Do you trust Trump to NOT weaken the rights of private property owners if elected?

I agree with you. What's funny is that the people who agree with you on obama not following law are the same ones bitching about eminent domain and wanting those laws to be ignored.

Take a couple yards out of my yard to widen the road, ok. But in the case of you own extremely valuable beach front property and the government decides they can get much more local tax revenue from that property if they put a hotel on it than if they ALLOW you to keep it and put a house on it - NO, I am against THAT type of E.D. - THAT's B$! That is 'MY' property!
What if it's not for sale?

Then you negotiate with them. Many get much more than market price when they hold out. Yes, eventually you have to sell, but they cannot "seize" it or force you to take less than its worth.

If you don't like american law, leave the country.

Yeah, so what? Thats the way it works and I am sure the offer is at or above market value. Eminent domain is nothing new. It has been used for years to build the interstate highway system, airports, etc. It is what it is.
We had families here lose their generational homes & property so a RACETRACK could be built.

Pull your head out of your ass

So have you gone to DC and say in front of your senators and congressmen and demanded that those laws be repealed? If not, you are no better than the dem whiners who want the 2nd amendment ignored.
I have signed petitions yes. I respect my neighbors and their property rights. I also wouldn't dare tell another American to leave the country when their land is stolen from them.
Eminent Domain could be a real problem if it were amended under the control of a president who is a huge real estate developer. Granted he wouldn't benefit from it while in office but he could certainly set up the domino's for his empire upon leaving office.

Just to note, I literally know jackshit about this kind of stuff so this is just me thinking out loud from a position that does not have the knowledge but plenty of concern.

I want to be able to trust Trump.

Trump is fine with using eminent domain for the profit of private companies and individuals.

He doesn't need to do anything about it right now- since States have the authority to take private property away from owners to sell to companies so that they can make more money.

Personally I think that every State should ban the practice.

Trump thinks its a great idea.

almost all eminent domain cases involve public facility construction, mostly highways. But if you want to ban it for any privately owned facility, I am with you. Get the laws changed.
total bullshit. If your property is subject to eminent domain you are paid the market price for it. It is not "seized".

The ignorance displayed on this message board is amazing.

When the govt TAKES the land you do not want to sell while shoving LESS that fair market value for it then that IS 'seizing' / 'stealing'. Hell, even if they TAKE your property and give you fair market value when you DON'T want to sell it is 'seizing' / 'stealing' your land!

Taking ANYTHING you own and do not want to sell...even if they throw money at you as they take it, it's STEALING. It's sort of like me living next to you, deciding I want a bigger pool, tear down your fence, build the extension into your yard, put up a new fence to keep you out, and throwing $500 at you from across the fence....I am sure you would agree at that time that I am STEALING your land.

As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.

That was me.
But what good would that do? Suppose I moved to Scotland and Rump decided he wants it for a golf :puke: coarse?

........ see?
Then you negotiate with them. Many get much more than market price when they hold out. Yes, eventually you have to sell, but they cannot "seize" it or force you to take less than its worth.

If you don't like american law, leave the country.

Yeah, so what? Thats the way it works and I am sure the offer is at or above market value. Eminent domain is nothing new. It has been used for years to build the interstate highway system, airports, etc. It is what it is.
We had families here lose their generational homes & property so a RACETRACK could be built.

Pull your head out of your ass

So have you gone to DC and say in front of your senators and congressmen and demanded that those laws be repealed? If not, you are no better than the dem whiners who want the 2nd amendment ignored.
I have signed petitions yes. I respect my neighbors and their property rights. I also wouldn't dare tell another American to leave the country when their land is stolen from them.

A relative of mine just sold his property under eminent domain for a highway interchange right of way. He got almost 3 times what the property appraised for. It was a windfall for him and he now has a much nicer and more expensive place.

But I stand by what I said, if you don't like american law, you have two choices 1. leave the country, 2. get your representatives to change them. Otherwise STFU.
total bullshit. If your property is subject to eminent domain you are paid the market price for it. It is not "seized".

The ignorance displayed on this message board is amazing.

When the govt TAKES the land you do not want to sell while shoving LESS that fair market value for it then that IS 'seizing' / 'stealing'. Hell, even if they TAKE your property and give you fair market value when you DON'T want to sell it is 'seizing' / 'stealing' your land!

