Does Anyone Not Know We're in World War III ?

Oh please, al qaeda attacked the WTC in 2001. People like you would wage constant war, ala Israel with her neighbors, in order to keep us safe from a mythical giant. People like you would bankrupt us to keep us safe from you mythical giant

Didn't actually read my post, did you Skippy? You support a President who wages far more war than I would. LOL. What a tool.
read your post.

I disagree with some of the President's actions and agree with others. Your type fears criminals and turns them into mythical giants
Jihadists aren't robbing 7-11s. They are all over the world, waging a world war.

I agree. However, as long as we are willing to be the global policeman and do it on our own while our "allies" stab us in the back, why would they man up to confronting it? Imagine the brick they would lay if they found out we aren't doing it anymore other than to protect ourselves without a global ... team ... effort to do that.

France is conducting airstikes against ISIS. So is Saudi Arabia.

Exactly, "airstrikes." Airstrikes are a sanitary way to have minimal impact but tell the people at home they are doing something. You can't win wars like this without boots on the ground and you can't do it without going after them even when they use their friends, families and neighbors as shields showing who the barbarians are.

So far, we have been the only ones who have been willing to put serious boots on the ground and sustain it. But we tie our hands. When you reach the point of going to war, you should be all in. We are the most committed, but we still tie our own hands. The concept of limited war is bull. When the world wants to end the threat then I say we go in with them. Your pumping out continuing to go it in alone I am not in on.
It's not just the ones with guns and suicide vests, it's also the ones in Washington and the streets of America who sympathize with the bastards (the Democratic Party specifically).[/QUOTE]

I agree with all of that.

Stupid Comment #005. Stupid because if you believe the Democratic Party sympathizes with the DAIISH terrorist bastards you are far to deranged to be taken seriously about your case for comparing your fantasy WWIII to the historical WWII where nary a American patriot Democrat from FDR on down to a Private in the army sympathized with the enemy.
Your logic is another mentle fumble. DAIISH has not acquired a nuclear weapon or any way to deliver one. What is your proposal for an 100% guarantee that no diabolical agent or organization ever acquire a deliverable nuclear weapon?
What a dumb post, starting with the word "DAIISH" Sounds like a dessert food. Back to reality >> As the rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if ISIS has has acquired a nuke already or not. What matters is they are insane jihadists, actively belligerent, and very wealthy and getting wealthier, and seeking to acquire nukes. Get it ?

Few thing in life are a 100% guarantee, and that need not be the goal. The goal is simply to do ALL that can be done, to PROTECT the American people from these loons getting their hands on nukes.

PS - you misspelled "mental" :laugh:
What is stupid, is this thread.

Your logic is another mentle fumble. DAIISH has not acquired a nuclear weapon or any way to deliver one. What is your proposal for an 100% guarantee that no diabolical agent or organization ever acquire a deliverable nuclear weapon?
What a dumb post, starting with the word "DAIISH" Sounds like a dessert food. Back to reality >> As the rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" if ISIS has has acquired a nuke already or not. What matters is they are insane jihadists, actively belligerent, and very wealthy and getting wealthier, and seeking to acquire nukes. Get it ?

Few thing in life are a 100% guarantee, and that need not be the goal. The goal is simply to do ALL that can be done, to PROTECT the American people from these loons getting their hands on nukes.

PS - you misspelled "mental" :laugh:
protecti 10586052
PS - Thethe murderous DAIISH terrorists have a WORSE and MORE DANGEROUS status than the German and Japanese Army Navy and Air Forces of WWII. These creeps have the capability to acquire NUCLEAR weapons. That wasn't a threat from the WW II enemies.

The Germans were into developing a nuclear bomb as early as 1939. They had the physicists and technological capability to get there. During WWII our side did not know they had cut back on developing a bomb because of the war effort.

Daiish terrorist scum could never inflict as much damage on the U.S. As the Japanese did in one day at Pearl Harbor. It took damn near the entire populations of the U.S. And USSR and all our allies in Europe and around the planet to push the Nazi's back to Berlin and force a surrender.

And you compare these evil but highly advanced military powers as less of a threat to maybe 40,000 Daiish terrorist scum that are mostly capable of capturing and killing unarmed civilians or faced an Army in Iraq that was blighted by corruption and nepotism under PM Maliki who also had appoint himself as Defense Minister and national Chief of Police.

