Do You Want The bad news….or the worse news?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Americans….real Americans….were disheartened by how many thugs and criminals the international Left was able to assemble and infuse with the desire to destroy our nation. That’s the bad news.

None of it was unplanned beginning over a decade ago. And they have no intention of stopping. That’s the worse news.

2. In 2011, NYTimes writer Thomas Edsall penned a well informed article explaining how, and why, the Democrats/Left planned on cementing power over this nation, and in it one can see the seeds of the violence we are witnessing……and why the Democrats have no desire to stand in the way of the rioters, or ever punish them.

From Kamala Harris joining the protest, to Biden’s staff collecting money to bail the criminals out, to de Blasio praising his daughter for being arrested. It was all foretold by Edsall.
[The Future of the Obama Coalition]

The article should be read as the explanation for the Democrat/Progressive instigation of the anger and inspiration for the riots of this weekend. The Democrat official have supported, and actually joined the rioters.

Or that the Marxist/ANTIFA thugs get support from Democrats?

"Video: Kamala Harris Attends George Floyd Protest Outside White House"

"Joe Biden Finally Addresses Riots While His Campaign Staffers Donate Cash To Bail Out Rioters"

3. Nothing in the riots was spontaneous.
“Report: piles of bricks are being staged in cities around the country, indicating riots are planned” Report: Piles of bricks are being staged in cities around the country, indicating riots are planned

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but carry on!
I am not astonished that some people would participate in this insurrection. After all, many of them really do think that their ethnicity is being singled out by the cops. They do not feel that the defiant attitude of so many young gentlemen has anything to do with the unpleasantness between their community and the cops. That's fine. People (all of us) are loath to admit their shortcomings.

I am astonished, however, that so many young people of the current majority ethnicity are joining the peaceful demonstrators (thankfully, they are not joining the looters!). I find it depressing that they apparently believe what the BLM movement says.

When they get older, they will realize that they made a big mistake in 2020. But it will then be too late. Too late for their grandchildren and the nation.
4. It is the gravest of errors to believe that these riot are about racism.
That is simply a distraction, one event that played into what had been long planned.

It is a mistake to think of these riots as contemporary. They are one more skirmish in a far longer war, one between liberty and tyranny, individualism and collectivism, good and evil.

One can mark the start of these riots from March of 1917, the Russian Revolution. Those well versed in history may even point to May of 1789, the French Revolution, when terror became a government policy.

Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…”

Every Leftist advent understands the use of terror. The terror results in a constant sense of crisis, which is a core mechanism of fascism, because it limits debate and democratic deliberation.

5. Did anyone note that these riots are not just taking place in America?

“George Floyd: protests take place in cities around the world
Public figures condemn police killing of unarmed black man as people march in solidarity with US protesters”

This is the same attempt by the international Left that is at the center of every collectivist plan. They feel the need to destroy all tradition, law, custom, heritage to build their brave new world.
The Democrat Party is but one of the names the international Left operates under.
6. There was no quick or simply ideological calculation in the Democrat’s jettisoning whites. No, they looked at the loss of the white vote over time and saw a different path to power.

This is the reason the Democrat elected officials cannot impose the sort of policing protocols that are required when their proteges riot.

“Compared to their views “which appeared in the American Prospect in 1995. In “Who Deserted the Democrats in 1994?,” Teixeira and Rogers warned that between 1992 and 1994 support for Democratic House candidates had fallen by 20 points, from 57 to 37 percent among high-school-educated white men; by 15 points among white men with some college; and by 10 points among white women in both categories. A failure to reverse those numbers, Teixeira warned, would “doom Clinton’s re-election bid” in 1996.

Teixeira was by no means alone in his 1995 assessment; he was in agreement with orthodox Democratic thinking of the time. In a 1995 memo to President Clinton, Greenberg wrote that whites without college degrees were “the principal obstacle” to Clinton’s re-election and that they needed to be brought back into the fold.” The Future of the Obama Coalition

Based on the math, the Democrat Party no longer looked to advance their constituents in the way every other group has advanced, withing the system, but now bent and broke rules of law, of education, of responsibility for their voters.

Even though any clear thinking would recognize that advancing pathologies did no service to that group.

The vote was simply both the most important thing, and the only thing, that mattered.
7. In their carefully prepared plans Democrats have to ally themselves with the perpetrators of these deadly riots.

Keith Ellison, former Deputy Chairman DNC, making his views known.


I wonder what Minnesota's AG thinks of the protests?

“In practice, or perhaps out of necessity, the Democratic Party in 2006 and 2008 chose the upscale white-downscale minority approach that proved highly successful twice, but failed miserably in 2010, and appears to have a 50-50 chance in 2012.”

Sept 2011 “in an article tellingly titled, “Obama Charts a New Route to Re-election.” Calmes and Landler describe how Obama’s re-election campaign plans to deal with the decline in white working class support in Rust Belt states by concentrating on states with high percentages of college educated voters, including Colorado, Virginia and New Hampshire.”

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic.”

