Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

End result? There is no final solution to corruption and fraud, it is a fight that never ends because avarice is always with us but a good start would be to make all lobbying activity as transparent as crystal, 100% public, donations, expenditures, contacts with congress and staff, all of it.

these laws exist now

what additional specifc legislation would you propose ?
End result? There is no final solution to corruption and fraud, it is a fight that never ends because avarice is always with us but a good start would be to make all lobbying activity as transparent as crystal, 100% public, donations, expenditures, contacts with congress and staff, all of it.

and what did the democratic congress do to its democratic member caught on multiple counts of this last year ?

Forced him out of congress.
End result? There is no final solution to corruption and fraud, it is a fight that never ends because avarice is always with us but a good start would be to make all lobbying activity as transparent as crystal, 100% public, donations, expenditures, contacts with congress and staff, all of it.

and what did the democratic congress do to its democratic member caught on multiple counts of this last year ?

Forced him out of congress.

rangle is still there
Whatever did I ever say to give anyone the impression that I am a partisan cheerleader, when I say politicians I mean all politicians. If I say the Washington machine sucks balls I mean the whole thing.
Are you so hard headed that you cannot understand? You cannot stand up to the Government, you've said as much yourself. But the Tea Party effectively has changed the government, whether you think for the good or bad is irrelevant, they did in fact change the government. I ask you again, what is the end result that OWS is looking for?
Good luck getting an HONEST answer to that one, Sarge.

I've tried many times, and it's become akin to :eusa_wall:

End result? There is no final solution to corruption and fraud, it is a fight that never ends because avarice is always with us but a good start would be to make all lobbying activity as transparent as crystal, 100% public, donations, expenditures, contacts with congress and staff, all of it.

I thought that was supposed to happen in the present administration.... At least that is what the great Obama promised............

Other than that all I see is a wish for anarchy, and I'll fight that tooth and nail.
Whatever did I ever say to give anyone the impression that I am a partisan cheerleader, when I say politicians I mean all politicians. If I say the Washington machine sucks balls I mean the whole thing.

red state hell as your location speaks volumes to me

If you lived here you would get sick of dumbass hillbillies too.
Your average Tea Partier wouldn't be behaving in a manner deserving of pepper spray- just sayin.....
Whatever did I ever say to give anyone the impression that I am a partisan cheerleader, when I say politicians I mean all politicians. If I say the Washington machine sucks balls I mean the whole thing.

red state hell as your location speaks volumes to me

If you lived here you would get sick of dumbass hillbillies too.
If you lived here, you would get sick of loony liberal morons, who are destroying everything about this great state.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Listen up, you little wannabe revolutionary twit; you and the rest of these sorry little lemmings couldn't start a real revolution in the lowliest two-bit banana republic. I've kept out of this until now, but I've heard enough whining from you. A little pepper spray? Child, there are men here you're talking to, who have faced a hell of a lot more than pepper spray for the sake of this nation and freedom, (things like land mines, artillery fire, bullets and armed enemy troops) and would gladly do it again, if they thought ANYONE was turning America into a dictatorship. And yes, that would include our own government, if it ever attempted to destroy the constitution we swore to support and defend against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic!

You already called a man here who spent most of his adult life thus serving his country a Nazi. The irony of it is that he spent a career ready to put his life on the line to protect YOUR freedom to call him that! Now, just who the hell are you to question anyone's courage? What the hell have you done for anyone's freedom, even your own, except piss, moan, whine and complain? Come on, let's hear it!
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Listen up, you little wannabe revolutionary twit; you and the rest of these sorry little lemmings couldn't start a real revolution in the lowliest two-bit banana republic. I've kept out of this until now, but I've heard enough whining from you. A little pepper spray? Child, there are men here you're talking to, who have faced a hell of a lot more than pepper spray for the sake of this nation and freedom, (things like land mines, artillery fire, bullets and armed enemy troops) and would gladly do it again, if they thought ANYONE was turning America into a dictatorship. And yes, that would include our own government, if it ever attempted to destroy the constitution we swore to support and defend against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic!

