Does any religion explain....


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
Does any religion explain the loss of memory when we enter this world ? Just wondering, if they covered the basic stuff too.
I can assure you they are not nor are people who just died dancing in Heaven with other relatives and the favorite pet dog.
You can't make that assurance because you just don't know, either.

You are no more clued up than the guy (any guy) thinking he's going to Heaven.

Unless you are a religious fanatic preaching to people and trying to convert people, then no-one's under any obligation to provide proof of their belief.

A belief is an opinion - an opinion is neither factually correct or incorrect.
You can't make that assurance because you just don't know, either.

You are no more clued up than the guy (any guy) thinking he's going to Heaven.

Unless you are a religious fanatic preaching to people and trying to convert people, then no-one's under any obligation to provide proof of their belief.

A belief is an opinion - an opinion is neither factually correct or incorrect.
I am aware religion and spirituality are based on belief rather than fact, to be a fact would require it to have a basis in this universe. I wasn't making any assurances, I was stating my opinion. You see all the people quoting scripture as if it was fact on here. It is no different.
You can't make that assurance because you just don't know, either.

You are no more clued up than the guy (any guy) thinking he's going to Heaven.

Unless you are a religious fanatic preaching to people and trying to convert people, then no-one's under any obligation to provide proof of their belief.

A belief is an opinion - an opinion is neither factually correct or incorrect.
Every religion tells you that when you die you are not living.. Surprising, no...
I am aware religion and spirituality are based on belief rather than fact, to be a fact would require it to have a basis in this universe. I wasn't making any assurances, I was stating my opinion. You see all the people quoting scripture as if it was fact on here. It is no different.
I was ignoring content from Moonglow, something I now realize was a mistake. Didn't realize we're directing the statement towards him/ her and not myself. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Some, even myself at times, state it as if it were a fact. We're all only human while we're here.
Does any religion explain the loss of memory when we enter this world ? Just wondering, if they covered the basic stuff too.
The question would "imply" a belief in the pre-existence of a soul, i.e., reincarnation, such as taught by the eastern religions.

In order to have a "loss" of memory, one would by necessity require an existing memory.....a memory that pre-existed birth into this world.

One should not approach any religion looking for what they would wish to have in a religion. The very concept of religion comes from the cognitive realization there must be something greater than ourselves.....a "CREATOR". If one acknowledges that then one must realize that a single viewpoint by a single individual is to limited to acquire all that is required of that creating force that is omniscient (knowing everything, having all knowledge) in relation to living a knowledgably righteous life. the prophet Jeremiah stated..........

"O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself. It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." -- Jer. 10:23

Personally I follow the instructions of the Holy Bible (Judeo/Christian Philosophy) because I find it is the only collection of religious books that has proven itself accurate in directing the steps of man in a righteous manner, with the primary teaching of most importance not being, to feed the poor or take care of our physical fleshly endeavors......but the teaching of TRUTH in all aspects of our life, as it TRUTH that sets one free of the burdens of this world...i.e., the acceptance of the TRUTH taught in the Holy religion is about "spirituality" not the burden of our physical limitations.....its the spiritual HOPE of what lies ahead (eternity).....after we have run this race called life. A man without hope is a man filled with apathy.

Thus.......when anyone approaches any question regarding religion the truth instructed in the Holy Scriptures is such, "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God (the law of God)." -- 1 Peter 4:11

Now.......onto how the oracles of God approaches the subject of Reincarnation. Reincarnation is a claim without the ability to substantiate itself. The Truth found in the Holy Scriptures state, "And as it appointed for men to die ONCE, but after than the judgement." -- Hebrews 9:27

Why does one not enter this reality without a memory? The most obvious and simplest answer. There are no former memories to have but those realized during ONE LIFETIME. Creation begins at conception.......cognition is a process, it has a beginning from conception forward. No one can answer a question that has no answer, just as you pointed out in the opening line. None of the supposed religions can answer that question with any objective truth.....but there is one that points out the obvious truth. The ORACLES OF GOD.
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The question would "imply" a belief in the pre-existence of a soul, i.e., reincarnation, such as taught by the eastern religions.

