Does anybody believe Soleimani was not a terrorist and a threat to kill Americans?

Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.

..again, if the US had the intel to be able to assassinate him, they had intel on what he was up to....
What backs the US dollar?
Let's get back to the elephant in the room. . . . what backs the US dollar?

WHY, the REAL reason why Trump wants him gone.

WHAT Is this really all about that no mention is being made.

C'mon. . . let's see how smart you really are. :45:
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense
Obama also listed Solemani as the terrorist head of Qud, the Ayatollahs personal kill squad.

Conspiracy much?
Stick to the topic, please, and we don't need anymore meme posts. Thanks
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.
just as I thought--you're babbling--you have NO proof of what you post
your post is crap
Bin Laden is not the CIA
Iran is not the CIA
Iraqi civilians dying does not mean the US/CIA did anything wrong
civilians die in wars/conflicts--that doesn't mean the US/CIA did anything unlawful
etc etc
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.
saddam started not one but TWO wars---it's on HIM for the Iraqi deaths--not the US
Next thing you know Democrats will want to rename "Martin Luther King Day" to "Solemani Day".

I've never seen so many dishonest people find so many reasons to object to killing a terrorist mastermind. This one was plotting to kill more Americans, and has the blood of almost 700 Americans on his hands.

I realize Democrats are desperate, but for pity's sake, try and keep at least a shred of decency.

No, let's kill 50 others. Chinese PM to start
The ugly American at its best
Martin Luther day?
Wonder where your very made up zero college white old fart mind is?
Uppity nixxer next?
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.
just as I thought--you're babbling--you have NO proof of what you post
your post is crap
Bin Laden is not the CIA
Iran is not the CIA
Iraqi civilians dying does not mean the US/CIA did anything wrong
civilians die in wars/conflicts--that doesn't mean the US/CIA did anything unlawful
etc etc
Believe the CIA overthrew the Iran gov and installed a dictator?
And we don't believe them?
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.
just as I thought--you're babbling--you have NO proof of what you post
your post is crap
Bin Laden is not the CIA
Iran is not the CIA
Iraqi civilians dying does not mean the US/CIA did anything wrong
civilians die in wars/conflicts--that doesn't mean the US/CIA did anything unlawful
etc etc
Believe the CIA overthrew the Iran gov and installed a dictator?
And we don't believe them?
...and how many did the CIA murder??!!links/proof?
and this was 1953---I guess we can attack Japan now because of Dec 1941?
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.
just as I thought--you're babbling--you have NO proof of what you post
your post is crap
Bin Laden is not the CIA
Iran is not the CIA
Iraqi civilians dying does not mean the US/CIA did anything wrong
civilians die in wars/conflicts--that doesn't mean the US/CIA did anything unlawful
etc etc
Believe the CIA overthrew the Iran gov and installed a dictator?
And we don't believe them?
We are the ugly americans, loud, bully's etc
Iran 4000 years old 2 wars
Ugly Americans 300 years old 250 wars.
A bunch of paranoids with the military our biggest industry
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof

Dude, I CAN'T link or prove anything for positive, it is a clandestine organization. . . DUH.

Here is a YAHOO answer, I hope it satisfies, I doubt it will. By any sane and rational measure, they are just as "terrorist" as Quds force is.

They are continually involved in assassination, regime change and civilian deaths. If you don't know this, you are obtuse. Hell, Obama's step-father was involved in this.

"How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for?
Since the 1950's, even before, the CIA and Gov have been over throwing democratically elected presidents of many south american countries and replacing them with ruthless dictators such as General Pinochet, whom went of to murder 5,000 of his population under the watchful eye of the USA.
How many civilian deaths are the U.S government and CIA responsible for? | Yahoo Answers
1953 USA otherthrows primeminister of Iran and installs a dictator.

1954 USA overthrows democratically elected president Arbenez of Guatemala.

1963-1975 American military kills 4 million people in southeast asia.

1977 US backs military rules of El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorans & 4 americans killed.

1980's USA trains Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill soviets - CIA gives them 3 Billion.

1983 USA secretly gives weapons to iran to kill iraqis.

1989 Manuel Noriega disobeys washington - US invades panama and removed Noriega. - 3,000 civilian casualties.

2000 - 2001 US gives taliban rules afghanistan 245 million in "aid"

9/11 2001 Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people"

500,000 + iraqi civilians die from sanctions and bombing raids.
just as I thought--you're babbling--you have NO proof of what you post
your post is crap
Bin Laden is not the CIA
Iran is not the CIA
Iraqi civilians dying does not mean the US/CIA did anything wrong
civilians die in wars/conflicts--that doesn't mean the US/CIA did anything unlawful
etc etc
Believe the CIA overthrew the Iran gov and installed a dictator?
And we don't believe them?
We are the ugly americans, loud, bully's etc
Iran 4000 years old 2 wars
Ugly Americans 300 years old 250 wars.
A bunch of paranoids with the military our biggest industry
hahhahahah--you fkd up like another poster who said the same IDIOTIC thing
you prove beyond a doubt to be ignorant of war history
1. 250 wars--please--PLEASE prove THAT!!!
2. Gee --List of wars involving Iran - Wikipedia
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool...
That looks like a pile of horseshit. Give me Brzezinski's exact quote.
... The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
Your larger point that the Deep State is deeply invested in perpetual war and that this supports a rich cash-flow to politically connected, I agree with. These crazy self-entitled bastards decided that Trump even briefly holding up military aid to Ukraine, which they fully expected to be spent at US defense contractors, and of course lots of folks who helped facilitate this transfer of US cash all get their quiet cut, was an "impeachable offense."

Trump didn't understand why US taxpayers had to shoulder the whole load and wanted an explanation for why NATO members taxpayers didn't share this load. A reasonable question, but just the US taxpayers was quicker and they have quarterly targets to make!
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
No matter how you put it there are only a few barbarian cultures with no moral compass and muslims top the list

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