Do you want more civil discussion

Do you want more civil discussion?

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Bismarck, the ol iron chancellor, had the perfect comment on politics:

There are two things the public should never see, how laws and sausages are made, for teh same reason.

His meaning was politics is an ugly business.

The difference: sausage tastes good!
Bismarck, the ol iron chancellor, had the perfect comment on politics:

There are two things the public should never see, how laws and sausages are made, for teh same reason.

His meaning was politics is an ugly business.

The difference: sausage tastes good!
Just like 'universal healthcare' until you realize, like sausages, its clogging your artieries and increasing the chances of your death.
I'll mark you as a peacekeeper Avatar.

I hate the hate that comes from your side.

Thanks for being that exception to the rule.

I think there is enough hate on both sides. Pretending it's all onesided is like saying the sun won't rise in the morning.

When last did you see Dems throwing rocks and screaming epitaths at their Congressmen and Senators to their face?

When last did you see Dems accusing their fellowmen as unpatratic?

The list goes on.

Don't act like you don't know.

The Left gets angry yes, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING like the hate the spews forth from the Right on a daily basis.

Rush Limbaugh is hate personified...a constant scowl on his face. He even says as much, many of the Right openly speak of their contempt for the left. The name-calling, the lies, the violence....

Dude....seriously now.

Rush is one of the handful of people on earth that if I saw him bleeding to death I would not even call 911.
Just a sense of justice not enjoyment at his passing.
When last did you see Dems throwing rocks and screaming epitaths at their Congressmen and Senators to their face?

When last did you see Dems accusing their fellowmen as unpatratic?

You really are a blind partisan, both parties are the same, with the same goals and the same tactics.

Do you not understand that?
Civil discourse won't happen. It can't. The Nazis won't let civil discourse happen. So long as there are faggots and ******* and spics in Congress, the Republicans will continue to make use of domestic terrorism, violence, and homophobic and racist rhetoric to rally the ignorant masses and march towards a return to the days when the Klan marched openly in D.C.

Only when the racial cleaning of America is complete can the Aryan Nation- er, Republican Party- enjoy the freedom of speech the evil Communist, ******, and Faggot Party for the Destruction of America and institution of COMMUNISM complete with FASCIST CZARS (Right Wing talking points never make sense to anyone with an understanding of history) (Democrats) are denying the American People (read: White People) and finally set the stage for civil discussion and liberty.
well, at least this might explain the lack of civility.

why the fuck do you wanna know???

Curiousity for one. It's a weakness of mine.

I am just wondering how many of the people whining about the civility and manners of the other side of the aisle actually want it.
I'm thinking those breaking windows, yelling homophobic and racial slurs, and threatening to settle political disputes with a Browning and murder politicians' children aren't interested in civil discourse.

I see no reason for the Dems to even bother anymore, when the Republicans have no interest in anything but violence.
People can be of different parties, atheist vs religious, etc and still get along. I have all of my life. Heck I even have serveral active teabagger casual friends. Not close friends but I would help them out if they are in need and I think most of them would do the same.

Cowards get nasty on the net though.

Noone who believes in the Republic are civil rights can be friends with Teabaggers. The TeabaggerPublican party recently tried to woo votes by comparing HCR to the 'mistake' that was Civil Rights. To waste time trying to be civil with such people is like a Jew trying to have a civil discussion with a Nazi over why Germany lost WWI and went bankrupt in the years following.
People can be of different parties, atheist vs religious, etc and still get along. I have all of my life. Heck I even have serveral active teabagger casual friends. Not close friends but I would help them out if they are in need and I think most of them would do the same.

Cowards get nasty on the net though.

Maybe people would think you are more serious if you stopped calling them "teabaggers". It's not like people don't know what it means.

Let's call them what they are.

What historical political party is famous for breaking windows as a means of making a political statement and for pushing a far-right social agenda that was deeply racist and quite homophobic?