In order to have a "loss" of memory, one would by necessity require an existing memory.....a memory that pre-existed birth into this world.

One should not approach any religion looking for what they would wish to have in a religion. The very concept of religion comes from the cognitive realization there must be something greater than ourselves.....a "CREATOR". If one acknowledges that then one must realize that a single viewpoint by a single individual is to limited to acquire all that is required of that creating force that is omniscient (knowing everything, having all knowledge) in relation to living a knowledgably righteous life. the prophet Jeremiah stated..........

"O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself. It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." -- Jer. 10:23

Personally I follow the instructions of the Holy Bible (Judeo/Christian Philosophy) because I find it is the only collection of religious books that has proven itself accurate in directing the steps of man in a righteous manner, with the primary teaching of most importance not being, to feed the poor or take care of our physical fleshly endeavors......but the teaching of TRUTH in all aspects of our life, as it TRUTH that sets one free of the burdens of this world...i.e., the acceptance of the TRUTH taught in the Holy religion is about "spirituality" not the burden of our physical limitations.....its the spiritual HOPE of what lies ahead (eternity).....after we have run this race called life. A man without hope is a man filled with apathy.

Thus.......when anyone approaches any question regarding religion the truth instructed in the Holy Scriptures is such, "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God (the law of God)." -- 1 Peter 4:11

Now.......onto how the oracles of God approaches the subject of Reincarnation. Reincarnation is a claim without the ability to substantiate itself. The Truth found in the Holy Scriptures state, "And as it appointed for men to die ONCE, but after than the judgement." -- Hebrews 9:27

Why does one not enter this reality without a memory? The most obvious and simplest answer. There are no former memories to have but those realized during ONE LIFETIME. Creation begins at conception.......cognition is a process, it has a beginning from conception forward. No one can answer a question that has no answer, just as you pointed out in the opening line. None of the supposed religions can answer that question with any objective truth.....but there is one that points out the obvious truth. The ORACLES OF GOD.
I appreciate your opinion, thank you very much.
I appreciate your opinion, thank you very much.
I attempt to always address a religious question by allowing the truth found in scripture to answer it. No thanks necessary, as a Christian I am commanded to give an account of the faith that rests in my heart, and I do as much by speaking as the oracles of God speak. There is only one truth, one faith, one God.

Jesus said, ".....I am the way, the truth and the one cometh onto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6

The majority of the world hears reads such a statement and finds it arrogant. But......this indeed is an exclusive claim that dismisses all other faiths of the world that demands acceptance or rejection. The Christ is either totally accurate in speaking truth or He is an arrogant deceiver ....there is no middle ground. You either believe or reject, all based upon your own cognitive freewill decisions.

Jesus told His disciples that if they have witnessed His great and wonderful teachings.....they have seen the Father in Him. (John 14:7-12). Jesus has made the claim to be God incarnate, God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14, 8:58). As the self professed Son of God, Jesus is making the claim that He is indeed God incarnate (as the Son demonstrates the traits of the Father) -- John 1:18 If this is accepted as truth, Jesus is the very embodiment of Truth and life.

This means that Jesus' teachings as found in scripture are the standard for all Christian Doctrine (faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God).

Is it true that you can find some teachings in other world religions that are TRUTH? Indeed, Absolutely......but these elements of truth are not true because they are part of some other religion, but truth can be found were those teachings align themselves with the oracles of God found in the Holy Bible, with the revealed will of God..........but none of these other faiths present the entire truth.

