Does Anybody Know Why Joe Biden Didn't Go to The Coronation?

I didn't know either until a few minutes ago. I would have thought it was common practice for allied nations to attend each other's special occasions.

Me too as that's what I automatically just assumed since they were making a big deal of Biden not showing up.
Umm,.. the first US what??
No American President has attended a coronation of a British Monarch. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was invited to the last crowning of a British sovereign—in 1953 when Queen Elizabeth formally took the throne—but decided to skip it and send a delegation of American luminaries instead.

Biden sent his wife and granddaughter

Coronations are Girly Stuff
When was the last time a British King or Queen travelled to America to attend an American presidents inauguration?

None that I know of, but Trump was making an awfully big deal about it so I just believed that it was tradition for US presidents to attend coronations.
None that I know of, but Trump was making an awfully big deal about it so I just believed that it was tradition for US presidents to attend coronations.
Meh. You are Americans. You can wish them well and talk publicly of the close relation you have but you left the Monarchy 250 years ago. Trump is just appealing to some conservatives who somehow equate the Crown with a prim, proper order that is a throw back to the "good old days". Does anyone believe he thinks twice about King Charles? Lol. He might even lose some votes with such an approach. .Many Brits even want to move on. I am neutral on the subject. I view all men as created equal and that's that..
I've been reading different news articles about it, but I have yet to find one that explains why.
Invent anything anyone likes:

Biden joked about his reason for not attending, and pointed out he’d be meeting the newly-coronated king soon enough:

BIDEN: Welcome to the Rose Garden.
RUHLE: Is this a dream come true to live here?
BIDEN: It’s a dream come true to be president. But living here is a different tact.
RUHLE: You did not go to England this weekend for the coronation.
BIDEN: No, I didn’t. But I did speak to the king. He’s a good acquaintance and we’ve worked together on environmental issues.
RUHLE: What did you tell him?
BIDEN: Well I told him I couldn’t be here because I had this going on. And was you know, who knows what’s going to happen in the next…
RUHLE: Oh, you’re interviewing with me? That’s why you told him you couldn’t go to the Coronation?
BIDEN: I told him I was with you. But and we’re going to be going to a NATO conference in Europe. And I told him I’d stop there either on the way there or on the way back to discuss what he really is passionate about the environment.
RUHLE: What are you passionate about? Because right now people are saying what do you have that this country needs?
BIDEN: I’m passionate about the people I grew up with getting an even shot. I really mean it. I mean, you know, the people I represented as a public defender. of him.
U.S. presidents do not customarily attend this sort of event.

I've been reading different news articles about it, but I have yet to find one that explains why.
He tires easily....has no energy and cannot be trusted to appear lucid in such highly visible events.....thus his masters sent him home to deleware to rest and sleep.
Meh. You are Americans. You can wish them well and talk publicly of the close relation you have but you left the Monarchy 250 years ago. Trump is just appealing to some conservatives who somehow equate the Crown with a prim, proper order that is a throw back to the "good old days". Does anyone believe he thinks twice about King Charles? Lol. He might even lose some votes with such an approach. .Many Brits even want to move on. I am neutral on the subject. I view all men as created equal and that's that..
No two people on this planet are 'equal' except in the eyes of God.

Irregardless.....the royalty b.s. should have been abolished long ago....the english people not being too bright apparantly are still willing to patronize the royal clowns for entertainment purposes....much like americans patroize hollywood stars.
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Wow, it's like looking in the mirror. :omg:

The truth is I just don't know anything about coronation history because the last time it happened was nearly forty years before I was born.
It should have been done away with at least a hundred years before you were born.

The english have a sordid history much of it because of the so called royal infidels.
Wow, it's like looking in the mirror. :omg:

The truth is I just don't know anything about coronation history because the last time it happened was nearly forty years before I was born.
I know all about it...a clown show that is very expensive to put on.....if they insist on having royalty the first prerequisite should be they are young and hollywood starlets.

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