Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube

No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.

I don't see any provocation. I see some people sitting on the ground. If that's all it takes to "provoke" a violent response from the police - don't you think that's a problem?
Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube

No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.

So the Police can never be wrong? See i think that's becoming stale. They can be wrong and often are. And this is an example.

In teabag land - where they supposedly hate big government - the police are always right. They could have shot the protesters dead in the head and the tea party would have been 100% for it.
Still wondering if any of them would have stood their ground in the face of official resistance. I guess all this talk of watering the tree was just talk, they are just looking for the right (republican) tyrant to bow down to.

Why in the heck do you think they brought their guns with them?
Some posters on here continually use that fact to slap the TEA Party movement in the face with.
Can't have it BOTH ways.

Hum, I missed something. What about the guns? Other than those who were wearing them looked like jackasses. Most cops don't even wear their holsters when they go out.

Need to scroll back and find the gun reference.

If you have labeled them as 'jackasses' finding the comment might not mean anything to you.
Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube

No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.

Actually, these naive little college kids were initially protesting against tuition hikes. Then a small OWS group came on the scene and hi-jacked it for their own.
Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube

No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.

Actually, these naive little college kids were initially protesting against tuition hikes. Then a small OWS group came on the scene and hi-jacked it for their own.

Rising tuitions have largely been due to reductions in government subsidies for higher education - which is largely due to big business whining like bitches about how much they have to pay in taxes.

The goals are very much aligned.
No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.

Actually, these naive little college kids were initially protesting against tuition hikes. Then a small OWS group came on the scene and hi-jacked it for their own.

Rising tuitions have largely been due to reductions in government subsidies for higher education - which is largely due to big business whining like bitches about how much they have to pay in taxes.

The goals are very much aligned.

It's kind of a slap in the face when the Gov signs a bill into law allowing for undocumented students to be given massive amounts of financial aid, then turns around and raises tuition. There is more than 'whining big business', which the state chases out many big business by taxing them outrageously.
I laugh when people used to mock out 'Taxachusettes', compared to the state of affairs seen in Cali.
Actually, these naive little college kids were initially protesting against tuition hikes. Then a small OWS group came on the scene and hi-jacked it for their own.

Rising tuitions have largely been due to reductions in government subsidies for higher education - which is largely due to big business whining like bitches about how much they have to pay in taxes.

The goals are very much aligned.

It's kind of a slap in the face when the Gov signs a bill into law allowing for undocumented students to be given massive amounts of financial aid, then turns around and raises tuition. There is more than 'whining big business', which the state chases out many big business by taxing them outrageously.
I laugh when people used to mock out 'Taxachusettes', compared to the state of affairs seen in Cali.

The states were slashing higher education long before California decided to send kids of "illegal" aliens to school..
Yes they would. What else are they gonna do? Are they gonna take on the all-powerful Police/Prison State? They'll lock em up and throw away the key. It doesn't take too much to be labeled a 'Terrorist ' these days. The Patriot Act is full of all sorts of secret provisions. Americans have no idea how easy it would be for them to label a protester a 'Terrorist.' Oh well,such is life in the Police State. I guess most Americans wanted it though. And that's just plain depressing.
If the tea party was any kind of threat to the oligarchy then you can bet your ass there would have been riot cops out there.

Well the TMP actually has influenced the system through the voting booth...OWS has yet to accomplish that task.

Oh, don't you worry Sherry....that's coming. I bet you can't wait for it...right? :D

Oh, they'll influence their puppet politicians, but they'll get few if any new ones elected to office at any level of government.
The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.

Dear Lord! Just listen to yourself for a minute.

Protests you disagree with - bad.

Protests you agree with - good.

How fucking moronic is that.

The TEA Party is as much a movement for change as the OWS. It's your fucking moronic opinions that stop you from seeing that.

This pathetic, mindless 'this protest is legitimate' but 'that one is illegitimate' is breathtakingly stupid.
Yes they would. What else are they gonna do? Are they gonna take on the all-powerful Police/Prison State? They'll lock em up and throw away the key. It doesn't take too much to be labeled a 'Terrorist ' these days. The Patriot Act is full of all sorts of secret provisions. Americans have no idea how easy it would be for them to label a protester a 'Terrorist.' Oh well,such is life in the Police State. I guess most Americans wanted it though. And that's just plain depressing.

Out of 300,000,000 Americans can you tell us how many have been falsely arrested under the Patriot Act?
Yes they would. What else are they gonna do? Are they gonna take on the all-powerful Police/Prison State? They'll lock em up and throw away the key. It doesn't take too much to be labeled a 'Terrorist ' these days. The Patriot Act is full of all sorts of secret provisions. Americans have no idea how easy it would be for them to label a protester a 'Terrorist.' Oh well,such is life in the Police State. I guess most Americans wanted it though. And that's just plain depressing.

Out of 300,000,000 Americans can you tell us how many have been falsely arrested under the Patriot Act?

How would anyone know that? And what makes you think you have the right to know that? They don't have to tell you anything. And besides,if they want to brand you a Terrorist they can. You have very little real recourse. Who are you? Your a nobody. You can't match their power and resources. They could erase you right now if they wanted to and there is nothing you could do about it. They have access to every aspect of your life. You're very existence could be completely erased at the drop of a hat. You only know what they want you to know. And what you don't know is really all that matters.
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for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Your average tea partying would never be stupid enough to put themselves in that situation.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Your average tea partying would never be stupid enough to put themselves in that situation.

Yes they know when to knuckle under and obey the government.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Your average tea partying would never be stupid enough to put themselves in that situation.

Yes they know when to knuckle under and obey the government.

And what are you fighting for Einstein? Bigger more Intrusive Government? Censorship? Control? More Control? And More Control? Let's not forget Control. ;)
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Your average tea partying would never be stupid enough to put themselves in that situation.

Well then they have no heart and are not a real protest group. And the real reason they would take their pepper spray assault is because they have no choice. Are they really gonna fight back against the Police/Prison State? Does anyone think they could win? They would immediately be labeled 'Terrorists' and never heard from again. That goes for anyone in the OWS movement too. Unfortunately we are all powerless in the Police/Prison State. We are 1984 now.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Your average tea partying would never be stupid enough to put themselves in that situation.

Well then they have no heart and are not a real protest group. And the real reason they would take their pepper spray assault is because they have no choice. Are they really gonna fight back against the Police/Prison State? Does anyone think they could win? They would immediately be labeled 'Terrorists' and never heard from again. That goes for anyone in the OWS movement too. Unfortunately we are all powerless in the Police/Prison State. We are 1984 now.

You're right they're not much of a protest group. They just helped stomp the democrats in 2010. :cuckoo:

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