Taking ANYTHING you own and do not want to sell...even if they throw money at you as they take it, it's STEALING. It's sort of like me living next to you, deciding I want a bigger pool, tear down your fence, build the extension into your yard, put up a new fence to keep you out, and throwing $500 at you from across the fence....I am sure you would agree at that time that I am STEALING your land.

As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.

That was me.
But what good would that do? Suppose I moved to Scotland and Rump decided he wants it for a golf :puke: coarse?

........ see?

I don't think the government of Scotland forced the owners to sell their property to Trump at a loss. If you think they did, I would like to see some evidence of that.
When the govt TAKES the land you do not want to sell while shoving LESS that fair market value for it then that IS 'seizing' / 'stealing'. Hell, even if they TAKE your property and give you fair market value when you DON'T want to sell it is 'seizing' / 'stealing' your land!

Taking ANYTHING you own and do not want to sell...even if they throw money at you as they take it, it's STEALING. It's sort of like me living next to you, deciding I want a bigger pool, tear down your fence, build the extension into your yard, put up a new fence to keep you out, and throwing $500 at you from across the fence....I am sure you would agree at that time that I am STEALING your land.

As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.
Do you like Obamacare?

Bye bye then?

No, but until congress repeals or changes it, it is the law and we all have to abide by it.

don't like eminent domain?, tell your senator and congressmen to make it illegal. whining won't change anything.
No one is whining you stupidfuck. This is a discussion and the only one acting irrational is the moron telling others to leave the country.

Fucking morons on this site

OK, ya old fart. What exactly and specifically do you want done? Do you want eminent domain laws repealed? do you want them to require that they pay double market value for property? do you want them to have to route an interstate highway around a shack that has been in a family for years?

Other than being a bitching pussy, what do you want?
I can't say what I want cause I don't want to be banned.
As to your repeated HIGHWAY excuse NO ONE IN THIS THREAD has suggested anything about highways but YOU.
I offered stories of people losing their property to a racetrack. A racetrack which is a private for profit enterprise. Stories that you continue to IGNORE because you're a narrow minded political hack.

This thread is about eminent domain and it's use to give PRIVATE entities the rights to your property. Not hospitals, not highways, not schools.....

Continue hacking away punk

Yeah, so what? Thats the way it works and I am sure the offer is at or above market value. Eminent domain is nothing new. It has been used for years to build the interstate highway system, airports, etc. It is what it is.
We had families here lose their generational homes & property so a RACETRACK could be built.

Pull your head out of your ass

So have you gone to DC and say in front of your senators and congressmen and demanded that those laws be repealed? If not, you are no better than the dem whiners who want the 2nd amendment ignored.
I have signed petitions yes. I respect my neighbors and their property rights. I also wouldn't dare tell another American to leave the country when their land is stolen from them.

A relative of mine just sold his property under eminent domain for a highway interchange right of way. He got almost 3 times what the property appraised for. It was a windfall for him and he now has a much nicer and more expensive place.

But I stand by what I said, if you don't like american law, you have two choices 1. leave the country, 2. get your representatives to change them. Otherwise STFU.

Wasn't the original topic about Rump's attitude toward ED?
supposedly eminent domain is for PUBLIC use......however it is creeping more and more into eminent domain for PRIVATE use....which i don't agree with...

on this issue Trump seems to be ok with the latter (for private use) up to a point......he says he's ok with it when many JOBS result from it....

WALLACE: Do you support taking private property for private use?

TRUMP: If somebody has a property in the middle of a 7,000 job factory, as an example, that's going to move into the town - but they need this one corner of this property, and it's going to provide 7,000 jobs in a community that's dying, of which we have many in this country, OK? I am for that. That's a big economic development. But remember this: all of these people that we're talking about, they're friends of mine. They all love the Keystone Pipeline, right?
The Keystone Pipeline is all eminent domain. They're building that pipeline without eminent domain, you wouldn't be able to build.

Trump: I'm Only For Eminent Domain When It's Used To Create Jobs
total bullshit. If your property is subject to eminent domain you are paid the market price for it. It is not "seized".

The ignorance displayed on this message board is amazing.

When the govt TAKES the land you do not want to sell while shoving LESS that fair market value for it then that IS 'seizing' / 'stealing'. Hell, even if they TAKE your property and give you fair market value when you DON'T want to sell it is 'seizing' / 'stealing' your land!

