Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.
The "power structure' in the USA is a constitutional republic, but more accurately, THE power structure is the Constitution.

Good to know you want that to go away. As if that surprises me. ;)
The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.

The original Tea Party was all about that. If you're not pissing off the powers that be,you're a not real protest movement.

Once again, the original tea party could not work within the laws of the time to effect change. Today a group can do that without breaking the law. Look at the major changes that have been made recently, From same sex marriages to the repeal of DADT, to the Tea Party getting people elected into congress. All without one person being arrested. Now again I ask, just what is it that OWS wants as the end game?
The Average Tea Partier would not engage in the Illegal Behavior that would lead to being Pepper Sprayed.

Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.
The "power structure' in the USA is a constitutional republic, but more accurately, THE power structure is the Constitution.

Good to know you want that to go away. As if that surprises me. ;)


I dropped by to look @ b4 turning in & you're STILL runnin that Rightie yapper of yours :eusa_eh: :lol:
Then the Tea Party is not a movement for change, or at least not change that challenges the entrenched power structure in this country.

A movement that challenges the power structure need not be violent, but it cannot succeed if it is unwilling to break the law. Every nonviolent civil disobedience movement -- including Gandhi's Indian independence movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, to cite the two most famous -- has broken the law.
The "power structure' in the USA is a constitutional republic, but more accurately, THE power structure is the Constitution.

Good to know you want that to go away. As if that surprises me. ;)


I dropped by to look @ b4 turning in & you're STILL runnin that Rightie yapper of yours :eusa_eh: :lol:
Yup...I'm just "yapping" on about the importance of the Constitution and the importance of a constitutional republic and checks and balances with three branches. I can see how that is just a bunch of hooie to a leftie like you.
I don't think the original Tea Partiers would stand for the British harassing them this way. In fact they didn't. They would probably side with these Protesters. They knew what tyranny was.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The OWS hippies have gigantic fucking balls. Its amazing they just sat their and got sprayed and barely even flinched. Those guys are fuckin' honey badgers!
If the tea party was any kind of threat to the oligarchy then you can bet your ass there would have been riot cops out there.

Well the TMP actually has influenced the system through the voting booth...OWS has yet to accomplish that task.

Yeah that's a real fair comparison considering how many national elections we've had since the OWS movement started.

You teabaggers aren't the brightest are you?
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The OWS hippies have gigantic fucking balls
. Its amazing they just sat their and got sprayed and barely even flinched. Those guys are fuckin' honey badgers!

Yep, they sure do. :lol:

The Tea Party supports the anti-tax, anti-government agenda of the corporations which own Washington and the media. They are not against the powers which run this country. They represent those powers. The Tea Party is the populist apparachick of the concentrated wealth which funds elections and staffs government
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The OP is operating from a false premise. The TEA Party people would give authorities zero excuse to use it in the first place. Game*Set*Match


Exactly. When the cops tell the Tea Party people "Hey guys, sorry, no more protesting today, we're tired of your rights, go home!" - the tea party would gladly reply - "OK, no problem, we'll gladly turn over our Constitutional rights whenever you ask, we don't want to be troublemakers like dem dirty hippies"

And that's what makes progress. Just look at the civil rights movement. Zero civil disobedience was required to get things done. The blacks just all dressed up like Abe Lincoln and wrote letters to their Congressmen - no civil disobedience at all.
The Tea Party supports the anti-tax, anti-government agenda of the corporations which own Washington and the media. They are not against the powers which run this country. They represent those powers. The Tea Party is the populist apparachick of the concentrated wealth which funds elections and staffs government

Still wondering if any of them would have stood their ground in the face of official resistance. I guess all this talk of watering the tree was just talk, they are just looking for the right (republican) tyrant to bow down to.

Why in the heck do you think they brought their guns with them?
Some posters on here continually use that fact to slap the TEA Party movement in the face with.
Can't have it BOTH ways.
Still wondering if any of them would have stood their ground in the face of official resistance. I guess all this talk of watering the tree was just talk, they are just looking for the right (republican) tyrant to bow down to.

Why in the heck do you think they brought their guns with them?
Some posters on here continually use that fact to slap the TEA Party movement in the face with.
Can't have it BOTH ways.

Hum, I missed something. What about the guns? Other than those who were wearing them looked like jackasses. Most cops don't even wear their holsters when they go out.

Need to scroll back and find the gun reference.
Our original Tea Partiers would not have taken it. But today's Tea Partiers would have to. And i'm not belittling them when i say that. They're just as powerless against the Police as the rest of us are. Are they really gonna take on our Police Force? Our Police Force is all powerful and only second to our Military in strength. They are a bit of a military themselves now. We have allowed them to have so much power and control. No one can take them on. We all just have to take what they dish out now. Welcome to Police/Prison Sate U.S.A.
The Tea Party supports the anti-tax, anti-government agenda of the corporations which own Washington and the media. They are not against the powers which run this country. They represent those powers. The Tea Party is the populist apparachick of the concentrated wealth which funds elections and staffs government


Oh well shit, I didn't know all OWS protesters were rapists.

Damn. Its in that cartoon so it must be true.The cartoonists put a commie shirt on him, too, so he must be a communist.

Its a DAMN good thing I had a cartoonist set me straight.
Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

[ame=]Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube[/ame]
Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube

No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.
Look at these images. Does this not remind you of Abu Ghraib and GITMO? This is not what i want from my Police...

Shock OWS video: Cops pepper spray peaceful California students - YouTube

No, it reminds me of the same silly shit that went down at the New York City OWS protests...naive little college kids who aren't even sure what they're protesting FOR...provoking the police into using pepper spray on them and then wailing piteously as the news cameras record the news "event".

It's not's not news...and it's becoming stale.

So the Police can never be wrong? See i think that's becoming stale. They can be wrong and often are. And this is an example.

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