Hint: Google "the night of broken glass"
I'll mark you as a peacekeeper Avatar.

I hate the hate that comes from your side.

Thanks for being that exception to the rule.

I think there is enough hate on both sides. Pretending it's all onesided is like saying the sun won't rise in the morning.

When I hear about mass attacks and death threats by HCR supporters against Republicans, I'll take your post seriously. Until then, it's clear which side is all too willing to use violence to further their agenda.
☭proletarian☭;2131143 said:
People can be of different parties, atheist vs religious, etc and still get along. I have all of my life. Heck I even have serveral active teabagger casual friends. Not close friends but I would help them out if they are in need and I think most of them would do the same.

Cowards get nasty on the net though.

Maybe people would think you are more serious if you stopped calling them "teabaggers". It's not like people don't know what it means.

Let's call them what they are.
Yes, protestors.

And if you again use insulting languge, you will get it right back.

And as is clear to a lot of people here, I can be nastier and funnier then any of your insults.
☭proletarian☭;2131133 said:
People can be of different parties, atheist vs religious, etc and still get along. I have all of my life. Heck I even have serveral active teabagger casual friends. Not close friends but I would help them out if they are in need and I think most of them would do the same.

Cowards get nasty on the net though.

Noone who believes in the Republic are civil rights can be friends with Teabaggers. The TeabaggerPublican party recently tried to woo votes by comparing HCR to the 'mistake' that was Civil Rights. To waste time trying to be civil with such people is like a Jew trying to have a civil discussion with a Nazi over why Germany lost WWI and went bankrupt in the years following.

You are of course entitled to your opinion.
☭proletarian☭;2131143 said:
Maybe people would think you are more serious if you stopped calling them "teabaggers". It's not like people don't know what it means.

Let's call them what they are.
Yes, protestors.

Death threats and trying to repeat The Night of Broken Glass are 'protesting'?

I'm pretty that's actually called Domestic Terrorism.
And if you again use insulting languge, you will get it right back.

Remind me which side like to shout 'faggot', and '******' in DC and tell representatives t 'go back to Mexico'...

Hint: it's the same side that said Civil Rights were a regrettable thing.
And as is clear to a lot of people here, I can be nastier and funnier then any of your insults.

Of course you can be nasty- that's par for the course for you people. I've insulted noone. I've merely pointed out the facts.
I am for civility. I have a busy and fulfilling life in the real world. I only spend 10-15 minutes a day here on average- I read a few threads, I post some thoughts, I have some meaningful conversations and some silly ones. If you are uncivil or a foul mouthed moron, I ignore you. Plain and simple. I don't have time for douchebags.

PS- If you ever wonder why I refuse to respond to one of your bait posts- you just might be a douchebag!! then again, I may just be busy........:)
☭proletarian☭;2131166 said:
Dude...the RACISM is RAMPANT in the Party of Tea Bags...seriously now.

Get a hold of yourself.


What is racist about wanting a Constitution government?

:eusa_shhh:The Constitution and its implementation were quite racist before those on the Left changed it:eusa_shhh:

Nice deflection in the rest of your post ;)
'The left' didn't change it.
☭proletarian☭;2131161 said:
Death threats and trying to repeat The Night of Broken Glass are 'protesting'?

I'm pretty that's actually called Domestic Terrorism.
Someone tried to break the windows of Jewish businesses?

Have to call bullshit on you.

BTW, who do you think came up with this...

Remind me which side like to shout 'faggot', and '******' in DC and tell representatives t 'go back to Mexico'...
That would be the Dems, as dear cynithia made it up, as she and Dems always do when protested.

Hint: it's the same side that said Civil Rights were a regrettable thing.
You mean Democrat Robert Byrd?

Of course you can be nasty- that's par for the course for you people. I've insulted noone. I've merely pointed out the facts.
'You people' as in Americans, thanks.

You insult all of us with with your neo-communism.

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