Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

Yes they would. What else are they gonna do? Are they gonna take on the all-powerful Police/Prison State? They'll lock em up and throw away the key. It doesn't take too much to be labeled a 'Terrorist ' these days. The Patriot Act is full of all sorts of secret provisions. Americans have no idea how easy it would be for them to label a protester a 'Terrorist.' Oh well,such is life in the Police State. I guess most Americans wanted it though. And that's just plain depressing.

Out of 300,000,000 Americans can you tell us how many have been falsely arrested under the Patriot Act?

How would anyone know that? And what makes you think you have the right to know that? They don't have to tell you anything. And besides,if they want to brand you a Terrorist they can. You have very little real recourse. Who are you? Your a nobody. You can't match their power and resources. They could erase you right now if they wanted to and there is nothing you could do about it. They have access to every aspect of your life. You're very existence could be completely erased at the drop of a hat. You only know what they want you to know. And what you don't know is really all that matters.
Seriously, maaaaaaan, you just need to go hide and cower in your closet before the establishment forces come and drag you to your death......'cause the man is comin' to shit on your cosmic trip, bro.

Seriously, do you not understand how ridiculous and ignorant you truly make yourself out to be?

But then, it should come as no surprise to any of us, seeing as though you're one of the fringer, twoofer Paullette types.

Oh well, that's youngin's these days.:cuckoo:
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

No need to... we don't break the law and disobey lawful orders to disperse... we leave the illegal activities for you guys.

Frankly.... I saw that video and laughed my ass off.... what a bunch of idiotic, spoiled children. They should have fire hosed their asses too!
Out of 300,000,000 Americans can you tell us how many have been falsely arrested under the Patriot Act?

How would anyone know that? And what makes you think you have the right to know that? They don't have to tell you anything. And besides,if they want to brand you a Terrorist they can. You have very little real recourse. Who are you? Your a nobody. You can't match their power and resources. They could erase you right now if they wanted to and there is nothing you could do about it. They have access to every aspect of your life. You're very existence could be completely erased at the drop of a hat. You only know what they want you to know. And what you don't know is really all that matters.
Seriously, maaaaaaan, you just need to go hide and cower in your closet before the establishment forces come and drag you to your death......'cause the man is comin' to shit on your cosmic trip, bro.

Seriously, do you not understand how ridiculous and ignorant you truly make yourself out to be?

But then, it should come as no surprise to any of us, seeing as though you're one of the fringer, twoofer Paullette types.

Oh well, that's youngin's these days.:cuckoo:

I wish it was funny. Very few Americans understand how much their Government owns them. They have access to every aspect of their lives. They now have unlimited power. It really would be pretty easy for them to brand a Protester a 'Terrorist.' Much easier than most understand. They control the information. All of it. We are 1984 now. And it's nothing to laugh about.
Do you think that a person should always comply with a police order no matter what? What if they came for your guns?

You might want to actually make a comparison that was similar. Or keep making up Strawman arguments.
Again, what if they came for your guns sir? What do you do? What. Do. You. Do?

Oh i see what you did there. This is another one of those 'Tea Party = BAD but OWS = GOOD' posts. Oh boy,so exhausting. Same repetitive shyte. Why did i even bother? :(
This is the guy. This is the guy here. His posts absolutely CRACK me up. I can't get mad at this RWer. ever. LOL!! :lol:

I'm sure that some of the TEA party protestors would have preferred pepper spray over fist, feet, and protest signs to their faces and bodies delivered by SEIU thugs

jus sayin

i'm sure you'll be happy, horty, to provide credible documentation of that.

cause the only thing i saw happen to tea people was that they obstructed and interfered with town hall meetings of any representative they disagreed with... ranting and raving and shrieking.

Are you saying you don't remember Kenneth Gladney or

[ame=""]Tea Party Protesters Assaulted by Pro-Amnesty Socialist Group - YouTube[/ame]


It looks like EVERYBODY got lumps in that vid. I dunno who was who, but I saw fists and feet flying in all directions.


How would anyone know that? And what makes you think you have the right to know that? They don't have to tell you anything. And besides,if they want to brand you a Terrorist they can. You have very little real recourse. Who are you? Your a nobody. You can't match their power and resources. They could erase you right now if they wanted to and there is nothing you could do about it. They have access to every aspect of your life. You're very existence could be completely erased at the drop of a hat. You only know what they want you to know. And what you don't know is really all that matters.
Seriously, maaaaaaan, you just need to go hide and cower in your closet before the establishment forces come and drag you to your death......'cause the man is comin' to shit on your cosmic trip, bro.

Seriously, do you not understand how ridiculous and ignorant you truly make yourself out to be?

But then, it should come as no surprise to any of us, seeing as though you're one of the fringer, twoofer Paullette types.

Oh well, that's youngin's these days.:cuckoo:

I wish it was funny. Very few Americans understand how much their Government owns them. They have access to every aspect of their lives. They now have unlimited power. It really would be pretty easy for them to brand a Protester a 'Terrorist.' Much easier than most understand. They control the information. All of it. We are 1984 now. And it's nothing to laugh about.
And you wonder why your types are Ron Paul's Achille's heel....Why your types are his own worst enemy.

