Does anyone have a link to a transcript of Rev. Warnock's 2011 sermon


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
With the gop's current talking point of his statement you can't serve the military and God simultaneously? Even Rubio says the quote is taken out of context, but that won't stop the Pharisees, and there's a certain irony in the gop trying to politically trip up someone with religion v. law quotes … assuming one is a "Bible reader." But I'm just curious about how out of context that quote must be. I mean if you know anything about Warnock, you know he didn't literally mean that. But its very possible he may have been commenting upon W's neocon wars, which were about mammon, assuming you take neocons at their word. I'd just like to read it for myself.

Supposedly the sermon is on YouTube, but I'm limited with how much streaming content I can view at work, and I don't have time to sort though multiple hour long sermons. Although, Warnock is a powerful preacher.
With the gop's current talking point of his statement you can't serve the military and God simultaneously? Even Rubio says the quote is taken out of context, but that won't stop the Pharisees, and there's a certain irony in the gop trying to politically trip up someone with religion v. law quotes … assuming one is a "Bible reader." But I'm just curious about how out of context that quote must be. I mean if you know anything about Warnock, you know he didn't literally mean that. But its very possible he may have been commenting upon W's neocon wars, which were about mammon, assuming you take neocons at their word. I'd just like to read it for myself.

Supposedly the sermon is on YouTube, but I'm limited with how much streaming content I can view at work, and I don't have time to sort though multiple hour long sermons. Although, Warnock is a powerful preacher.
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“Can’t serve the military” not “can’t serve IN the military”.

Matthew 6:24 - can’t serve two masters. Basic Bible shit that the morons of US Messageboard know and revere about as much as their fake reverence for the Constitution.
Maybe read this and watch the videos.

But the videos are taken out of context. In fact, context is being taken out of context.

Stop listening and watching them anywhere and anytime. It has nothing to do with reality.

Besides, Orange man bad and these stories will never see the light of day on major news outlets or major social media outlets.
Warnock is a BLM loving, Cop hating Marxist. It isn't about a Sermon in 2011, it is about who he is. He will lie about it, but he is a Cop hater and a Police Defunder. He made that clear during the Ferguson riots.
Warnock is a BLM loving, Cop hating Marxist. It isn't about a Sermon in 2011, it is about who he is. He will lie about it, but he is a Cop hater and a Police Defunder. He made that clear during the Ferguson riots.
It's all about Black Liberation Theology

Essentially the government is seen as the right hand of Jesus, aside from stopping abortion, gay marriage, etc., etc., but I think that is only common sense.

Never mind that the Marxist theocracy they seek is an ideology that dismissed faith in God as an opiate. Also they dismiss the fact that Marx was an ardent racist as well and thought blacks inferior.

Oh well, stupid is as stupid does. Leftist ideology is firmly rooted in systemic racism
Matthew 6:24 you fucking idiots.
I'm not Biblical scholar, but I'm pretty sure Matthew 6:24 does not say that.
You are definitely not a scholar on any subject and Matthew 6:24 says exactly that. So fuck you.
I'm sure it now says that on Facebook and other democrat controlled internet sites.

Thank God you have not come for our books yet, otherwise it would all be lost. But I'm sure it's only a matter of time till you censor those as well.
He supports abortion. He's not a man of the cloth.
Who cares? We're not electing a preacher, dumbass.
But I thought he was a reverend.

Granted, I use the term loosely
Yea, and we thought Trump was a billionaire, too. Turns out he's been broke for years.
Orange man bad!

You should never speak of him again.

Besides, you need someone new to kick around.

Any ideas?

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