Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

Listen up, you little wannabe revolutionary twit; you and the rest of these sorry little lemmings couldn't start a real revolution in the lowliest two-bit banana republic. I've kept out of this until now, but I've heard enough whining from you. A little pepper spray? Child, there are men here you're talking to, who have faced a hell of a lot more than pepper spray for the sake of this nation and freedom, (things like land mines, artillery fire, bullets and armed enemy troops) and would gladly do it again, if they thought ANYONE was turning America into a dictatorship. And yes, that would include our own government, if it ever attempted to destroy the constitution we swore to support and defend against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic!

You already called a man here who spent most of his adult life thus serving his country a Nazi. The irony of it is that he spent a career ready to put his life on the line to protect YOUR freedom to call him that! Now, just who the hell are you to question anyone's courage? What the hell have you done for anyone's freedom, even your own, except piss, moan, whine and complain? Come on, let's hear it!
They're real tough in their college dorm rooms, or their mommy's basement.

And we all know they would be screaming for the cops help if some dirtbag was about to steal their lil' book bag, while on their way to their Abstract Flower Arts class

But....but, they are REVOLUTIONARIES! Haven't you heard? If we don't give them what they want (whatever the hell THAT is) they are going to stage a redux of the French Revolution! REALLY, they are! All this crying over pepper spray? I wonder how they'll like being shot at; probably wet themselves and crap their drawers, if you ask me!:lol: Hell, back in the sixties, the cops would have started busting heads, by now. Pretentious little whiners, aren't they?
That they are!.....they all be Che's and shit!

Imagine what those lil' sissies would do in the CS Chamber in basic training?:cool:
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probably true.

but i know you don't think that what the cops did was ok. right?

OWS was bullshit. This is why it never got off the ground. Let's be honest. When you've got silver spooners out there backed by high powered media trying to whine about Wall Street it's not going to work.

Bad promo. Very bad promo. I used to do this for a living and even I was ready to sob at how Axelrod was trying to play this.

Sad, just sad.

Just funny as hell about those OWS organizers staying at the W hotel in New York @ $700 a night.
Golden tents for some Occupiers -

Check this out:

Jay-Z Selling Occupy Wall Street T-Shirts; No Plans to Share Profits With Protestors - The Hollywood Reporter

The hypocrisy of it all is friggin' comical.:lol:
i don't think Teapartiers would be criminals.

So I guess that's where your comparison kinda breaks down.

Protesting is not a crime,it is a right.

Tresspassing and refusing to follow the lawful orders of a law enforcement officer are crimes.

That said, I think the cops overreacted by using pepper spray. They could have simply arrested the kids and took them down to the station.
I believe that OWS camps were a foolish tactic.

However, the fact that the people encamped and won't leave does much to shove the issues they are bitching about into the public discussion.

And yes I doubt the the average Tea Party player would have stayed and protested if the cops had started pepperspraying them.

Frankly I suspect few people would regardless of their politics.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

No and i don't think they would do this either (my point is that the tea partiers respect the authorities and don't refuse to move when told)

[ame=]Occupy DC Protesters Attack Conservative Woman and Children.. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Elderly Woman Attacked by Occupy DC Speaks Out - YouTube[/ame]
Protesting is not a crime,it is a right.

PROTESTING is a right; RIOTING, destruction of property, rape, assault,and attempted insurrection are CRIMES! For those who have grievances, the courts are still open and functioning, the constitution is fully in force, the right of the people to PEACEFULLY assemble and speak has not been abridged, and citizens have the right to vote against any politician they do not approve of; the poor are not starving to death; and there is NO justification for insurrection! And yet, that is what a whining, filthy, cowardly, lawless rabble are threatening, unless they get their way? Nothing more than a pack of whipped, craven fice, baying at the moon!

I don't see these students sitting there raping destroying or otherwise committing anything you have claimed.

I'm going to wait until this investigation is over to form a full opinion on the matter and if the police were correct in this...


You must keep your eyes and ears closed. It's been all over the news for 2-3 weeks.
They've done what they could. He's been forced out and stripped of every committee.

Look at Boehner, giving out bribes right on the House Floor in front of everyone. He's been rewarded. Democrats just aren't as bold as Republicans.

Right...cough cough cornhusker kickback cough cough.....
cough cough Solyndra cough cough Light Squared cough cough Tony Rezko cough cough Blago cough cough Senate Seat cough cough

Clean up... Aisle #3! :lol:
No matter what happened the protesters were going to get their moment of fame.

They could have been dragged off bodily. They could have been hosed off, which would have improved the smell emanating from them. Water cannon anyone? They could have been shot with rubber bullets.

Which would have made better press for the cops? No matter what they did, it would have ended up the same.

There were 200 protesters preventing anyone else from going through the space. Their rights to travel was removed. The protesters say that what they want is so important that they have the right to violate everyone else's rights. The police upheld the rights of the majority to travel, to walk, to utilize that space.

They were told to clear the area.
No matter what happened the protesters were going to get their moment of fame.

