Do you trust SNOPES? You won't after reading this


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Do You Trust Snopes? You Won't After Reading This.
The big players in the GMO and agrochemical industry – Monsanto, Bayer, Dow, Syngenta, DuPont – are engaging in an extensive public relations, advertising, lobbying and political campaigning to make sure that genetically engineered crops (GMOs), and the chemical pesticides they require, continue to proliferate in the U.S.

To improve their public image, they are attempting to manipulate everything we see and hear about GMO crops and pesticides in the media and on TV, the internet and print articles – using propaganda-laden commercials, “mommy-blogger” articles, farmer endorsements, hired operatives to change Wikipedia, and front group websites. The biotech industry is feeling threatened, and their profits hang in the balance. They are trying to silence the truth!

We now have evidence that the website is being manipulated

I myself can't stand the site. They are nothing more than a husband and wife who sit on their couch using google for their so called debunked truth bibles LMFAO. These are the two biggest idiot looking morons. You can tell they are leftist radical liberals who by the way were funded by SORORS at one point. So there you are again another POS site paid off to keep the sheep herded into the lies of politics . So many use them as their truth bible and the Government before Trump knew this.
Snopes has been caught in so many lies it is stomach turning how many can't figure that out yet.
What evidence?

I never thought that Snopes was legitimate, to begin with, but your statements provide no "proof" of anything.
What evidence?

I never thought that Snopes was legitimate, to begin with, but your statements provide no "proof" of anything.

do you even bother to click the link and read the g.d. article obviously not
What evidence?

I never thought that Snopes was legitimate, to begin with, but your statements provide no "proof" of anything.

do you even bother to click the link and read the g.d. article obviously not
I don't read babble from foodbabe or any other fly-by-night blog.

Maybe if you had an FDA, Justice Department, or Court verdict stating that Snopes has been manipulated?

Or perhaps you meant to frame your OP in different light? I thought you were talking about Snopes and how they have been compromised?
I don't trust information that comes out of Snopes but GMO's are not the boogie man people are making them out to be. Try to find something that comes out of a market that's not modified a lot of the shit we consume today would be almost inedible in its original form and at some point the population will get so large that we will need GMO's to feed the world. Plants that need less water and are resistant to disease may come in handy in the future.
What evidence?

I never thought that Snopes was legitimate, to begin with, but your statements provide no "proof" of anything.

do you even bother to click the link and read the g.d. article obviously not
I don't read babble from foodbabe or any other fly-by-night blog.

Maybe if you had an FDA, Justice Department, or Court verdict stating that Snopes has been manipulated?

Or perhaps you meant to frame your OP in different light? I thought you were talking about Snopes and how they have been compromised?

Well that's your problem , which explains why one sided track minds can't open and expand to having more knowledge. And often stay in a dictated track when the Gov. feeds them what they want to know and feel safe and secure. Good luck you need it.
I don't trust information that comes out of Snopes but GMO's are not the boogie man people are making them out to be. Try to find something that comes out of a market that's not modified a lot of the shit we consume today would be almost inedible in its original form and at some point the population will get so large that we will need GMO's to feed the world. Plants that need less water and are resistant to disease may come in handy in the future.

GMO's are killing everything, Jesus christ Monsanto is the same SOB who created agent Orange, look how many decades it took for the bastards to admit it causes cancer. They COVER UP FOR BIG CORPORATE MONEY making dude c'mon.

It's about money the are going to tell the public ANYthing to SELL IT off.

IF GMOS' aren't so horrible why do you think 38 other Countries BAN IT because they know wth it does.
I don't trust information that comes out of Snopes but GMO's are not the boogie man people are making them out to be. Try to find something that comes out of a market that's not modified a lot of the shit we consume today would be almost inedible in its original form and at some point the population will get so large that we will need GMO's to feed the world. Plants that need less water and are resistant to disease may come in handy in the future.


GM Crops Now Banned in 38 Countries Worldwide - Sustainable Pulse Research - Sustainable Pulse

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