Do you want to know why California is going broke?

Well, we're waiting for Mexico to pay for the damn wall like trump promised, but so far, no go. Reckon trump was just joking about Mexico paying for the wall?
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.

Speaking of cons...
Funny that the two most important states in the country are on conservatards shit list
CA importance died a long time ago....when they went to one party rule with their corrupt election practices and allowances...too late for CA I'm afraid...
and they probably spend big $$$$ on expensive food!!
eating out all the time
...I buy a pack of hot dogs for 99cents and buns for less than $2 and I enjoy them with some onions and horseradish sauce/etc
...they waste tax $$$ on all kind of crap
this tax crap got out of control long ago
we keep giving more, they keep WASTING more
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.
no--it's the other way around
CA needs the other states
California has been going broke for years. It’s because they give everything away pander to the self imposed victims and the rich pseudo liberal Hollywood stars stash their money elsewhere.
Also true for NY.

Funny that the two most important states in the country are on conservatards shit list.
This change in leadership is simply a repeat of what has happened many times in our history. My money is on MA being one of the big winners of the shift and not because of its leftist politics. MA and its lead in robotics is real not just puffery and buying up competitors. TN and PA are the other big candidates for massive leadership rise among the states. Running on empty of everything but confirmation bias will get you hurt.
Most of the states woes stem from when Ray Goon was Governor. We then had a succession of repuke governors and finally Brown to fix the wrongs of the reich. We are doing better as a state. Now if we could just keep from paying for the southern states welfare cheats.
and they probably spend big $$$$ on expensive food!!
eating out all the time
...I buy a pack of hot dogs for 99cents and buns for less than $2 and I enjoy them with some onions and horseradish sauce/etc
...they waste tax $$$ on all kind of crap
99 cent hot dogs?....geezus....check the ingredients...
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.
no--it's the other way around
CA needs the other states
when you account for 15% of the economy you matter more than all those piss ant states that can hardly come up with 1% ....just sayin...
Most of the states woes stem from when Ray Goon was Governor. We then had a succession of repuke governors and finally Brown to fix the wrongs of the reich. We are doing better as a state. Now if we could just keep from paying for the southern states welfare cheats.
when pete wilson left there was a 13 billion dollar surplus....
Most of the states woes stem from when Ray Goon was Governor. We then had a succession of repuke governors and finally Brown to fix the wrongs of the reich. We are doing better as a state. Now if we could just keep from paying for the southern states welfare cheats.
when pete wilson left there was a 13 billion dollar surplus....
I believe that was due to accounting irregularities.
Most of the states woes stem from when Ray Goon was Governor. We then had a succession of repuke governors and finally Brown to fix the wrongs of the reich. We are doing better as a state. Now if we could just keep from paying for the southern states welfare cheats.
when pete wilson left there was a 13 billion dollar surplus....
I believe that was due to accounting irregularities.
so what was his successors problem?....
Most of the states woes stem from when Ray Goon was Governor. We then had a succession of repuke governors and finally Brown to fix the wrongs of the reich. We are doing better as a state. Now if we could just keep from paying for the southern states welfare cheats.

Brown opposed all water and road projects during his first two terms. Then he wanted to spend $billions on them during his second two terms, not to mention leaving the State with $1trillion in unfunded liabilities and an idiotic Bullet Train monument to himself.

No wonder you like the guy.
Like almost every other state, California is barreling toward bankruptcy on a locomotive fueled by public employee salaries, benefits, and pensions. But profligate spending by incompetent managers is the fuel additive that will make it spectacular when it happens.

and by the way, don't look for the Other 49 to bail them out. Ain't happening.
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.
no--it's the other way around
CA needs the other states
when you account for 15% of the economy you matter more than all those piss ant states that can hardly come up with 1% ....just sayin...
but they are BROKE!!
Like almost every other state, California is barreling toward bankruptcy on a locomotive fueled by public employee salaries, benefits, and pensions. But profligate spending by incompetent managers is the fuel additive that will make it spectacular when it happens.

and by the way, don't look for the Other 49 to bail them out. Ain't happening.

Reversed causality. CA taxed Hollywood and the electronic games industry out of the state. They ain't coming back. NV, WA and MA are the biggest winners in percentage of growth terms with GA, NC, TX and FL being the big winners in money terms. Even NY has become the major hot spot for drones and RPVs thanks to Jerry Brown and the Ds.

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