Do you want to go to Mars?


Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
The lunatic fringe is slowly collapsing in on the supposedly normal core of society. I'm all for sending them to Mars but the moon is closer so I say we test their appetite for this sort of thing there first. :rolleyes-41:
I would consider it, if they developed tech that allowed further, efficient exploration of Mars, as opposed to just camping in one spot for the rest of your life as a guina pig.​
I would consider it, if they developed tech that allowed further, efficient exploration of Mars, as opposed to just camping in one spot for the rest of your life as a guina pig.​

The plan is, to live in small capsules and gradually build more of them and join them together, Then to build greenhouses to grow crops. If it ever happens then the first people to go would spend all their time building the base, and they would not be able to go very far from the site. A few years down the line there might be a viable colony that has a structured habitat. But in all probability it will never even get off the ground.
Did the first people who crossed the oceans expect a 100% chance of survival and return?

I all for this as long as they are volunteers. It shows outside the box thinking.
Too late, the selection of candidates is down to the last one hundred. Over two hundred thousand people volunteered to make a one way trip to Mars to live the rest of their lives in a tin can, because there is no way back. One wonders what will happen if their supply rockets do not arrive on time to bring food and oxygen.

Meet the five Britons who could live on MARS... and never return Mission reveals final longlist for first manned journey to the red planet in 2025 Daily Mail Online

Clare is hawt, one looks like a lesbian the other must be a TG
I really don't want to go to Mars.....

But I would like to see Uranus

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