When you speak only half a can twist that truth into a whole LIE. One can not be delivered by partaking of some lunch room religion, where you go down the line and pick and choose what you want and reject the rest. One must follow the ONE TRUE PATH of Jesus.......wherever that truth may direct us. (1 John 2:6) One must walk in truth, no to seek the accolades of the world but again........its the Truth that sets one spirit free come what may. One must understand, Christianity does not offer anything extra in this life. The rain falls on the just and the unjust........all men face the difficulties of this life, the pain, both physical and emotional, as well as the pleasures, God has no respect of person, God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of truth and find eternal salvation (1 Tim. 2:4)

I mainly addressed your question because of its roots in Eastern Religion. The truth found in scripture demands a rejection of such teachings. As pointed out the author of Hebrews stated man is appointed but once to die and then the judgement after this life (9:27) Therefore teaching of Reincarnation is out of the question.

Things such as "Astrology", a belief in the "evil eye", and so called psychics all fall under the teachings of the black arts, described as "Sorcery" in the Bible, works of men not God, works of the flesh and things to be avoid (Gal. 5:19-21)....such is listed as "witchcraft".

If one is to learn anything.........let us learn from TRUTH. --Jer. 10:23 If one lived a Christian life and found out on his deathbed that it was all in vain.......there is nothing after life. The very life you lived under the teachings of the Christ would have made the world a better place for everyone, the most important...... treat others as you would expect to be treated yourself, expect nothing else and accept nothing less.

Sorry for the tangent line of thought leads to another.

Again you are WELCOME........but thanks are not necessary.
I attempt to always address a religious question by allowing the truth found in scripture to answer it. No thanks necessary, as a Christian I am commanded to give an account of the faith that rests in my heart, and I do as much by speaking as the oracles of God speak. There is only one truth, one faith, one God.

Jesus said, ".....I am the way, the truth and the one cometh onto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6

The majority of the world hears reads such a statement and finds it arrogant. But......this indeed is an exclusive claim that dismisses all other faiths of the world that demands acceptance or rejection. The Christ is either totally accurate in speaking truth or He is an arrogant deceiver ....there is no middle ground. You either believe or reject, all based upon your own cognitive freewill decisions.

Jesus told His disciples that if they have witnessed His great and wonderful teachings.....they have seen the Father in Him. (John 14:7-12). Jesus has made the claim to be God incarnate, God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14, 8:58). As the self professed Son of God, Jesus is making the claim that He is indeed God incarnate (as the Son demonstrates the traits of the Father) -- John 1:18 If this is accepted as truth, Jesus is the very embodiment of Truth and life.

This means that Jesus' teachings as found in scripture are the standard for all Christian Doctrine (faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God).

Is it true that you can find some teachings in other world religions that are TRUTH? Indeed, Absolutely......but these elements of truth are not true because they are part of some other religion, but truth can be found were those teachings align themselves with the oracles of God found in the Holy Bible, with the revealed will of God..........but none of these other faiths present the entire truth.

When you speak only half a can twist that truth into a whole LIE. One can not be delivered by partaking of some lunch room religion, where you go down the line and pick and choose what you want and reject the rest. One must follow the ONE TRUE PATH of Jesus.......wherever that truth may direct us. (1 John 2:6) One must walk in truth, no to seek the accolades of the world but again........its the Truth that sets one spirit free come what may. One must understand, Christianity does not offer anything extra in this life. The rain falls on the just and the unjust........all men face the difficulties of this life, the pain, both physical and emotional, as well as the pleasures, God has no respect of person, God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of truth and find eternal salvation (1 Tim. 2:4)

I mainly addressed your question because of its roots in Eastern Religion. The truth found in scripture demands a rejection of such teachings. As pointed out the author of Hebrews stated man is appointed but once to die and then the judgement after this life (9:27) Therefore teaching of Reincarnation is out of the question.

Things such as "Astrology", a belief in the "evil eye", and so called psychics all fall under the teachings of the black arts, described as "Sorcery" in the Bible, works of men not God, works of the flesh and things to be avoid (Gal. 5:19-21)....such is listed as "witchcraft".

