Documentary follows former sex workers fighting prostitution in India


Jun 13, 2011
Home to about 10,000 women and children, Chaturbhuj-sthan is a brothel in Bihar, near the border of Northern India. Prostitution has become a family tradition in Chaturbhuj-sthan, passed down from generation to generation.

Naseema and the other women work to prevent others being trafficked, mainly from neighbouring Nepal and Bangladesh, in the last year alone they have been able to send at least 20 new girls safely back home.

The former prostitutes have many enemies, and the work is extremely dangerous. Rani Begum,the chief of the brothel, has suffered a blow financially as a result of Naseema’s activities. Her thugs have publicly harassed and beaten Naseema and the other women who work with her on numerous occasions.

Interested in watching documentary, the film is called 'Daughters of the Brothel' search it or you can find it here --> ‘Daughters of the Brothel’ Chronicles the Stories of Former Sex Workers of the Chaturbhuj-sthan Brothel in India « voice for human rights

Naseema and the women face extreme danger in doing the work that they do but they continue to fight for what they view as right. Any thoughts?

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