You already called a man here who spent most of his adult life thus serving his country a Nazi. The irony of it is that he spent a career ready to put his life on the line to protect YOUR freedom to call him that! Now, just who the hell are you to question anyone's courage? What the hell have you done for anyone's freedom, even your own, except piss, moan, whine and complain? Come on, let's hear it!
They're real tough in their college dorm rooms, or their mommy's basement.

And we all know they would be screaming for the cops help if some dirtbag was about to steal their lil' book bag, while on their way to their Abstract Flower Arts class
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These cops told the protesters to leave.. If the tea party was asked to leave I am positive they would have. Not saying what the cops did was right but it would not have happened to the tea party because they would have left when asked too

So much for standing up to the government, I knew all that big talk was worth doodly-squat.

Are you so hard headed that you cannot understand? You cannot stand up to the Government, you've said as much yourself. But the Tea Party effectively has changed the government, whether you think for the good or bad is irrelevant, they did in fact change the government. I ask you again, what is the end result that OWS is looking for?

They are looking for free everything for everybody. They will try to get it by intimidation and if they can't they will use violence.

They just can't take it.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Listen up, you little wannabe revolutionary twit; you and the rest of these sorry little lemmings couldn't start a real revolution in the lowliest two-bit banana republic. I've kept out of this until now, but I've heard enough whining from you. A little pepper spray? Child, there are men here you're talking to, who have faced a hell of a lot more than pepper spray for the sake of this nation and freedom, (things like land mines, artillery fire, bullets and armed enemy troops) and would gladly do it again, if they thought ANYONE was turning America into a dictatorship. And yes, that would include our own government, if it ever attempted to destroy the constitution we swore to support and defend against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic!

You already called a man here who spent most of his adult life thus serving his country a Nazi. The irony of it is that he spent a career ready to put his life on the line to protect YOUR freedom to call him that! Now, just who the hell are you to question anyone's courage? What the hell have you done for anyone's freedom, even your own, except piss, moan, whine and complain? Come on, let's hear it!
They're real tough in their college dorm rooms, or their mommy's basement.

And we all know they would be screaming for the cops help if some dirtbag was about to steal their lil' book bag, while on their way to their Abstract Flower Arts class

Don't forget their $700 a night hotel rooms.....
i don't think Teapartiers would be criminals.

So I guess that's where your comparison kinda breaks down.

Protesting is not a crime,it is a right.

That's true, if protesting is all you're doing. It's when they started stealing, raping, and pissing and crapping in public that it went from protesting to the garbage we're seeing now.
i don't think Teapartiers would be criminals.

So I guess that's where your comparison kinda breaks down.

Protesting is not a crime,it is a right.

That's true, if protesting is all you're doing. It's when they started stealing, raping, and pissing and crapping in public that it went from protesting to the garbage we're seeing now.
And when all that shit started, their support started going right down the friggin' tubes.....Clear thinking citizens no longer want to hear their so-called message, whatever it may be, and they are damn sure tired of those disrespectful, rude, destructive, and violent lil' whiners infringing on everybody elses rights.
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for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

It would be a very accurate statement to say MORE Tea Partiers have been
1) shot at by enemies.
2) wounded by enemies
3) tortured by enemies

the OWS protesters!

PLUS it would never happen since most Tea Partiers paid for permits, obeyed the laws and cleaned the areas better then when they arrived!

I will also GUARANTEE NOT ONE Tea partier CRAPPED on a police CAR!

Those idiot sprayed idiots WERE IGNORING police orders that were generated by elected officials that were elected by the 99%!
And 99% of the people do NOT want to see idiots crapping on police CARS!
After all you OWS supporters here... that's why babies wear diapers and just a reminder for you OWS supporters .. checked your diapers cause you evidently can't smell crap from where you sit!

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