Does Anyone Remember How The Left Tried To Get Rush Fired For Calling A Woman A Hooker?

What a crock of The Republican party platform has been about abortion since 2012. It took 1st place in 2012 and was on the agenda again in 2016, and it is specifcally the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012. Rush Limbaugh & other right wing talk show hosts lied to you, stating that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough.

There's been an anti-Abortion plank in the GOP Platform since 1980. It used to be a winning issue for the GOP. It kind of still is, because how else do you get working class Christians to vote for tax cuts for the rich?

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.” Of course they were talking about abortion again, and got into discussing legal legitimate rape questions.

Here's the thing about that. Abortions performed because of Rape are less than 1% of all abortions performed. Just like the anti-abortion nuts can't stop talking about late term abortions (which are rare), the pro-abortion left can't stop talking about rape abortions (which are also very rare).

So maybe we should have an honest discussion about abortion. Most abortions are had by women who had consensual sex with a man who wasn't good father material, on healthy fetuses in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. .

I don't think that's a discussion either side really wants to have.
You had 16 other GOP candidates to choose from and you picked the Ass Clown. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate,

Donald J. Trump is the only one of the 17 that could have beat Mrs. Clinton. What would Jeb or Kasich done if Hillary had gone wild on them? The broad spent a billion dollars in Hate Ads in 2016, only a counter puncher like Trump would have stood a chance.

In the view of the Far Left, sure Trump was the worst candidate, because he was the one with the only chance to win.
What a crock of The Republican party platform has been about abortion since 2012. It took 1st place in 2012 and was on the agenda again in 2016, and it is specifcally the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012. Rush Limbaugh & other right wing talk show hosts lied to you, stating that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough.

There's been an anti-Abortion plank in the GOP Platform since 1980. It used to be a winning issue for the GOP. It kind of still is, because how else do you get working class Christians to vote for tax cuts for the rich?

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.” Of course they were talking about abortion again, and got into discussing legal legitimate rape questions.

Here's the thing about that. Abortions performed because of Rape are less than 1% of all abortions performed. Just like the anti-abortion nuts can't stop talking about late term abortions (which are rare), the pro-abortion left can't stop talking about rape abortions (which are also very rare).

So maybe we should have an honest discussion about abortion. Most abortions are had by women who had consensual sex with a man who wasn't good father material, on healthy fetuses in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. .

I don't think that's a discussion either side really wants to have.

They never campaigned on Abortion until 2012.

Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. avoided talking about abortion like it was the black plague. They never campaigned on overturning Roe v Wade. There are reasons for that.

1. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision not a political one.
2. There are pro-choice Republicans, as there are pro-choice Democrats.

In 2012--we had candidates playing paddy feet with right wing Evangelicals promising them they would overturn Roe v Wade, to writing laws on sonograms and everything else that came down the pipeline..

In 2016 Rand Paul & Ted Cruz were down in the Southeast promising their constituents a "personhood amendment" to the U.S. Constitution.

To add, repeal or change an amendment to the Constitution requires a 2/3's vote of the Senate, a 2/3's vote of the House, and then it has to be ratified by 38 state legislatures. Not a snowballs chance in hell of that ever happening.


Republican governors starting attacking Roe v Wade with their own state abortion laws, that were overruled by District courts.. Mike Pence signed into law an abortion bill in Indiana, that was immediately overturned by a Federal District court.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Appeals court: Indiana abortion law signed by Mike Pence unconstitutional

This again is the effect of puttting abortion on a political platform, a place where it never belonged. Republican candidates are now forced to answer abortion questions in about every debate, which typically outs them as being too extreme to hold elected office.

First woman's march held the day after Trump was inugurated January 20, 2019


For many more pictures go to this link on this board and scroll through the pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Trump actually stated there should be some form of punishment for women who have abortions--:dig:

Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants

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You had 16 other GOP candidates to choose from and you picked the Ass Clown. You really couldn't have found a worse candidate,

Donald J. Trump is the only one of the 17 that could have beat Mrs. Clinton. What would Jeb or Kasich done if Hillary had gone wild on them? The broad spent a billion dollars in Hate Ads in 2016, only a counter puncher like Trump would have stood a chance.