You suffer from some sort of severe mental hardship.
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The Germans were into developing a nuclear bomb as early as 1939. They had the physicists and technological capability to get there. During WWII our side did not know they had cut back on developing a bomb because of the war effort.

Daiish terrorist scum could never inflict as much damage on the U.S. As the Japanese did in one day at Pearl Harbor. It took damn near the entire populations of the U.S. And USSR and all our allies in Europe and around the planet to push the Nazi's back to Berlin and force a surrender.

And you compare these evil but highly advanced military powers as less of a threat to maybe 40,000 Daiish terrorist scum that are mostly capable of capturing and killing unarmed civilians or faced an Army in Iraq that was blighted by corruption and nepotism under PM Maliki who also had appoint himself as Defense Minister and national Chief of Police.

You suffer from some sort of severe mental hardship.
After 165 posts in this thread, you should have comprehended that in today's nuclear weaponry world (and biological weapon world), any jihadist organization capable of acquiring a lot of money, could also be capable of acquiring nuclear weapons from rogue nations, or rogue individuals close to the security of those weapons.

This is a major threat, and more than anything of World War 2. How confident are you of "our" port security, where nuclear bombs could arrive in shipping containers, and be trucked to big cities all over the US ? Note that most of those ports are not even US owned. Also note that Iran is now weeks away from having a nuclear bomb, and confusion-riddled Biden is babbling about our worst threat being "white supremacy".
any jihadist organization capable of acquiring a lot of money, could also be capable of acquiring nuclear weapons from rogue nations, or rogue individuals close to the security of those weapons.

Trump has a lot of your money, he is all three a white supremacist, a fascist and disgruntled America hater. I hope Biden is keeping a close eye on that pro-Putin terrorist threat acquiring a nuclear bomb with insider knowledge of how American national security works. Thank god Trump is stupid and never learned any intelligence knowledge that could help him now smuggle a suitcase bomb into one of the big cities with a large black population that voted the orange faced asshole out office.

You are right we need to keep an eye on Trump and all his dingbat America hating cult members that still worship him and hate America so much they would aid and abet terrorists to restore Trump into the White HOUSE or nuke it and move the Capitol To a Confederate State or Mara Lago.
The Germans were into developing a nuclear bomb as early as 1939. They had the physicists and technological capability to get there. During WWII our side did not know they had cut back on developing a bomb because of the war effort.

Daiish terrorist scum could never inflict as much damage on the U.S. As the Japanese did in one day at Pearl Harbor. It took damn near the entire populations of the U.S. And USSR and all our allies in Europe and around the planet to push the Nazi's back to Berlin and force a surrender.

And you compare these evil but highly advanced military powers as less of a threat to maybe 40,000 Daiish terrorist scum that are mostly capable of capturing and killing unarmed civilians or faced an Army in Iraq that was blighted by corruption and nepotism under PM Maliki who also had appoint himself as Defense Minister and national Chief of Police.

You suffer from some sort of severe mental hardship.
After 165 posts in this thread, you should have comprehended that in today's nuclear weaponry world (and biological weapon world), any jihadist organization capable of acquiring a lot of money, could also be capable of acquiring nuclear weapons from rogue nations, or rogue individuals close to the security of those weapons.

This is a major threat, and more than anything of World War 2. How confident are you of "our" port security, where nuclear bombs could arrive in shipping containers, and be trucked to big cities all over the US ? Note that most of those ports are not even US owned. Also note that Iran is now weeks away from having a nuclear bomb, and confusion-riddled Biden is babbling about our worst threat being "white supremacy".
Your blob didn't fix that? Wow, another failure by your cult leader.
Your blob didn't fix that? Wow, another failure by your cult leader.
He DID fix it, by squashing ISIS, and killing their leaders, unlike Obama who facilitated ISIS by pulling US troops out of Iraq in 2011, and allowing ISIS convoys to travel on open desert roads, where they should have been obliterated.

Now Biden is facilitating Iran's development of a nuclear bomb by reopening the Iran agreement, and being just plain lost on the whole thing. As you seem to be.

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