Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

When it comes to city building America is pathetic, and being outpaced by countries that were little more than goat herders just 60 years ago. For instance the Line in S.A...

Great nations and cultures leave behind great works that last the ages, and inspire. The US for all its wealth, and all its might lacks any semblance of ambition, and imagination. Great nations, and cultures build monuments to their greatness...
I learned early in life, how to walk without looking like a target.
Yes, it's an actual "thing". And in my case, it does work.

You might look into it.
Exactly. If you walk like you're unconcerned and yet are aware of your surroundings you usually avoid trouble.

Walk like you think everyone is after you and they'll think they might have a reason to be.
When it comes to city building America is pathetic, and being outpaced by countries that were little more than goat herders just 60 years ago. For instance the Line in S.A...

Great nations and cultures leave behind great works that last the ages, and inspire. The US for all its wealth, and all its might lacks any semblance of ambition, and imagination. Great nations, and cultures build monuments to their greatness...

I look like I might beat a motherfucker's ass. No one has ever really messed with me even when I lived in a crack infested neighborhood in South Florida.

With so many people being armed you would think than causing trouble would be less likely.. In Toronto there are daily shootings and knifing attacks. None of the victims are armed
Of course ! I used to live in Los Angeles. I wasn't safe going out to get the mail. Sadly, a few months ago one of my old neighbors was shot taking her dog for a walk. The dog stolen. Two black guys drove up, one got out of the car shot her in the head, grabbed the dog and they drove off. Not an expensive dog either. Just a mix. I walked my dog right there hundreds of times.

I'll take "Why I Live In Mayberry" for $1000, Alex.

I have no need to walk anywhere but my little Midwest town. Clean, safe, quiet.

If anyone shit on the sidewalk here, they would probably be bleeding before they could wipe. If anyone looks like they don't belong here, they are noted on Facebook within a few minutes and escorted out of town before they have a chance to pull anything.

I am still the master of my world if I feel like taking a stroll under the moonlit sky at 2:00AM.
Of course ! I used to live in Los Angeles. I wasn't safe going out to get the mail. Sadly, a few months ago one of my old neighbors was shot taking her dog for a walk. The dog stolen. Two black guys drove up, one got out of the car shot her in the head, grabbed the dog and they drove off. Not an expensive dog either. Just a mix. I walked my dog right there hundreds of times.
Sure… and you never considered moving?
Yes, but not in the USA. Crime in most American cities 100 years ago was almost nonexistent.

I read an old article in the Detroit News from the 1920s. They surveyed Detroiters and found most never locked their home’s doors and many didn’t even have a lock on their doors. I betting this was true throughout American cities at that time.
Nope. Crime was worse in the United States years ago.
With so many people being armed you would think than causing trouble would be less likely.

Just the opposite. Most of the people armed are carrying with the intent of doing harm. Many people even owning guns for collection, sport or protection often do not carry out of fear of violating some ordinance and being fined or arrested on some technicality. I used to know a guy who must have had a dozen carry permits issued in different states just so that he could lawfully travel around and not be arrested.

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