Do you work for China?

Sounds like the president was on spot with that call.
The first gave a speech promoting china

that was an indication
And American networks shouldn´t promote America, then?

America didn't kill 1.5 million of its own citizens, nor do we live under a despotic communist regime.

Don't try to equate us to China, Mr. Globalism.
The number of victims killed by the US surely exceeds Germany´s, so what is your point? And the question is whether you have free press or not, not who gets free press and who don´t.

Don't be an idiot. Our press rails against our President day and night, 24/7. Try that in China, see what happens.
It is a difference whether the domestic press publishes derogatory things about Trump or whether a Chinese TV channel talks with Trump.
And if you agree or not: There is no MAGA, all the stuff that Trump promised, doesn´t happen. So don´t wonder when Trump gets grilled in the Media.
The Deep State and other sore losers on the left have done their best to prevent the trump agenda

But he is making headway in spite of the obstruction
Yeah, they pulled him on their side by simply claiming he is in bed with the Russians.
Dream on

trump is still fighting
Hes trying that same regime changes he promised to end, the liar.
Sounds like the president was on spot with that call.
The first gave a speech promoting china

that was an indication
And American networks shouldn´t promote America, then?
Well, duh!

In china they are not allowed to
Any source for that claim?
Its usually well known by those who follow china

but here is one recent example:

U.S. Journalists From 4 Major Publications To Be Expelled From China

The Chinese government has announced that the U.S. employees of The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and Time will have to turn in their journalists' credentials in 10 days.
Don´t try to fool me.

"This move comes just two weeks after the Trump Administration told several Chinese state media organizations to reduce their U.S.-based staff. "
I was not aware of that

but it still does not change the fact that there is no free press in china

nor has there ever been in any communist dictatorship in history
Not really free, no claim it is.
No free at all

everything coming out of china is a lie
That is not a logical conclusion. Sometimes it is better to have limited press freedom than phony press freedom.
This moron in the White House is proving how incompetent he is, day by day by day. This is not the time to pick a silly fight with China or anyone else. How infantile. Yet there are those among you that expect us all to follow this guy around and pay him homage. He has already ruined our international reputation. He needs to end his life in a prison cell.

What does your silly, doctored picture have to do with any of this? Stop being infantile. Your vermin in the White House wants to generate some animosity toward China to mask his totally botched reaction to the pandemic. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people's lives and livelihoods are at stake. This boy's on the hotseat because of his own failures and lying mouth. This is not funny. If you think it is, you are very, very sick in the mind.
This moron in the White House is proving how incompetent he is, day by day by day. This is not the time to pick a silly fight with China or anyone else. How infantile. Yet there are those among you that expect us all to follow this guy around and pay him homage. He has already ruined our international reputation. He needs to end his life in a prison cell.

What does your silly, doctored picture have to do with any of this? Stop being infantile. Your vermin in the White House wants to generate some animosity toward China to mask his totally botched reaction to the pandemic. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people's lives and livelihoods are at stake. This boy's on the hotseat because of his own failures and lying mouth. This is not funny. If you think it is, you are very, very sick in the mind.

No. Actually I think it's funny that you're a willing tool of China and their propaganda, and you're not even aware of it.

You're such a useful idiot and a dupe. :auiqs.jpg:
This moron in the White House is proving how incompetent he is, day by day by day. This is not the time to pick a silly fight with China or anyone else. How infantile. Yet there are those among you that expect us all to follow this guy around and pay him homage. He has already ruined our international reputation. He needs to end his life in a prison cell.

What does your silly, doctored picture have to do with any of this? Stop being infantile. Your vermin in the White House wants to generate some animosity toward China to mask his totally botched reaction to the pandemic. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people's lives and livelihoods are at stake. This boy's on the hotseat because of his own failures and lying mouth. This is not funny. If you think it is, you are very, very sick in the mind.

No. Actually I think it's funny that you're a willing tool of China and their propaganda, and you're not even aware of it.

You're such a useful idiot and a dupe. :auiqs.jpg:
I have nothing whatsoever to do with China, one way or another. I wish the Chinese well, as with all humanity. I'm just disgusted with the conduct of the vermin in the Oval Office trying to use a world health crisis as a political tool right here in the U.S. because the narcissistic bitch wants to be a dictator. This crisis involves millions of people, both American and not, and their lives and livelihoods are more vastly more important than this bitch standing in front of a mirror combing what's left of his hair. I will not accept a dictatorship in the U.S. of A.

BTW: I have not read or seen any propaganda generated by the Chinese leadership, if indeed there is any being circulated. I am concerned with what is being done, you know, the conduct of our own supposed "leadership." What would the Chinese leadership expect to get, anyway. The horse left the barn a long time ago. Your hero flunked basic leadership long before we ever heard of the coronavirus.

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