Taking ANYTHING you own and do not want to sell...even if they throw money at you as they take it, it's STEALING. It's sort of like me living next to you, deciding I want a bigger pool, tear down your fence, build the extension into your yard, put up a new fence to keep you out, and throwing $500 at you from across the fence....I am sure you would agree at that time that I am STEALING your land.

As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.

That was me.
But what good would that do? Suppose I moved to Scotland and Rump decided he wants it for a golf :puke: coarse?

........ see?

I don't think the government of Scotland forced the owners to sell their property to Trump at a loss. If you think they did, I would like to see some evidence of that.

Is everything "profit" or "loss" to you? Maybe that's your problem.

Are you a Ferengi?

There are aesthetics beyond "profit" and "loss". Particularly if you have a connection, and/or a history, with the land.
As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.
Do you like Obamacare?

Bye bye then?

No, but until congress repeals or changes it, it is the law and we all have to abide by it.

don't like eminent domain?, tell your senator and congressmen to make it illegal. whining won't change anything.
No one is whining you stupidfuck. This is a discussion and the only one acting irrational is the moron telling others to leave the country.

Fucking morons on this site

OK, ya old fart. What exactly and specifically do you want done? Do you want eminent domain laws repealed? do you want them to require that they pay double market value for property? do you want them to have to route an interstate highway around a shack that has been in a family for years?

Other than being a bitching pussy, what do you want?
I can't say what I want cause I don't want to be banned.
As to your repeated HIGHWAY excuse NO ONE IN THIS THREAD has suggested anything about highways but YOU.
I offered stories of people losing their property to a racetrack. A racetrack which is a private for profit enterprise. Stories that you continue to IGNORE because you're a narrow minded political hack.

This thread is about eminent domain and it's use to give PRIVATE entities the rights to your property. Not hospitals, not highways, not schools.....

Continue hacking away punk

I agree with you that eminent domain should not be used to acquire property for private profit making enterprises.

What i said, and is true, is that the vast majority of eminent domain cases involve highway and airport construction.

But you are free to continue being an asshole, its a free country-------------unless the hildebeast gets elected, then who knows.
total bullshit. If your property is subject to eminent domain you are paid the market price for it. It is not "seized".

The ignorance displayed on this message board is amazing.

When the govt TAKES the land you do not want to sell while shoving LESS that fair market value for it then that IS 'seizing' / 'stealing'. Hell, even if they TAKE your property and give you fair market value when you DON'T want to sell it is 'seizing' / 'stealing' your land!

Taking ANYTHING you own and do not want to sell...even if they throw money at you as they take it, it's STEALING. It's sort of like me living next to you, deciding I want a bigger pool, tear down your fence, build the extension into your yard, put up a new fence to keep you out, and throwing $500 at you from across the fence....I am sure you would agree at that time that I am STEALING your land.

As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.

That was me.
But what good would that do? Suppose I moved to Scotland and Rump decided he wants it for a golf :puke: coarse?

........ see?

I don't think the government of Scotland forced the owners to sell their property to Trump at a loss. If you think they did, I would like to see some evidence of that.

Is everything "profit" or "loss" to you? Maybe that's your problem.

Are you a Ferengi?

There are aesthetics beyond "profit" and "loss". Particularly if you have a connection, and/or a history, with the land.

would you find it aesthetically pleasing if an interstate highway was routed around a 1200 sq foot house built in 1940 that a family was "connected" to?

you whiney libs are all the same. everything is feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooooooooooootion, no logic and common sense.
Eminent Domain could be a real problem if it were amended under the control of a president who is a huge real estate developer. Granted he wouldn't benefit from it while in office but he could certainly set up the domino's for his empire upon leaving office.

Just to note, I literally know jackshit about this kind of stuff so this is just me thinking out loud from a position that does not have the knowledge but plenty of concern.