And this is the party, and the people, out to destroy America.
8. Thomas Edsall wrote an article for the NYTimes, in 2011, which should be required reading for all who would understand the political trajectory planned by the Democrats. They saw that fewer and fewer whites were voting Democrat, and rather than adjust their Leftist agenda, they did a mathematical calculation of that involved the attacks on white people that we note today as the bogus ‘white privilege’, and projecting their own racism, no longer on black people, whose votes they will now require, but on white people.

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

The party has happily embraces every extreme sociopathic view of the groups they have decided they need for electoral victory:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

The Democrat Party’s interests are not those of America’s nor American’s.

This is the reason the Democrat elected officials cannot impose the sort of policing protocols that are required when their proteges riot.
NY Democrat Mayor Dinkins allowed a pogrom against Jews to go on.
NYDemocrat Governor Cuomo hasn't called out the national guard.
Democrats are willing to give up property and lives as long as they can maintain the good will of those they consider constituents.....ANTIFA, thugs, felons, rioters.
"Washington Post: Prosecutors drop many rioting charges as dozens charged in D.C. protests appear in court"

Shocker.....Democrat judiciary gives rioters a pat on the back, and sends 'em back out to riot some more.
ANTIFA was the pride and joy of Democrat house organ, the NYTimes....

"Antifa is the backlash to the backlash, a defensive response to the growing presence of right-wing extremism.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t worry. Because antifa groups are willing to use force when needed, provoking them can trigger a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In antifa circles, the theme of hypermasculine bravado is often right out front, and unsurprisingly, a large majority of the antifa camp are men. Muscularity is prized. After last weekend, one anarchist from Charlottesville described himself as “a blue-collar person, with a job, family, and responsibilities” who “did not behave peacefully when I saw a thousand Nazis occupy a sizable American city. I fought them with the most persuasive instruments at hand, the way both my grandfathers did."
I am astonished, however, that so many young people of the current majority ethnicity are joining the peaceful demonstrators (thankfully, they are not joining the looters!).

You're not seeing enough videos. I see plenty of videos of whites looting - especially in the daylight looting. They're busy throwing rocks at night.
Democrats found that they were losing the white vote.....and decided to make any sort of deal with any other groups, to attain those substitute votes.
Any sort of deal.......including instigating/ignoring/pandering to rioters.

Edsall's NYTimes article explains the motive.

9. “For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

…a revised Democratic alliance in which whites without college degrees are effectively replaced by well-educated socially liberal whites in alliance with the growing ranks of less affluent minority voters, especially Hispanics.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic.

The Democratic goal with these voters is to keep Republican winning margins to manageable levels, in the 12 to 15 percent range, as opposed to the 30-point margin of 2010 — a level at which even solid wins among minorities and other constituencies are not enough to produce Democratic victories.”
The Future of the Obama Coalition

And they will do nothing to antagonize their matter how illegal and destructive their behavior.
10. Having given up on getting the white vote, the Democrat’s placed the hopes on three disparate groups:

a. Those that they could bribe with entitlements: “A top priority of the less affluent wing of today’s left alliance is the strengthening of the safety net, including health care, food stamps, infant nutrition and unemployment compensation. These voters generally take the brunt of recessions and are most in need of government assistance to survive. According to recent data from the Department of Agriculture, 45.8 million people, nearly 15 percent of the population, depend on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to meet their needs for food.”

b. Those that wanted a society with no restrictions on their….appetites: “The better-off wing, in contrast, puts at the top of its political agenda a cluster of rights related to self-expression, the environment, demilitarization, and, importantly, freedom from repressive norms — governing both sexual behavior and women’s role in society — that are promoted by the conservative movement.”

c. Illegal aliens: Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…”
Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

An interesting debate might center on how the interests of the above groups fit with America’s traditions, values and heritage.
And would reveal where the Democrat Party stands in terms of those values.
11. “In practice, or perhaps out of necessity, the Democratic Party in 2006 and 2008 chose the upscale white-downscale minority approach that proved highly successful twice, but failed miserably in 2010, ….”

Sept 2011 “in an article tellingly titled, “Obama Charts a New Route to Re-election.” Calmes and Landler describe how Obama’s re-election campaign plans to deal with the decline in white working class support in Rust Belt states by concentrating on states with high percentages of college educated voters, including Colorado, Virginia and New Hampshire.”

“… the Obama campaign and, for the present, the Democratic Party, have laid to rest all consideration of reviving the coalition nurtured and cultivated by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The New Deal Coalition — which included unions, city machines, blue-collar workers, farmers, blacks, people on relief, and generally non-affluent progressive intellectuals — had the advantage of economic coherence. It received support across the board from voters of all races and religions in the bottom half of the income distribution, the very coherence the current Democratic coalition lacks.”
NYTimes, Op.Cit.

What was the new direction of the party, that lost all of those groups?

Lara Logan



This is what The NY Times & others want everyone to believe is a “conspiracy theory”. They came up with “data” to support their argument - problem is what they are saying isn’t true. Here’s the action plan for the people you see in black on every street where there are riots.

Yeah, it was organized. They even tried to give The White House the Bum's rush.

This is open sedition and should be treated as such with public hangings or firing squads and everything.
Seriously? It's simply clusters of thugs looting, while thousands and thousands and thousands were peaceful, legal, and constitutional protesters.

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