Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

I don’t care.

Do you think the Detroit News is lying?

My entire mother’s family emigrated from Sicily in 1906. This included my great grandparents and their eight children including my grandfather. All settled in Detroit shortly afterward. My grandparents often spoke of never locking their doors and in the summer, leaving the doors open all night while they slept.

No one worried about crime in a city that is now infamous for crime.
Course she was kicking into the Mafia so...
There are universities abutting ghettos where the students are warned not to go into. Even with that, there are people from the ghettos who inflict criminal violations on students at the universities as there is no wall. A student at an ATM machine at 2 in the morning is asking for trouble. City colleges students need to be aware. A lot of pain.
When I was in college, one of several part-time jobs I had was working for campus security. Walking professors working late to their cars, walking students from the library when it closed to their dorms, stuff like that.
When I was in college, one of several part-time jobs I had was working for campus security. Walking professors working late to their cars, walking students from the library when it closed to their dorms, stuff like that.
In 1920?
Your usual fear mongering thread.

Is that all you have to offer America? Fear. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Clearly not all people, from all religions are Americans to you, or do great things to keep America and Americans safe.

You are on a losing roll. Again.
He’s an asswipe who can’t possibly believe what he posts
I wouldn't walk in a park in a suburb after dark.

That's just stupid
Well he claims to be worth $11M so it’s doubtful he’s actually walking anywhere. Of course he could be lying about being mega rich but he wouldn’t do that…would he?
Exhibit A on this issue is "school mass shootings." The Media have created a perception of imminent danger in our schools, and some people "feel"that their kids are unsafe.

And yet, statistically, the kids are much more likely to be seriously injured or killed while riding in the family car. The chances of YOUR KID being killed by a crazy gunman in school are so slight as to be unworthy of consideration.
But we used to feel safe walking through malls or going to movies and concerts.
Now? Ya never know when some nut with a gun might act out.

The odds of that are actually small. Far greater threat these days is for some gang of young leftist hoods and thugs, mostly black, roaming the streets unchecked, without fear of reprisal, defiant, coming along and mobbing some store looting it violently or attacking some elderly white person. It has now become an almost daily event.

I remember not long ago, some black hood attacked some old white lady on the street as she just walked by and broke her skull. Another old white man was getting on or off a bus and another black hood on the bus came up behind him and punched him hard in the head knocking him out, he fell out the bus door onto the street and died.

All thanks to leftist atheist politics which teaches that human life has no value.

But if you get shot by a gunman, he too will most likely be a leftist psycho.
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Exhibit A on this issue is "school mass shootings." The Media have created a perception of imminent danger in our schools, and some people "feel"that their kids are unsafe.

And yet, statistically, the kids are much more likely to be seriously injured or killed while riding in the family car. The chances of YOUR KID being killed by a crazy gunman in school are so slight as to be unworthy of consideration.
They do "active shooter" drills so apparently they feel differently
Don’t troll or make things up about other posters , people can see through your dishonesty … do you feel unsafe anywhere in America?

Because the bottom line is nobody can deny this, there are Americans who feel unsafe to walk in certain areas in the country.
I feel safe wherever I go. I carry a .45 and I train weekly in combat defense. I hope I never have to dispatch my weapons.

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