Do you want muslim women on your plane?

Do you feel safe on a plane with muslims?

  • No

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 18 60.0%
  • Yes but Only Muslim Men

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes but Only Muslim Women

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
it is not incompetence these things are most often orchestrated or allowed to happen so people will willingly surrender their liberty for security

If they want to visit the US and get a visa and fly on a plane, then they need to get body scans, cavity searches, and play 20-questions. If they don't, better yet, stay the fuck home.

but don't forget the domestic will be soon you getting the cavity searchers and playing 20 questions

By "domestic terrorist" you mean ME guys in the US. Guys like the Ft Hood shooter, Akbar who killed his commanders with a grenade at the start of the Gulf War, the ones who celebrated 9/11 and such. I wouldn't let them on planes either. Too many here can't be trusted.

Don't forget the (20) of so attacks that were stopped (counting FLT-253 on Xmas even though it should have succeeded. the bomb & bomber were in-place)
U.S. Thwarts 19 Terrorist Attacks Against America Since 9/11
No I was thinking more of that old Nazi or the school/Mall shooters or Timmy or Obamas buddy..abortion clinic know them regular folk

No I don't know them, there never were any "domestic terrorists" or domestic terror attacks. All terror attacks are/were committed by muslim extremists.

Please list all recent domestic terror attacks. If you can't, lets stick to stopping muslims.
I see ..your definition of terror attacks is only those acts committed by Muslims
The wiki definition
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, there is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians)

If you can't list recent acts of domestic terrorism, then all we have are muslim acts of terrorism, lots and lots of them. It is nearly a truism that all terrorists are muslim extremists killing "infidels". how bout that Ft Hood guy shooting that pregnant gal? That was a twofer, you must be so proud.
I see ..your definition of terror attacks is only those acts committed by Muslims
The wiki definition
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, there is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians)

If you can't list recent acts of domestic terrorism, then all we have are muslim acts of terrorism, lots and lots of them. It is nearly a truism that all terrorists are muslim extremists killing "infidels". how bout that Ft Hood guy shooting that pregnant gal? That was a twofer, you must be so proud.

fuck you s filthy hate filled cum sucking piece of shit
I see ..your definition of terror attacks is only those acts committed by Muslims
The wiki definition
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, there is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism..

That is indeed the correct definition.

Exactly what the US has been doing to the Palestinian since 1947; exactly what the US has been doing to the Iraqis since 1990, exactly what the US has been doing to Afpak region since 2001.

Do you feel safe when muslim women are on your plane? How about when they wear a Hijab or a Burqua? Do you think they could hide a bomb under their clothes?
Hijab: Question and Answer

Please recall that two Russian jet liners were blown up by Chechyn women wearing
Russia plane crashes caused by explosives - World news-

Why would it matter? If they are subjected to the same rigorous security examination I am then I could care less who is on the plane with Me.

But I don't plan on flying until I see security significantly tightened up in this country.
I see ..your definition of terror attacks is only those acts committed by Muslims
The wiki definition
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. At present, there is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians)

If you can't list recent acts of domestic terrorism, then all we have are muslim acts of terrorism, lots and lots of them. It is nearly a truism that all terrorists are muslim extremists killing "infidels". how bout that Ft Hood guy shooting that pregnant gal? That was a twofer, you must be so proud.

fuck you s filthy hate filled cum sucking piece of shit

Ewwwww, I love it when liberal slime talk dirty. It reveals your IQ.
Mcveigh was a muslim?

Secret Muslim. Same with Oswald, Manson, and Kaczynski.

It was revealed that McVeigh had travelled to the Middle East, no doubt to plan the attack.
Too bad they killed him before this info came out. I'd look for the link but you are not worth the effort.

C'mon Kalam, give me some more negative reps. I'm collecting them.
(1) Stick a pig under their nose. If they react violently, good chance they are muslim.

Because it's not like other religions (like, say, Judaism)also have prohibitions against pork.

(3) If they are carrying an AK-47 in broad daylight, and have their faces covered except for their eyes, good chance they are muslim.

Yeah, because white Christians never march around with AK-47s and threaten violence.

(4) If they have a ratty looking beard, that looks like it has never, ever been properly trimmed, good chance they are a muslim.


Joaquin Phoenix converted. Who knew?

(6) If they are in this country illegally, and do not speak spanish, most likely they are muslim.

I thought that was your racist knock on the Mexicans. Beyond that, have you ever met a Muslim? Every Muslim I know is in the country legally (some citizens, some here on student visas) and all them speak English as well as I do (which, I'd be willing to wager, is better than you do).
Lets see what Foxworthy might might be a muslim

If you take your goats on your 747....

If one of your cars is made out of silver, and the other one made out of gold....

If you ever considered strapping explosives to one or more of your children.....

If you ever considered killing one of your daughters.....

If you love to ride horses and pull goats apart....(AFGs version of polo)....

If nothing makes you madder then the word "Israel".....

If you think women in burquas are hot....

If you spend too much time thinking of ways to sneak explosives on jet liners....

If paying interest on loans is really against your religion....
Lets see what Foxworthy might might be a muslim

If you take your goats on your 747....

If one of your cars is made out of silver, and the other one made out of gold....

If you ever considered strapping explosives to one or more of your children.....

If you ever considered killing one of your daughters.....

If you love to ride horses and pull goats apart....(AFGs version of polo)....

If nothing makes you madder then the word "Israel".....

If you think women in burquas are hot....

If you spend too much time thinking of ways to sneak explosives on jet liners....

If paying interest on loans is really against your religion....

What do you call a Muslim with 3 goats?

A pimp.

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