Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.

Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I've always said that the people who want the job are the very ones who can't be trusted with it. :cool:

I'm guessing that you're speaking of our "legislators"? I think that these crooks (inside traders) need to be set free, so that they can be the stock brokers that they dream of being. Let them go, so that they can trade and play by the rules like the rest of us.

This is OUR (mine, yours, and all Americans) country, too. We have a right to have people in office who are looking out for our best interest. If we can get past this left and right issue, and get these narcissists out of office, MAYBE we can elect some people who actually want to legislate for the common man. I'm sick of it, and judging from your posts, I would say that you are as well.
Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I'm wondering why OWS not only does NOT eject those who give them a bad name, they have vigils/moments of silence/whatever to show their support of someone who shoots at the White House.

Whatever message they have, many cannot get past their means and what they are.

I think is has to do with Consensus. You know.... Rudderless and Powerless. Unable to decide or take decisive action.
AND that.

They started off with little cred from the get go - having grievances and demands then not having them. Having them again, then not having them.

When they went violent, done deal for me.

for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

We change things the right way, at the Ballot Box. OWS just wants to intimidate people into giving them what they want.
Bedtime people, have to be standing on the jobsite at day break. Feel free to continue defending tyranny while I sleep, see ya tomorrow.

Bedtime people. Gotta get back in the tent before the last cot is taken, and i'll be standing outside at daybreak when the cops come and kick us out of here, AGAIN!. See ya' tomorrow, if i'm not sitting in jail.

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Bedtime people, have to be standing on the jobsite at day break. Feel free to continue defending tyranny while I sleep, see ya tomorrow.

Bedtime people. Gotta back in the tent before the last cot is taken, and i'll be standing outside at daybreak when the cops come and kick us out of here, AGAIN!. See ya' tomorrow, if i'm not sitting in jail.


LMAO!!!! Hahahaha.. Now that was funny!
Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.

Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I'm wondering why OWS not only does NOT eject those who give them a bad name, they have vigils/moments of silence/whatever to show their support of someone who shoots at the White House.

Whatever message they have, many cannot get past their means and what they are.

The way that the kid words it, to me, can be interpreted in more than one way.

I can't decide if they are condemning it, or if they are celebrating it. He's not the most articulate individual.

What puzzles me, is that so many people say that this movement is "liberal". If indeed these people are celebrating that this lunatic was trying to assassinate the president, this tells me that they are most certainly not Obama supporters.

Anarchy...yes, I'll give you that one. If they were smart, they would totally denounce this psychosis. Socialism? That's a stretch.
Bedtime people, have to be standing on the jobsite at day break. Feel free to continue defending tyranny while I sleep, see ya tomorrow.

Bedtime people. Gotta back in the tent before the last cot is taken, and i'll be standing outside at daybreak when the cops come and kick us out of here, AGAIN!. See ya' tomorrow, if i'm not sitting in jail.



for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

We change things the right way, at the Ballot Box. OWS just wants to intimidate people into giving them what they want.

Even the ballot box is of questionable value, these days. One has to ask himself: Are these people that I'm voting for under the thumb of their biggest campaign contributors. I would like to think that you are right...that voting for a better candidate is a way to fight the system. But if said candidate is basically owned by the big corporations and is futile.

Do you agree....disagree?
Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I'm wondering why OWS not only does NOT eject those who give them a bad name, they have vigils/moments of silence/whatever to show their support of someone who shoots at the White House.

Whatever message they have, many cannot get past their means and what they are.

The way that the kid words it, to me, can be interpreted in more than one way.

I can't decide if they are condemning it, or if they are celebrating it. He's not the most articulate individual.

What puzzles me, is that so many people say that this movement is "liberal". If indeed these people are celebrating that this lunatic was trying to assassinate the president, this tells me that they are most certainly not Obama supporters.

Anarchy...yes, I'll give you that one. If they were smart, they would totally denounce this psychosis. Socialism? That's a stretch.

Do some research into the people who are supporting this so called movement. And while you are at it see if you can determine what outcome they are aiming for. I don't think most of them have any idea.
We have the right to assemble. Nowhere does it say the Police have to be there. So why are all these Police dressed in full military gear there? I guess they think it's a video game and can't wait to get shooting. Their 'Call of Duty' fantasy come to life i guess. These are peaceful protests for the most part. The Police seem to only instigate and provoke violence. The Police should be moved a good distance from these protests. They're just too gung-ho to attack.