It's bad enough he shoots himself in the foot, CONSTANTLY, with his own abject lunacy, only to then have his fringer type supporters blow his friggin' brains out with their own abject lunacy.

BTW, where's that goofy blimp this time 'round?
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

These cops told the protesters to leave.. If the tea party was asked to leave I am positive they would have. Not saying what the cops did was right but it would not have happened to the tea party because they would have left when asked too
If the average tea-party person suffered as much as a splinter in their big toe that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that and taking their meds, they are a pint away from self-destruction.

If the average OWS shitter suffered as much as a shower, bath, or delousing, that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that, and taking their worm meds, they are a fifth away from a good hangover.

I think Rat is pretty funny too. There goes that shatter word again. Good come back Rat. LOL!!

for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

These cops told the protesters to leave.. If the tea party was asked to leave I am positive they would have. Not saying what the cops did was right but it would not have happened to the tea party because they would have left when asked too

So much for standing up to the government, I knew all that big talk was worth doodly-squat.
FIGHT THE POWER! FIGHT THE POWERS THAT BE!! You probably wont win but fight anyway. Have some dignity.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.
"Trampling their rights" is the operative word when it comes to describing the actions of the Tea Party!

[ame=]More video of Rand Paul Thugs Stomping Democratic Woman - YouTube[/ame]

You are a Retard. Do you want to know why? One Person Fucked up there, after the Lady stuck the sign in the side window. What that person did was wrong, stomping her on the head. He blew it, by being out of control. This act had nothing to do with being sanctioned by the Tea Party. Your Premise is filled with as much bullshit as you are. Considering the mountain of violence connected with OWS and the Cops, in comparison, it shows you for the low life you are. Grow up. When you incite, you get people hurt. Unless that is part of your agenda, why go there?

Intense, although I'm glad to see your sentiments expressing the wrongness of the tea-baggers stomping on that female student's head. I do recall the time when that happened. Do you recall essentially the entire USMB RW population flying to defense of the baggers for the stomping?

I recall certain members out rightly saying that she deserved it. Some were arguing that she used the sign as a weapon to shove in Paul's face.

Do you recall that?
Just heard UC Davis kids were protesting rise in tuition- has doubled in last 7 years...typical Pub/1% crappe...

Self appointed fascist CAMPUS cops have assault
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Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

Most would have to. It's not like they could run off.

for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

These cops told the protesters to leave.. If the tea party was asked to leave I am positive they would have. Not saying what the cops did was right but it would not have happened to the tea party because they would have left when asked too

So much for standing up to the government, I knew all that big talk was worth doodly-squat.

Are you so hard headed that you cannot understand? You cannot stand up to the Government, you've said as much yourself. But the Tea Party effectively has changed the government, whether you think for the good or bad is irrelevant, they did in fact change the government. I ask you again, what is the end result that OWS is looking for?
These cops told the protesters to leave.. If the tea party was asked to leave I am positive they would have. Not saying what the cops did was right but it would not have happened to the tea party because they would have left when asked too

So much for standing up to the government, I knew all that big talk was worth doodly-squat.

Are you so hard headed that you cannot understand? You cannot stand up to the Government, you've said as much yourself. But the Tea Party effectively has changed the government, whether you think for the good or bad is irrelevant, they did in fact change the government. I ask you again, what is the end result that OWS is looking for?
Good luck getting an HONEST answer to that one, Sarge.

I've tried many times, and it's become akin to :eusa_wall:
If the tea party was any kind of threat to the oligarchy then you can bet your ass there would have been riot cops out there.

Well the TMP actually has influenced the system through the voting booth...OWS has yet to accomplish that task.

Yeah that's a real fair comparison considering how many national elections we've had since the OWS movement started.

You teabaggers aren't the brightest are you?

First of all, dumbass, regarding a "threat"...well, if the TPM have made an impact through ONE election cycle, then they are a "threat" in your world. Second, in regards to the OWS, what the fuck part of "yet" escaped your little bird brain??:lol:
So much for standing up to the government, I knew all that big talk was worth doodly-squat.

Are you so hard headed that you cannot understand? You cannot stand up to the Government, you've said as much yourself. But the Tea Party effectively has changed the government, whether you think for the good or bad is irrelevant, they did in fact change the government. I ask you again, what is the end result that OWS is looking for?
Good luck getting an HONEST answer to that one, Sarge.

I've tried many times, and it's become akin to :eusa_wall:

End result? There is no final solution to corruption and fraud, it is a fight that never ends because avarice is always with us but a good start would be to make all lobbying activity as transparent as crystal, 100% public, donations, expenditures, contacts with congress and staff, all of it.
End result? There is no final solution to corruption and fraud, it is a fight that never ends because avarice is always with us but a good start would be to make all lobbying activity as transparent as crystal, 100% public, donations, expenditures, contacts with congress and staff, all of it.

and what did the democratic congress do to its democratic member caught on multiple counts of this last year ?

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