Zone1 Does anyone object to the use of abortion pills to terminate pregnancies before 10 weeks?

1.5 actually. You're using home school math and assuming they would have had their period the next day.

Maybe so. I'm no expert in pregnancy nor menstruation--- I tried signing up for the class but the ladies wouldn't have me! :auiqs.jpg:

Let's just say it SHOULD be AMPLE time for any woman to know something's wrong, take a pregnancy test and decide whether or not they want to abort the child.
If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant for whatever reason and she can't afford to abort her pregnancy, that's going to be more expensive to society in the long-run than simply covering the cost of the abortion. More, every American should have the right to healthcare. We should at the very least have medicare for all.

You realize that there's a sure fire way to make sure a woman doesn't get an unwanted pregnancy? And it's free?
Yeah, I know, that is 2 1/2 months past the point where you were late with your period! Which means you are heading for your FORTH missed period! Kind of a long time for someone to notice and decide maybe they better try a pregnancy stick!
You are either terrible at math


you have no idea about the menstrual cycle.
In a democracy it's the majority that rule, not a small minority of miscreants and sociopaths who think they live in a vacuum. There's no production without infrastructure or society, and if society decides to recognize that every human being has a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment, then that society will have just that. Christians can do whatever they want among themselves, but if the majority of people want to live in a society where these social services are provided then that's how it's going to be, regardless of how you feel about it. Christian charity is not the answer to providing healthcare to all of our citizens.

More, you don't even follow what the Bible says about charity, which requires everyone to open their doors and let the homeless into their homes. You haven't read your Bible:

Isa 58:7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?

Jesus makes it a commandment not just a suggestion:

Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Jesus is going to throw all of those counterfeit "Christians", fake disciples, who refuse to open the doors of their homes to the homeless, into the lake of fire. The first Christians were communists, they all lived together and held all things in common. Read Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-37 . If you're not willing to do that as a supposed disciple of Jesus, then YHWH will commission communists to do it for you. That's what YHWH does throughout the Bible. He chooses a motley crew of people to do His will, when His children are disobedient. When YHWH's children are rebelious he will choose Cyrus, a pagan Zoroastrian to do His work. When the Jews refuse to go back to the promise land, YHWH chooses atheists and communists to start a movement called "ZIONISM", yep that's right. 19th century Zionism was started by Theodore Herzl, an atheist and a socialist. The first Jewish settlers in the promiseland, established a network of communes called "Kibutzim", and they were communists. The first seven prime ministers of Israel were Socialists. David Ben Gurion and Golda Meir admitted to being Marxists. So YHWH will use whoever He wants to use.

So called "Christians", the supposed disciples of Jesus, who flippantly dismiss the needs of society, of the poor, of working-class people, siding always on the side of the wealthy, often at the expense of the poor. You're always going to lose. YHWH will employ communists, atheists, to punish you, because you refuse to obey your supposed Lord. Democracy, the rule of the people is what's going to be established in America, not the rule of corporations or the rich at the expense of the public good. YHWH the God of the Bible, that you supposedly worship and serve, is on the side of the public good, of working-class people, of the poor, and if communists recognize this profound truth, that all human beings have the right to food, housing, healthcare, an education, full employment, then YHWH will make that happen, regardless of how you feel about it. Democracy is going to win.
There's no salvation in doing anything at the point of a gun. Your argument fails.
And in Flint, Michigan, they didn't poison the population, they just poisoned the water that the people needed to live.

Chemicals that cause death are referred to as poison even if the same chemicals don't cause death when otherwise used.
I have no idea what you mean
Maybe so. I'm no expert in pregnancy nor menstruation--- I tried signing up for the class but the ladies wouldn't have me! :auiqs.jpg:

Let's just say it SHOULD be AMPLE time for any woman to know something's wrong, take a pregnancy test and decide whether or not they want to abort the child.
Ohhhh you are clueless

Irregular periods

Can range from 23 days to 29 day cycles
america does a very poor job of promoting contraception. I give this nation an F in that category. Every doctor, school, etc should be PUSHING it. That's how abortion truly ends. But this nation will never figure it out.
america does a very poor job of promoting contraception. I give this nation an F in that category. Every doctor, school, etc should be PUSHING it. That's how abortion truly ends. But this nation will never figure it out.
Not in the school system where I teach

AMERICA is an incredibly diverse nation

Some states are conservative
Some are liberal

There can be no compromise with child killers.
And therein lies the problem. If you're claiming that the state has vested in the welfare of an "unborn" child, where does it end? Where do you draw the line between late-term abortions and jerking off?
I believe it's pro-life to allow women to choose what to do with their pregnancies. None of the conservatives against abortion are willing to support single mothers if they lose their jobs due to their pregnancies or pay their rent. If a woman determines she's not ready to be a mother, she should have the right to terminate her pregnancy. The actual human being is the woman, not the embryo or the fetus.
If you terminate prior to 10 weeks that virtually guarantees no fetal heartbeat. Does anyone have a problem with greatly expanding the availability and promoting the use of emergency contraceptives a.k.a morning after pills a.k.a abortion pills prior to 10 weeks fetal development?

What are the side effects of these medications? That should be considered.
And therein lies the problem. If you're claiming that the state has vested in the welfare of an "unborn" child, where does it end? Where do you draw the line between late-term abortions and jerking off?
Jerking off won't make your hand or her mouth pregnant.
I believe it's pro-life to allow women to choose what to do with their pregnancies. None of the conservatives against abortion are willing to support single mothers if they lose their jobs due to their pregnancies or pay their rent. If a woman determines she's not ready to be a mother, she should have the right to terminate her pregnancy. The actual human being is the woman, not the embryo or the fetus.
If a woman determines that she is not ready to be a mother then she should not have penis in vagina sex. If a man isn't ready to be a father, he should not put penis in vagina. That's how babies are conceived.......But ya'll knew that didn't ya? Contraception, as I am told by pro aborts, is not 100% which, they say, is the reason we need abortion but, wouldn't it be easier to just refrain from procreational-type sex? Ya'll can get creative.....
If a woman determines that she is not ready to be a mother then she should not have penis in vagina sex. If a man isn't ready to be a father, he should not put penis in vagina.
Well, shit. We should make that illegal then. No sex unless you intend to make a baby. Should marriage also be required?

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