Do You Trust Amazon?

The Amazon smart speaker, known as the Echo or as "Alexa", records your requests. Everything you have ever said to your smart speaker is saved on Amazon's servers.

These recordings are not very secure.

For example: Amazon sent 1,700 Alexa voice recordings to the wrong user following data request

I also personally discovered other unbelievable invasions of privacy the Echo speaker is capable of, and have notified Amazon. They didn't appear to give a shit.

Now there is a smart speaker with a camera in it. This comes in two forms. The Show and the Dot.

Would you trust this unsecure photographic device in your bedroom?!?


That looks kind of like Alexa Ocasio Cortez...
Why do they record it in the first place?

It could be harmless that they record it, such as trying to discover where the programming should be improved or what features are more desirable.
But it could also be for marketing purposes, so they can sell customer profile information, such as what songs people like to listen to.
I generally contact Jeff direct( known the guy 36 years) but not generally him. His upper people who know we're "conacts" from decades now.. He calls when hes here and we BS for 20 minutes,Maybe meet for some grub....usually not
I have no problems with them, eBay,Paypal......none what so ever.
unfortunately it's all money. YOU GIVE THE ACCOUNT NUMBER, You go it whipped for a week.
There is some relevant information in this video, for anyone who may be interested. You can skip all the introductions. If you skip to the 27:00 minute mark, the presenter discusses the idea that "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about".

I don't have alexa in my house. Or a smart t.v. I know I'm still vulnerable. The average person can't escape it.
It's all good. I'm going to read the article when the opportunity presents.

It's a little long. But she outlined it rather well, I thought, as well as what might be done to try to get a handle on its destructive, parasitic tendencies.

The only thing I thought she could have went deeper with is the situation we have with the corporate person versus the real person. The former having more and more rights, legally speaking, than the latter. And that's precisely how this is new form of capitalism is allowed to continue.
That link is to an article written by the lady speaking in the video link.

Spread the message.

I didn't even see that you posted that video, Tehon. How weird is that? I only saw the one I responded to.
It's all good. I'm going to read the article when the opportunity presents.
Surveillance capitalism is here to stay. It’s been here for some time, in direct contradiction to the Constitution. So much for the USA being a constitutional republic. It aint!

Bill Binney, Ed Snowden,and others warned us, but nothing was done. Down the rat hole we go, to totalitarianism.
It's all good. I'm going to read the article when the opportunity presents.

It's a little long. But she outlined it rather well, I thought, as well as what might be done to try to get a handle on its destructive, parasitic tendencies.

The only thing I thought she could have went deeper with is the situation we have with the corporate person versus the real person. The former having more and more rights, legally speaking, than the latter. And that's precisely how this is new form of capitalism is allowed to continue.
I dont see it as a new form of capitalism, it is the same old capitalism with a new form of capital.

Capital always had a social component to it, whereby those who have excess capital have social power over the rest of us. But this is social power on steroids.

How do you combat it except by the social power we have in government? Oh yeah, we have already ceded that power to the capitalists. What to do, what to do.
That link is to an article written by the lady speaking in the video link.

Spread the message.

I didn't even see that you posted that video, Tehon. How weird is that? I only saw the one I responded to.
It's all good. I'm going to read the article when the opportunity presents.
Surveillance capitalism is here to stay. It’s been here for some time, in direct contradiction to the Constitution. So much for the USA being a constitutional republic. It aint!

Bill Binney, Ed Snowden,and others warned us, but nothing was done. Down the rat hole we go, to totalitarianism.
I dont mean to laugh. It's not funny.

But it kinda is. It's absurd.
That link is to an article written by the lady speaking in the video link.

Spread the message.

I didn't even see that you posted that video, Tehon. How weird is that? I only saw the one I responded to.
It's all good. I'm going to read the article when the opportunity presents.
Surveillance capitalism is here to stay. It’s been here for some time, in direct contradiction to the Constitution. So much for the USA being a constitutional republic. It aint!

Bill Binney, Ed Snowden,and others warned us, but nothing was done. Down the rat hole we go, to totalitarianism.
I dont mean to laugh. It's not funny.

But it kinda is. It's absurd.
It is absurd for sure.
The Amazon smart speaker, known as the Echo or as "Alexa", records your requests. Everything you have ever said to your smart speaker is saved on Amazon's servers.

Why anyone would even consider installing any recording device in their home, let alone one with a connection to the internet, is patently incomprehensible.
You would not want the government listening to your phone calls. So why would you not care if a corporation was listening to your BEDROOM!?!?

So why don’t you get off the grid then? Most people have come to expect privacy is a thing of the past. Everyone’s life is an open book. Embrace it
I'm as off the grid as I can be. I have zero social media accounts, and I use a 2-step verification key for my email and other online accounts.

I micro-shred all snail mail, prescription labels, etc that have my name and/or address on it.

I also use a VPN for most of my online activities.
It's all good. I'm going to read the article when the opportunity presents.

It's a little long. But she outlined it rather well, I thought, as well as what might be done to try to get a handle on its destructive, parasitic tendencies.

The only thing I thought she could have went deeper with is the situation we have with the corporate person versus the real person. The former having more and more rights, legally speaking, than the latter. And that's precisely how this is new form of capitalism is allowed to continue.
It has always been my belief that the corporate person shouldn't have any rights at all, they should only have protections. They should not be viewed as full persons as they lack souls.
You would not want the government listening to your phone calls. So why would you not care if a corporation was listening to your BEDROOM!?!?

So why don’t you get off the grid then? Most people have come to expect privacy is a thing of the past. Everyone’s life is an open book. Embrace it
I'm as off the grid as I can be. I have zero social media accounts, and I use a 2-step verification key for my email and other online accounts.

I micro-shred all snail mail, prescription labels, etc that have my name and/or address on it.

I also use a VPN for most of my online activities.
. . . and yet you use Amazon Alexa?


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