If one is to learn anything.........let us learn from TRUTH. --Jer. 10:23 If one lived a Christian life and found out on his deathbed that it was all in vain.......there is nothing after life. The very life you lived under the teachings of the Christ would have made the world a better place for everyone, the most important...... treat others as you would expect to be treated yourself, expect nothing else and accept nothing less.

Sorry for the tangent line of thought leads to another.

Again you are WELCOME........but thanks are not necessary.
I think you anoint yourself too much. You're one man who is reading the bible. That's great, but that doesn't make you a special interpreter. You should submit to the intellectual authority of Christianity, as they have kept the meanings of the doctrine intact.
I think you anoint yourself too much. You're one man who is reading the bible. That's great, but that doesn't make you a special interpreter. You should submit to the intellectual authority of Christianity, as they have kept the meanings of the doctrine intact.
Special Interpreter? Again........speak as the oracles of God speak. Private interpretation is forbidden, as the word of God is already interpreted by the prophets of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. The scriptures do not require "interpretation".........its good old fashion study that "rightly divides" the word of truth that makes a man approved of God.

"And so we have the prophetic word CONFRIMED, which ye do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star (morning star, Jesus Christ as recorded in other parts of scripture) rises in your heart (your heart, the place where the kingdom of God is located).......KNOWING THIS FIRST, NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.........." 2 Peter 1:19-21.

As pointed out..........the scriptures interpret themselves if allowed by simple application of content, context and subject matter. In order to RIGHTLY DIVIDE the must address all locations of scripture where that particular subject matter is explained by inspired definition by the authors of the Holy Scriptures.

1. Private Interpretation: Addressed in 2 Peter 1:19-21 translated accurately as determined via the scientific application of "comparative analysis". There is no private interpretation that leads to leads only to errant opinion.

2. The secret to comprehension by anyone: Addressed in scripture. Where the scriptures speak.........we speak; where the scriptures are silent we are silent. Study the inspired word. All scripture is "GOD BREATHED" (in the original Greek text). "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness. " -- 2 Tim. 3:16

3. Study to become approved of God in rightly dividing the word of truth. Addressed in scripture: "Study to show yourself approved of God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth." 2 Tim. 2:15 Rightly dividing the word of truth? "Sanctify them by YOUR TRUTH; YOUR WORD IS TRUTH." -- John 17:17 Study the word and find all locations of the subject matter.........the scriptures self define. There is no interpretation required.
Mankind existed in the presents of God as spirit children of the Father before coming to this mortal earth life. This mortal life was a test to see if mankind, in and of themselves, would choose good over evil. If mankind were to come to this earth with the knowledge of their premortal existence, they would not learn to walk by faith and would rely primarily on their premortal memory to avoid the fall and never experience the good and evil of this life. It was essential that mankind enter a fallen state of existence and experience a world of good and evil to learn to choose good and understand the difference between good and evil from a mortal perspective. Faith was a critical element to learn to have for the progression of mankind. By removing mankind's memory of the premortal existence, they would not remember God or anything prior to being born. Thus they would have to learn to walk by faith which is what God wanted mankind to learn.(see Lectures on Faith)

Biblical verses that teach us of a premortal Existence:
Mankind existed in the presents of God as spirit children of the Father before coming to this mortal earth life. This mortal life was a test to see if mankind, in and of themselves, would choose good over evil. If mankind were to come to this earth with the knowledge of their premortal existence, they would not learn to walk by faith and would rely primarily on their premortal memory to avoid the fall and never experience the good and evil of this life. It was essential that mankind enter a fallen state of existence and experience a world of good and evil to learn to choose good and understand the difference between good and evil from a mortal perspective. Faith was a critical element to learn to have for the progression of mankind. By removing mankind's memory of the premortal existence, they would not remember God or anything prior to being born. Thus they would have to learn to walk by faith which is what God wanted mankind to learn.(see Lectures on Faith)

Biblical verses that teach us of a premortal Existence:
Reality: For "life" to exist it must consist of 3 things, A body or vessel to carry that life (a physical container).....Spirit (that part of us that is like God)..........and Soul.., i.e., the individual life itself. When speaking about a human being you are speaking about a combination of all 3. Body, soul and spirit. Without all 3, human life is not possible.

