Does Anyone Not Know We're in World War III ?

protist 10585507
Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology.

Stupid Comment #002 - I don't share DAIISH terrorist scum's insane ideology. Not one of those terrorist scum have attempted to fight me.

Why dignify the terrorist scum by declaring them fighters. They prey on the weak and unarmed and used social media to exaggerate their strength in numbers that caused an 'on paper only' army in northern Iraq to flee rather than fight. They are not fighters or anything close to being a soldier or warrior.
Posts like this always make me suspicious if the writer is from ISIS (or a jihadist sympathizer himself) No normal, intelligent person could think like this.

Every post makes you suspicious unless it blindly parrots what you are afraid of now.
In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate.

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

What a lame answer. Obama didn't try to extend it. Man up and take a position.

My position is we should have left, stayed out and we should stay out of fighting ISIS now. I stand behind leaving.

At least if you say Obama should have tried to stay and didn't, you disagree with him on that you'd be taking a stand on a view.

Just saying it was W means you need political Viagara.

It was for historical accuracy. Not only was the date of withdrawal inaccurate but also the fact that it was President Bushes time frame not President Obama's. Furthermore it was the Shiite dominated Iraq government that is mostly responsible for the rekindling of the Iraq Civil war, and the alliance between the Sunnis and ISIS, not Bush, not Obama.

This is a current events thread, not a history one.

If you're willing to play fast and loose with facts your conclusion is suspect. Fact is the terrorist threat does not rise to the level of either of the two world wars.
That's right. It rises FAR ABOVE them, because of the NUCLEAR component, as well as CYBERwarfare, EMPs, and other WMD that weren't a threat in the first 2 world wars. How dumb could anyone be, to not see this obvious fact ?

Could I interest you in a bomb shelter? Air filters, water purifiers. How you fixed for MRE's?
How about Seeds. You need some post apocalypse seeds for your garden, dirt cheap.
I want to retaliate when we are attacked. I don't want to be in the middle east at all, I don't want to be engaged in wars like Iraq that aren't our problem, I don't want to be nation building in Afghanistan.

You support a party that is far more militaristic than that. Obama continued the war in Iraq, continued nation building in Afghanistan, got us into war in Libya and saber rattled in Egypt and Syria. And you call me scary militaristic? Dante is completely fucking delusional.

nice to know some things in life stay the same

Seriously? Dante thinks it's ":cuckoo:" to respond when we are attacked, but not when we are not? What is scary about that exactly?


Well, if Dante doesn't think that, Dante has serious reading comprehension problems because that is what kaz is arguing and always argued.
That's right. It rises FAR ABOVE them, because of the NUCLEAR component, as well as CYBERwarfare, EMPs, and other WMD that weren't a threat in the first 2 world wars. How dumb could anyone be, to not see this obvious fact

What do you want done about the potential of a nuclear threat from ISIS
protist 10585507
and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it

Stupid comment #003.- the part where you say Obama has a hands off mindset. - nothing is happening to stop terrorist attacks. Stupid because you seem to want some kind of WWII massive military mobilization and all able-bodied military aged males to be drafted into military service and get Rosie the Riveter up and running again,

Stupid because where do all these machines and men of war go to fight the new World War Scale sized enemy.
protist 10585507
and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it

Stupid comment #003.- the part where you say Obama has a hands off mindset. - nothing is happening to stop terrorist attacks. Stupid because you seem to want some kind of WWII massive military mobilization and all able-bodied military aged males to be drafted into military service and get Rosie the Riveter up and running again,

Stupid because where do all these machines and men of war go to fight the new World War Scale sized enemy.
I sometimes hesitate to answer questions as :lame2:brain as this ? Good grief. Where do you think ? Try Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, for starters. Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) Then we can talk about the jihadist training camp enclaves inside the US.
That's right. It rises FAR ABOVE them, because of the NUCLEAR component, as well as CYBERwarfare, EMPs, and other WMD that weren't a threat in the first 2 world wars. How dumb could anyone be, to not see this obvious fact

What do you want done about the potential of a nuclear threat from ISIS
I want done what just about every US general and admiral has been saying should have BEEN done already, Many more airstrikes + ground troops in Iraq and Syria, and exterminate the dirtbags. What would you think ?
What a lame answer. Obama didn't try to extend it. Man up and take a position.

My position is we should have left, stayed out and we should stay out of fighting ISIS now. I stand behind leaving.

At least if you say Obama should have tried to stay and didn't, you disagree with him on that you'd be taking a stand on a view.

Just saying it was W means you need political Viagara.

It was for historical accuracy. Not only was the date of withdrawal inaccurate but also the fact that it was President Bushes time frame not President Obama's. Furthermore it was the Shiite dominated Iraq government that is mostly responsible for the rekindling of the Iraq Civil war, and the alliance between the Sunnis and ISIS, not Bush, not Obama.

This is a current events thread, not a history one.

If you're willing to play fast and loose with facts your conclusion is suspect. Fact is the terrorist threat does not rise to the level of either of the two world wars.
That's right. It rises FAR ABOVE them, because of the NUCLEAR component, as well as CYBERwarfare, EMPs, and other WMD that weren't a threat in the first 2 world wars. How dumb could anyone be, to not see this obvious fact ?

Could I interest you in a bomb shelter? Air filters, water purifiers. How you fixed for MRE's?
How about Seeds. You need some post apocalypse seeds for your garden, dirt cheap.
None needed if we would simply FIGHT the damn war, instead of talking about it on the media.
Dolt! We've been there for years, and haven't gotten one drop of Iraq's oil.