I want to be able to trust Trump.
First. Eminent domain is a state and local issue...Even in the case of highway construction which is in part federally funded, the state must acquire the land to build the road.
Yes, at times the federal government enacts eminent domain. For example when the Bureau of Land Management wishes to purchase land for public use.
There was a case a few years ago when a developer in New London CT town wanted to build a development which was to be mixed use....The city agreed. The land was taken after a case made it to the SCOTUS which in a 5-4 ruling decided the 5th Amendment's "takings clause applied because the project would have served the public good. This based on economic impact. The ruling was viewed by private property and rights advocates as a egregious judicial over reach.
Since this ruling, 43 states have enacted laws to prevent abuse of eminent domain....
Kelo Eminent Domain - Institute for Justice
I don't believe there is anything to worry about
No, don't trust Trump on this. He has made it clear he feels the Federal Govt should be able to step in and seize the beach front property your 'Grandmaw' left you when she dies in order to sell the property to a huge hotel chain, which will provide more local tax revenue, tourism, etc..... The government thinks they know how to use what you own better than you can, could make more money with that property than you can, and that those facts are justification enough to seize your property.
Really? And you have evidence of this, yes? Please post stories of beachfront homes being taken from grandmothers or their heirs.
When the govt TAKES the land you do not want to sell while shoving LESS that fair market value for it then that IS 'seizing' / 'stealing'. Hell, even if they TAKE your property and give you fair market value when you DON'T want to sell it is 'seizing' / 'stealing' your land!

Taking ANYTHING you own and do not want to sell...even if they throw money at you as they take it, it's STEALING. It's sort of like me living next to you, deciding I want a bigger pool, tear down your fence, build the extension into your yard, put up a new fence to keep you out, and throwing $500 at you from across the fence....I am sure you would agree at that time that I am STEALING your land.

As I said to another poster. If you don't like american law, leave the country.

That was me.
But what good would that do? Suppose I moved to Scotland and Rump decided he wants it for a golf :puke: coarse?

........ see?

I don't think the government of Scotland forced the owners to sell their property to Trump at a loss. If you think they did, I would like to see some evidence of that.

Is everything "profit" or "loss" to you? Maybe that's your problem.

Are you a Ferengi?

There are aesthetics beyond "profit" and "loss". Particularly if you have a connection, and/or a history, with the land.

would you find it aesthetically pleasing if an interstate highway was routed around a 1200 sq foot house built in 1940 that a family was "connected" to?

you whiney libs are all the same. everything is feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooooooooooootion, no logic and common sense.

Try reading the first and second lines of that post there, Evelyn Wood. You know -- where the point is.

Eminent Domain could be a real problem if it were amended under the control of a president who is a huge real estate developer. Granted he wouldn't benefit from it while in office but he could certainly set up the domino's for his empire upon leaving office.

Just to note, I literally know jackshit about this kind of stuff so this is just me thinking out loud from a position that does not have the knowledge but plenty of concern.

I want to be able to trust Trump.

Trump is fine with using eminent domain for the profit of private companies and individuals.

He doesn't need to do anything about it right now- since States have the authority to take private property away from owners to sell to companies so that they can make more money.

Personally I think that every State should ban the practice.

Trump thinks its a great idea.

almost all eminent domain cases involve public facility construction, mostly highways. But if you want to ban it for any privately owned facility, I am with you. Get the laws changed.

Trump was actively involved with a case of eminent domain to force a private home out of an area to build a casino in Atlantic City.

There is a rational for eminent domain to build roads and such- but to me the idea of using eminent domain so other people can make more money is repugnant. Yes the laws need to change.
Eminent Domain could be a real problem if it were amended under the control of a president who is a huge real estate developer. Granted he wouldn't benefit from it while in office but he could certainly set up the domino's for his empire upon leaving office.

Just to note, I literally know jackshit about this kind of stuff so this is just me thinking out loud from a position that does not have the knowledge but plenty of concern.

I want to be able to trust Trump.

Trump is fine with using eminent domain for the profit of private companies and individuals.

He doesn't need to do anything about it right now- since States have the authority to take private property away from owners to sell to companies so that they can make more money.

Personally I think that every State should ban the practice.

Trump thinks its a great idea.

almost all eminent domain cases involve public facility construction, mostly highways. But if you want to ban it for any privately owned facility, I am with you. Get the laws changed.

Trump was actively involved with a case of eminent domain to force a private home out of an area to build a casino in Atlantic City.

There is a rational for eminent domain to build roads and such- but to me the idea of using eminent domain so other people can make more money is repugnant. Yes the laws need to change.

George W. Bush and his podnuhs did likewise with the Texas Rangers stadium.

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