"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blamelessly at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thess 5:23

Solomon states that men and animals are the same.....with the exception of one thing. An animals spirit goes back to the ground at death and a man's spirit goes back to the creator....God. (Eccl. 3:18-22)

Nothing that you presented proves that man has a "sentient" consciousness in a spiritual format before he is created. Creation exists at conception. Simply because God has made plans for certain life's before birth is no indicator there ever was a sentient spirit prior to physical creation.

As logic dictates: For one to loose a memory one has to have a pre-existing memory to loose.....memory requires sentient consciousness. If not how do you prove pre-mortal existence? You can't thus the question that is unanswerable. The scriptures demonstrate that its unanswerable for a reason. Man lives but once then the judgement. What? Is God to judge more than once? If man's spirit pre-existed life and is eternal can it be judged? Should the judgment be before physical life, or based upon a physical life........or at eternities threshold at death? There is only 1 judgement..........thus, only 1 life.

God gives of His spirit at conception and takes it back at essence we are all part of God, the spirit that animates belongs to God the creator.

You speak as if man is created more than someone might have been an angel prior to being a human being. Sounds like Mormonism mixed with Eastern philosophy. Man will become God?

Logic and Reason: If every spirit pre-existed life........How could God have repented (be sorry) that He ever made man on earth? (Genesis 6:6-7) God would know every spirit before its creation.....there could be no free will.
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One word. Omnipresence: the state of being everywhere at once...i.e., the omnipresence of God.

Man is made in the image of God. God is a spirit. (Genesis 1:27-28) Man reflects his spirituality from God with the gift of free will. Thus man, like God can and does direct his own sentient consciousness in determining the choices between, right/wrong, good/evil, righteousness/unrighteousness. Man was created to populate the earth and "SUBDUE IT"....meaning man was placed in charge of earth and all its creatures and resources.

God is omnipresent because we all have been created by the spirit of God. Its stated in the word of God that only God knows the mind of man. Its also stated in Acts 17:24-28) that " Him (God) we live and move, AND HAVE OUR BEING" and......every man/woman on earth has been created from ONE BLOOD.....all the nations of earth have one common ancestor, regardless of skin color...its blood that defines and sustains life..... the reason that blood can be transfused between races, skin color is not important to God.....its the blood.

Some have suggested that our spirit pre-exists our life. Our spirit comes from God....its God's spirit that pre-existed our creation, the reason that God knew us before we were born, the reason God knows our mind and thoughts at the instant they occur. What separates us from God is our physical bodies that SIN.......... In a spiritual manner we live and exist WITHIN GOD, not only is God omnipresent He is omniscient and omnipotent. God knows the thoughts of men but men can't comprehend the thoughts of God. Example: As being a portion of the whole body does the little finger direct the thoughts of the mind or does the mind control the finger? No part can be equal to or greater than the whole from which it was substracted.

At death the spirit of man goes back to God........for judgement in how he has used the greatest gift know to man. Freewill.
Only man of all God's creation has a sentient consciousness that can comprehend his own mortality/life, the only creature that directs his path and plans for the future. All other creatures have a spirit but a spirit that acts by natural instinct not planning only acting from the instinct of hunger, sexual drive to reproduce, etc.......when any other animal dies that spirit goes back to the earth from which it came. (Eccl. 3:18-21) Men and animals are alike only in the fact they all face the same life challenges of survival. Man reasons with free will.......animals act by instinct.

At one time it grieved God that He had ever made man on earth. Why? God knew that man, more and more was thinking evil thoughts and choosing evil over good. Thus the punishment for that sin....., only Noah was found worthy of life. (Genesis 6:5-8, 13,19)

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