Of course we have, been buying it for a couple decades now.
As my old physics professor used to say "Qualitative measures are derived from Quantitative measures" In the last month measured (October 2014) we got 2% of our oil from Iraq. 98% from non-Iraq imports. And when you factor in the US drilled oil, Iraqi oil is less than 1% of our oil. And we're getting no more oil after US troop deployments than before.
protist 10585507
Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology.

Stupid Comment #002 - I don't share DAIISH terrorist scum's insane ideology. Not one of those terrorist scum have attempted to fight me.

Why dignify the terrorist scum by declaring them fighters. They prey on the weak and unarmed and used social media to exaggerate their strength in numbers that caused an 'on paper only' army in northern Iraq to flee rather than fight. They are not fighters or anything close to being a soldier or warrior.
Posts like this always make me suspicious if the writer is from ISIS (or a jihadist sympathizer himself) No normal, intelligent person could think like this.

Every post makes you suspicious unless it blindly parrots what you are afraid of now.
Could you repeat that in American English ?
I didn't say ISIS was World War III. ISIS is one jihadist group in the world war, among dozens of others scattered all over the globe.

you can come out from under your bed now...
Beds won't protect against nuclear missles, EMPs, or CYBER attacks. Get with it. This ain't 1955.

Beds will protect just fine against any nuclear missiles or EMP's ever launched by a jihadist group- which will be none.

There are no jihadist groups that can launch nuclear missiles or EMP's against the United States- there are extremely few countries in the entire world that can do that- lets name them shall we?
- North Korea (barely)
- China
- Russia
- France
- UK
- Israel(?)

The other nuclear countries- India, Pakistan have no ability to lob a missile at the United States.

As far as cyberwarfare is concerned we are in more danger from NK, Russia and China than any jihadist group.
1. The threat of jihadists acquiring nuclear weaponry is correlated to the wealth they have and are acquiring (which in the case of ISIS is quite a lot). They are a near future nuclear threat. Doesn't matter if they're a present one or not.

2. The danger of Pakistani nukes is so great that the Pentagon has considered sending troops into Pakistan to get them, and bring them to the US. This is the main reason why Pakistan now carts their nukes around through cities, in ordinary cargo vans. This has been known about for years.

The Pentagon s Secret Plans to Secure Pakistan s Nuclear Arsenal -

Pakistan Carts Its Nukes Around In Delivery Vans WIRED

3. Any country can attack the US with nukes, from as simple as shooting them into coastal cities from cargo ships.

4. Nuke bombs can be brought into the US in shipping containers, which the last time I checked, 5% of shipping containers were being inspected in US ports (most of which aren't even US owned)

5. Try reading the book Open Target, by former US Homeland Security Inspector General, Clark Kent Ervin.

Open Target Where America Is Vulnerable to Attack Clark Kent Ervin 9781403972880 Books
I didn't say ISIS was World War III. ISIS is one jihadist group in the world war, among dozens of others scattered all over the globe.

you can come out from under your bed now...
Beds won't protect against nuclear missles, EMPs, or CYBER attacks. Get with it. This ain't 1955.

I'll take my chances. Stop giving away my freedoms because you are a scaredy cat
You don't have the "freedom" to endanger the American people. would you have told them the same thing in 1941 ? There is a lot to be scared about right now, and I see you as either a fool or a jihadist sympathizer.
If Hitler had made Nazism a Religion, he might have never fired a shot. Islam, it's like that. A thousand years older maybe, but the intent is the same.
The west needs to redefine what religion IS. Don't care how old it is. Islam is just become CRYPTO fascism. Hitler should have thought of making a NAZISM religion, too. He would have won WII without firing a shot.
protist 10606815
Could you repeat that in American English ?

You ran away from this before. What do not understand?

Stupid Comment #002 - I don't share DAIISH terrorist scum's insane ideology. Not one of those terrorist scum have attempted to fight me.

They have not attempted to fight you. So why do you declare this false statement as a major part of your argument?

Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology.

They are not fighting against everyone that doesn't agree with DAIISH. You have made that up. And it is utter nonsense.
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Yes, we'll kill lots of them here, and I'll be shooting at them too, Trouble is, the ones who sneak up, and plant bombs like at the Boston Marathon, and sneak attackers like Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood.
Take that McCarthy bullshit and shove it up your ass.
McCarthy ? HA HA. Nah. This is Eisenhower stuff. And Patton. And Bradley. And McArthur. And Nimmitz,

It could also be from my ex-Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Shea. When asked how do you handle your enemies ? He said > "That can be explained in 3 simple words. We kill them."
McCarthy ? HA HA. Nah. This is Eisenhower stuff. And Patton. And Bradley. And McArthur. And Nimmitz,

It could also be from my ex-Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Shea. When asked how do you handle your enemies ? He said > "That can be explained in 3 simple words. We kill them."
Well, if we would stop creating enemies, we wouldn't have to "handle" them.
protist 10607313
It could also be from my ex-Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Shea. When asked how do you handle your enemies ? He said > "That can be explained in 3 simple words. We kill them."

Stupid comment #004. Stupid because we are killing all known DAIISH terrorist scum enemies. And Taliban And al Qaeda remnants including half the leadership. Thousand of those cowardly killers have met Mr Hellfire. Or ISAF, ANA & ANP Forces in Afghanistan. Or ISF, Peshmerga, & Shiite militia & Iranian Quds forces in Iraq. They all kill them.

So very stupid is yet another comment.

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