They could have been dragged off bodily. They could have been hosed off, which would have improved the smell emanating from them. Water cannon anyone? They could have been shot with rubber bullets.

Which would have made better press for the cops? No matter what they did, it would have ended up the same.

There were 200 protesters preventing anyone else from going through the space. Their rights to travel was removed. The protesters say that what they want is so important that they have the right to violate everyone else's rights. The police upheld the rights of the majority to travel, to walk, to utilize that space.

They were told to clear the area.

They should have been physically removed and arrested. Not for the Press, not for Fame, but for Right Action and Due Process.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

I have taken pepperspray to the face before, a few times as a matter of fact, it was a requirement for my job when I worked for the state.
You only seen the part of the video that the looney left wanted you to see so you assume it wasn't justified, eventually the rest of the video will come out.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The mere fact of what OWS is protesting for says that they already submit to government authority. OWS is basically asking for a nanny state where they are willing to exchange there liberties for more government control of there lives. They are all either hypocrites or misinformed and should be embarrassed.
Consider this, they consider the 1% as people who make $340,000 and above, so anyone making less than $340,000 is what they consider the 99%, but yet they go bash in windows of small business owners who make less than $340,000 and taunt and or attack people just going to work that make less than $340,000 a year. There is no real message, these people are anarchists and nothing more. It's just sad that the majority of OWS are just clueless individuals suckered into pulling all the weight while the puppermaster anarchists sit back and laugh.
They call for revolution, because they know if the 2012 elections are allowed to be had that they will lose there chance at changing America into the socialist utopia they always dreamed of.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

I have taken pepperspray to the face before, a few times as a matter of fact, it was a requirement for my job when I worked for the state.
You only seen the part of the video that the looney left wanted you to see so you assume it wasn't justified, eventually the rest of the video will come out.

It was a bad move. Just Arrest them. Save the Pepper Spray for when it is justified, like when there is Rioting.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

My question is, and I think it is a better question.....would the OWS protesters be like the tea party members and get a job and be productive citizens of America?...for the cause?
i don't think Teapartiers would be criminals.

So I guess that's where your comparison kinda breaks down.

I guess you didn't see that the kids who were sprayed with pepper spray by the criminal cops were just sitting quietly.

otherwise i'm sure you wouldn't say anything that silly.

and i'm sure you'll correct your statement once you see the video.

[ame=]Police Pepper Spray Peaceful UC Davis Students - YouTube[/ame]

You ever wonder what happened to the part of the video that led up to the pepperspraying? Like... where they blocking a path to a public building where people are trying to go to work? or something like that? I'll withhold judgment until the entire video comes out.
Well the TMP actually has influenced the system through the voting booth...OWS has yet to accomplish that task.

The tea party just bought a share of the ruling machinery. They are already part of the problem.

They were a part of the problem in your mind from the word go...don't embarrass yourself by pretending otherwise.:D

Exactly, as soon as the left seen how powerful the tea party had at the voting booths and politically they became enemy #1.
Oh, don't you worry Sherry....that's coming. I bet you can't wait for it...right? :D

Wait for what...the OWS to get organized?? Why would that bother me??

No, the organization process is a work-in-progress. I'm talking about them expressing their rights at the voting booth.

Are you looking forward to all the OWSers votes come November?

I dunno 'bout you, but I sure am! You bethca!!! :thup:

Yes, all 1000 of them. HAHAHA!!!!! They make up less than 1% of the population, dont kid yourself. Hey, in reality they are the 1%!!!!!!!! HA!
i don't think Teapartiers would be criminals.

So I guess that's where your comparison kinda breaks down.

I guess you didn't see that the kids who were sprayed with pepper spray by the criminal cops were just sitting quietly.

otherwise i'm sure you wouldn't say anything that silly.

and i'm sure you'll correct your statement once you see the video.

[ame=]Police Pepper Spray Peaceful UC Davis Students - YouTube[/ame]

You call these cops criminals and you call yourself a lawyer? :cuckoo:

Fom a legal standpoint, the cops didn’t do anything wrong.

Pepper spray is perfectly legal, and arguing that the police used excessive force would be difficult. Even for self-proclaimed lawyer such as yourself.
America has forgotten what anti establishment protests look like. The tea party was nothing but an anti Obama fest, nothing to do with anti government, they cannot wait to get their hands on the levers of power again, to become nationalists again. Real protests are inconvenient and costly for those who hold the reigns of power, if it does not provoke a negative response from those who you are protesting then it is nothing.

And the left has forgotten the laws that maintain order and make this republic great. "right to peaceably assemble" key word being peaceably. Once OWS go violent all bets are off. Has nothing to do with people forgetting what anti establishment protests look like, we seen that during the tea party protests. What we see in OWS is anarchists looking for a revolution because after 2012 they know they are no longer going to have there way, and possibly not have there way for a very long damn time due to how they are acting right now.
OWS will hurt democrat votes, you can count on it, the democrats vouched for it, obama backed it, and the rest of America are getting tired of it.

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