacked by big money lobbyists guess we should all just give it up as a lost cause? Not on your life.
Yeah! You keep shitting in the park! That'll show 'em! Speak truth to power!!

:rofl: Dumbass.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

You are an Idiot. The Rules of Civil Disobedience are designed to protect the Participants.
You are pissing on Gandhi, MLK, Thoreau, Locke. The reach out is to the Civil in Society, Moron. When you advocate violence, you slam that door shut, it is then beat down time and Game Over, Forfeit.

If you are not willing to take risk, you have no place at a Demonstration. If you are not willing to abide by the code of Non Violence, you have no business being there. You are unnecessarily, and without consent, putting people at risk. The Organizers don't want you there undermining the cause.

Tea Party Members are not doing Civil Disobedience, to my knowledge, nor are they resisting arrest. If you have a link that proves otherwise please share it.
Or you could learn to distinguish between a Demonstration and a Rally.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The OWS crowd is not civil.

When the police ask you to move, you move

That is true. I think that most of us would move if a cop were to tell us that he/she was about to blast our faces with OC. But because ALL cops have to be blasted in the face with this stuff before they're allowed to use it....what this cop did bordered on sadistic, and he almost appeared to enjoy it.

I do not agree at all with how he carried out this attack in California. He gives good and honest cops a bad name. He belongs in the unemployment check line.
Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.
Pure projection. I don't think it gets any more pure than that.

You are a retard.
Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.

You clearly have no concept of Unalienable Rights, or Right and wrong.
As an anti-government protest the TP could not possibly have worked without tons of lobbyist cash, OWS does not not have a money firehose, they have only their bodies and minds and determination, is it scary to see such determination from a group most of you have written off as worthless human waste?

for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

You are an Idiot. The Rules of Civil Disobedience are designed to protect the Participants.
You are pissing on Gandhi, MLK, Thoreau, Locke. The reach out is to the Civil in Society, Moron. When you advocate violence, you slam that door shut, it is then beat down time and Game Over, Forfeit.

If you are not willing to take risk, you have no place at a Demonstration. If you are not willing to abide by the code of Non Violence, you have no business being there. You are unnecessarily, and without consent, putting people at risk. The Organizers don't want you there undermining the cause.

Tea Party Members are not doing Civil Disobedience, to my knowledge, nor are they resisting arrest. If you have a link that proves otherwise please share it.
Or you could learn to distinguish between a Demonstration and a Rally.

Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.

You really are in LALA land aren't you. No Idea that I would to this day stand up and protect your right to be an idiot. I took an oath, A copy of it hangs on the wall in this room I am sitting in. I still respect that oath. Do you have any clue what SFC means?
Don't talk to me about rights...........
Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.

being PAID to abridge the rights of YOUR POLITICAL OPPOSITES and Occupying places that DON'T BELONG TO YOU is NOT some Nobel movement..I'd call them COWARDS..
But you are good little sheep following your higher up masters who are paying you. you must FEEL PROUD.
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