Do you want to know why California is going broke?

Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....

Before Snotty Pruitt resigned in shame, he had full time security force of 20 and a bulletproof SUV and full time driver.
Should have probably drained THAT swamp creature months ago y'think?
Jerry Brown is going to finish this year with a 6.1 billion dollar budget surplus.
Please stop making shit up.
Jerry Brown's Legacy: A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
If somebody is able to stop illegal voting how will Dems ever be elected again? Deep State and their puppets will scramble but will NOT allow that to happen.

P,S. 12 Russians were accused in "influencing US elections". But millions of illegal votes DO NOT. People, you need more math classes at school!

Millions of illegal voters?

:laugh2: :laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?

It was just a hunch ;)
Jerry Brown's Legacy: A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?

Some guy on the internet.

And you know, you can’t put it on the internet if it’s not true.

The truth:

Red Ink Rising in the Lone Star State: FY 2016

California, Georgia, Idaho and Utah are among the states that have put themselves on a solid fiscal footing by avoiding deep tax cuts, enacting targeted tax increases, and diverting some surplus money into “rainy day” funds to be tapped in leaner times.

States in Surplus
Before Snotty Pruitt resigned in shame, he had full time security force of 20 and a bulletproof SUV and full time driver.
Should have probably drained THAT swamp creature months ago y'think?
Jerry Brown is going to finish this year with a 6.1 billion dollar budget surplus.
Please stop making shit up.
The only shame should be felt by the left the way they have acted since the election....frauds and hypocrites are all you libtards are and that is why you will lose in November and in 2020.....stay tuned...and if you believe that spin crap on Brown you really are a tool.....
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?

It was just a hunch ;)
Jerry Brown's Legacy: A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus in California
wait until those unfunded pension liabilities become 6 billion.....

Sales tax on your local ballot? California’s pension crisis may have nominated it
Can California Save Itself From A Pension Disaster?
California faces a $1 trillion unfunded pension liability and lawmakers focus on foam and plastic straws – Orange County Register
California is not going broke.

Jerry Brown brought fiscal stability to the state.
He lied and fixed the numbers read a paper...your communist news paper has flummoxed you...bbbbuuuuuuuaaaaaaahahahahaha
The libs and the media in California are openly lying in a desperate attempt to keep CA in the hands of liberals...the very hands that have ruined the once great state....
Just wait till CalPers comes up broke...Brown has failed and then he did what a cat does in a litter box...cover it lying and fixing the books...that's why people here are calling for an outside accountant to view the books....wake up tards turn off fake news....frauds and hypocrites = democrats....
Funny Chit., We are spending tens of millions so one fast ass orange POS can go golfing nearly every week.
Tens of millions? I guess golf has gotten more expensive than when Obama played every day....
See. ignorant fucking Trumpettes.

First, you are too uninformed to know how much we have spent on Trump's golfing trips.

Second, you are too fucking stupid to know Trump has golfed a pile more often than Obama.

Stupid Ignoramnt Trumpettes are going to kill America because they rather believe a fatassed orange con man than the free press.
Since you made such a big deal about Obama and said tRump was only doing a little i thought the truth would hurt. But in real snowflake form you change the topic.
Also i posted what the asshat said in his campaign and thought you would like to read it and ponder his lie and the rest of his untruths.
He said he would fix the economy enforce the border and bring back sanity to DC politics by draining the rift raft....he is doing it all and that makes you crazy...
Mueller is draining the swamp but he`s having a hard time keeping pace. The economy has been doing fine since 2009 btw.
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
If somebody is able to stop illegal voting how will Dems ever be elected again? Deep State and their puppets will scramble but will NOT allow that to happen.

P,S. 12 Russians were accused in "influencing US elections". But millions of illegal votes DO NOT. People, you need more math classes at school!
There are plenty of states that vote blue that have shown no proof or reason to assume rampant illegal voting. On the other hand, those patriotic Republicans are happy to admit and accept that poor and minorities will be discouraged from voting with the average voter id law. Imo, 1 citizen being discouraged from voting is a bigger crime than 1 illegal vote being cast.

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