Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

Most American cities are a thing of shame on this nation. The crime aside; they are for the most part dilapidated, filthy, and unkempt. Not to mention littered with homeless drug addled vermin. Yet other nations around the world have marvelous, clean, and modern cities, that are quite a sight to behold. Dubai, Singapore, Tokyo, to name a few. And even some of the world's older cities with historic architecture are quite nice, and fairly clean and kempt. Most American cities are dull, drab, in disrepair, and festooned with some of the least inspiring architecture one could conjure up. If we're half as wealthy as we tell ourselves, and the world; every major city in America should be a thing of wonder. Unfortunately the only wonder, is to wonder who the fuck would want to live here...
And they have been as such all my life. If you don't like it move to Europe or Asia.
Notice how the Marxist marginalized the violence that has necessarily skyrocketed in the Marxist run cities? They just cant help themselves. Hey GG why did you move away from Northern Shitcago?

I never lived in Chicago. Are you drunk this morning?
Yes, but not in the USA. Crime in most American cities 100 years ago was almost nonexistent.

I read an old article in the Detroit News from the 1920s. They surveyed Detroiters and found most never locked their home’s doors and many didn’t even have a lock on their doors. I betting this was true throughout American cities at that time.
In the early 1960s most houses in the neighborhood, black, brown, or white, left their doors unlocked and the children would go around looking for cookies and such. Then Jimmy, the peanut Carter, allowed mentally ill child rapists to be with their families and soon, everyone started locking their doors.
Today we see with the LGBTXWXYZ@123 what happens when you allow mentally ill people to roam with the normal people.
Yes, but not in the USA. Crime in most American cities 100 years ago was almost nonexistent.

I read an old article in the Detroit News from the 1920s. They surveyed Detroiters and found most never locked their home’s doors and many didn’t even have a lock on their doors. I betting this was true throughout American cities at that time.

Perhaps 100 years ago you are correct, though I suspect even back then there were places people knew not to go alone.
I don't live near a major city so I don't have that issue.

I guess Cincinnati isn't too far and I'll go downtown or into the black areas at night if I happen to be there for some kind of event and it doesn't bother me. Course I do carry a pistol and after being raised by a tough grandma, time spent in the army and time being a nurse I have a good amount of courage under fire and I don't rattle easy.

But north side of Cincinnati? Shit, you couldn't chase me into that area.
In the early 1960s most houses in the neighborhood, black, brown, or white, left their doors unlocked and the children would go around looking for cookies and such. Then Jimmy, the peanut Carter, allowed mentally ill child rapists to be with their families and soon, everyone started locking their doors.
Today we see with the LGBTXWXYZ@123 what happens when you allow mentally ill people to roam with the normal people.
I've never had any problems with LGBTQ people only thieves.
I don't live near a major city so I don't have that issue.

I guess Cincinnati isn't too far and I'll go downtown or into the black areas at night if I happen to be there for some kind of event and it doesn't bother me. Course I do carry a pistol and after being raised by a tough grandma, time spent in the army and time being a nurse I have a good amount of courage under fire and I don't rattle easy.

But north side of Cincinnati? Shit, you couldn't chase me into that area.
Supply Sargeant is not very dangerous of a job.
I didn't make the claim.
I don’t care.

Do you think the Detroit News is lying?

My entire mother’s family emigrated from Sicily in 1906. This included my great grandparents and their eight children including my grandfather. All settled in Detroit shortly afterward. My grandparents often spoke of never locking their doors and in the summer, leaving the doors open all night while they slept.

No one worried about crime in a city that is now infamous for crime.
Everyone knows where it isn't safe to walk at night.
It was pretty bad in the 60s and 70s, but I think it's worse now.

Biden still has work to do tho......

I don't live near a major city so I don't have that issue.

I guess Cincinnati isn't too far and I'll go downtown or into the black areas at night if I happen to be there for some kind of event and it doesn't bother me. Course I do carry a pistol and after being raised by a tough grandma, time spent in the army and time being a nurse I have a good amount of courage under fire and I don't rattle easy.

But north side of Cincinnati? Shit, you couldn't chase me into that area.
I used to live near the Tri County shopping mall. We never had any instance of violence or robbery there, for the 14 years i lived there, but when i went back 20 years , the whole area had changed to the worse....
Twitter shows videos of blacks and migrants attacking people in the US and Europe.

For over a year they were showing blacks fighting amongst each other. Every morning there was several videos showing the carnage.
This was to give idiots ideas.
Now they're showing videos of African immigrants looting, raping, and pillaging European cities in France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.
I think race relations in this country hasn't been this bad since right after the Civil War, and it's all intentional.

America is safe, if you stay away from where the thugs hang out.
If you see any roaming around, walk the other way.
However, if you see somebody trashing a Walmart....walk up to him and split his head open.
Then get the fuck out of there.
Fuck the police.
All they're going to do is arrest you.
Dude...jesus do you not understand how youtube works?

The more times you click on videos like that the more they suggest for you.

That is absolutely the WORST way to educate yourself on anything
I don’t care.

Do you think the Detroit News is lying?

My entire mother’s family emigrated from Sicily in 1906. This included my great grandparents and their eight children including my grandfather. All settled in Detroit shortly afterward. My grandparents often spoke of never locking their doors and in the summer, leaving the doors open all night while they slept.

No one worried about crime in a city that is now infamous for crime.
Yet crime existed
I do not lock my doors and have not since 1986 I also leave my keys in both vehicles.
And they have been as such all my life. If you don't like it move to Europe or Asia.
There are universities abutting ghettos where the students are warned not to go into. Even with that, there are people from the ghettos who inflict criminal violations on students at the universities as there is no wall. A student at an ATM machine at 2 in the morning is asking for trouble. City colleges students need to be aware. A lot of pain.
There are universities abutting ghettos where the students are warned not to go into. Even with that, there are people from the ghettos who inflict criminal violations on students at the universities as there is no wall. A student at an ATM machine at 2 in the morning is asking for trouble. City colleges students need to be aware. A lot of pain.
I never suggest using an ATM machine they are a rip-off.

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