These people are unarmed and do have the right to assemble. The Police should not be intruding on that right. They have over-stepped their bounds once again. Pepper Spraying some unarmed kids in the face who are peacefully protesting is pretty disgusting. The Police created all the violence. If they weren't there,the protest would have continued to be peaceful. The Police need to be moved back so the People can be free to protest peacefully.
We have the right to assemble. Nowhere does it say the Police have to be there.
That's about all you got right in your post.

You are dense. But, you are a truther, so that explains a lot.

lol! Nice. Whatever. We have the right to assemble. Why are the Police there at all? They're the ones causing most of the violence. These local Governments need to call the dogs off. They should order the Police to stay a certaint distance away from the protests. There wouldn't be any violence if they did this. Just let the People protest in peace. But i can see how that would bother the goose stepper fans. So i know it's not likely to happen.
We have the right to assemble. Nowhere does it say the Police have to be there. So why are all these Police dressed in full military gear there? I guess they think it's a video game and can't wait to get shooting. Their 'Call of Duty' fantasy come to life i guess. These are peaceful protests for the most part. The Police seem to only instigate and provoke violence. The Police should be moved a good distance from these protests. They're just too gung-ho to attack.

These people are unarmed and do have the right to assemble. The Police should not be intruding on that right. They have over-stepped their bounds once again. Pepper Spraying some unarmed kids in the face who are peacefully protesting is pretty disgusting. The Police created all the violence. If they weren't there,the protest would have continued to be peaceful. The Police need to be moved back so the People can be free to protest peacefully.
You're full o' shit.......but then, all twoofers are.

They do not have the right to assemble in a way that impedes on the rights of others, PERIOD!

That s why Cal State universities all have protest squares....That's where you PEACEFULLY protest, without infringing on the rights of those students who are there to get a damn education and get to class on time, without a bunch o' fuckin' morons shitting all over their rights to do so.

Seriously dude, what the fuck do you not understand about this, and how old are you?

No wonder that Ron Paul kook has zero chance......The Paulette's are just as ignorant as he is, and clear thinking people realize it.
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The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.
I'm wondering why OWS not only does NOT eject those who give them a bad name, they have vigils/moments of silence/whatever to show their support of someone who shoots at the White House.

Whatever message they have, many cannot get past their means and what they are.

The way that the kid words it, to me, can be interpreted in more than one way.

I can't decide if they are condemning it, or if they are celebrating it. He's not the most articulate individual.

What puzzles me, is that so many people say that this movement is "liberal". If indeed these people are celebrating that this lunatic was trying to assassinate the president, this tells me that they are most certainly not Obama supporters.

Anarchy...yes, I'll give you that one. If they were smart, they would totally denounce this psychosis. Socialism? That's a stretch.

Do some research into the people who are supporting this so called movement. And while you are at it see if you can determine what outcome they are aiming for. I don't think most of them have any idea.

I have, and some of it is crooked. Just like the tea partiers being supported by Freedomworks, Americans for prosperity, with the likes of Dick Armey, the Koch brothers, etc...

I think that both sides are being duped. It certainly keeps us fighting amongst ourselves.

Al Gore, George Soros...I'm sure there are more connected with Occupy. Feel free to fill in the blanks with both movements' financiers and supporters. I won't deny for one second that there are people over the movements with agendas.

This is why I don't get actively involved in either movement. And life in general is a little bit worse now than it was in 2009, when the Tea Party was nightly news. And if unemployment continues to grow and more and more people are living under bridges, or law school graduates are working at Walmart, protests will grow and violence of these movements will escalate.

Whether or not any of these people are barking up the wrong tree or not, it will progress.
The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.

The original Tea Party was all about that. If you're not pissing off the powers that be,you're a not real protest movement.
The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.

The original Tea Party was all about that. If you're not pissing off the powers that be,you're a not real protest movement.

Pissing off the powers that be does not equate to a willingness to break the law.
The original Tea Party was all about that. If you're not pissing off the powers that be,you're a not real protest movement.

You're correct. The Tea Party changed in 2009 when it was co-opted by the Republican Party and its deep-pocket funding sources. Before that, it was a libertarian movement, and didn't provoke the kind of response that Occupy has only because it was too small to be considered a real threat.

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