In the view of the Far Left, sure Trump was the worst candidate, because he was the one with the only chance to win.

Trump really didn't beat her, she beat him by 3 million votes. Misogyny played a huge part in it. There are men in this country that just can't stand the thought of a woman President, no matter how qualified she is. And this attitude is deeply routed in the Republican party. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party followed along.

Again there is NO ONE that could have watched any of those debates either in the primary or the debates with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing that Trump was qualified and competent to be POTUS. If they tell you differently they're lying through their teeth.

The payback is coming this November. By electing Trump you have effectively killed the Republican party. Go to this link to see the stats on all these special elections over the last year. They're seeing 32 point swings to Democrats in November.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

They never campaigned on Abortion until 2012.

Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. avoided talking about abortion like it was the black plague. They never campaigned on overturning Roe v Wade. There are reasons for that.

Uh. No. Here's Ronnie Reagan spewing Anti-Abortion talking points.

1. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision not a political one.

I consider myself pro-choice, but Roe was definitely a political decision. The Legislatures weren't acting, so the courts decided to.

2. There are pro-choice Republicans, as there are pro-choice Democrats.

I'm sure there are. Not relevant to the point.

In fact, the first anti-abortion plank in the GOP Platform was in 1976. It has been in every GOP platform since Roe was decided.

Look, I'm probably in agreement with you that abortion should be legal, but let's not be intellectually dishonest and pretend this is a new development.
They never campaigned on Abortion until 2012.

Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. avoided talking about abortion like it was the black plague. They never campaigned on overturning Roe v Wade. There are reasons for that.

Uh. No. Here's Ronnie Reagan spewing Anti-Abortion talking points.

1. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision not a political one.

I consider myself pro-choice, but Roe was definitely a political decision. The Legislatures weren't acting, so the courts decided to.

2. There are pro-choice Republicans, as there are pro-choice Democrats.

I'm sure there are. Not relevant to the point.

In fact, the first anti-abortion plank in the GOP Platform was in 1976. It has been in every GOP platform since Roe was decided.

Look, I'm probably in agreement with you that abortion should be legal, but let's not be intellectually dishonest and pretend this is a new development.

You cannot legislate morality or your version of it from Washington D.C. This was always a U.S. Supreme court decision. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

Of course Reagan and the Bush's were pro-life, but they didn't build their campaigns around abortion. They didn't campaign on it. Now if you were sleeping in 2012, which you appear to have been, every Republican candidate, *with the exception of Mitt Romney" couldn't shut up about abortion.

It went from abortion, to who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal legitimate rape questions. '

ABORTION was the RNC platform in 2012. Mike Huckabee's program on FOX NEWS was inviting crazy old ancient white men on his program, aired nationally who made some of dumbest ass'sed comments ever heard about women's bodies, and how they can turn off getting pregnant when they're viciously attacked by a rapist, (so no need for an abortion here) Other networks picked up on it, and ran it in 24/7 hour loops. Henceforth the "War on Women" came out from the Democrat side of the isle, and it hit it's mark. Mitt Romney lost the election NOT because of his own actions but because of others, including Rush Limbaugh's comments.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump


2016 the very first question out of the very first FOX NEWS debate: ABORTION. Scott Walker looked like a deer in the headlights when Megyn Kelly informed everyone that he didn't give any exceptions on abortion, including the life of the mother. She asked him would you let your wife die, and he turned white, right there in front of millions of viewers. The very next day he dropped out of the race. We had GOP candidates flipping & flopping all over the debate stage.--:auiqs.jpg: Carly Fiorina threw herself onto the abortion sword, trying to get that Evangelical vote by campaigning on a baby parts abortion video that turned out to be completely fabricated & manufactured out of Houston, Texas.
Creator of anti-Planned Parenthood videos faces felony charge


Now everytime a Republican candidate is being interviewed on any news network across this nation the reporter is for certain going to ask what they're stance is on abortion. (As if they could do something about it anyway) It's not the economy, it's not Federal Government spending, it's not education, it's not about anything they could actually do something about, it's about abortion.

Did any of them tell their constituents that this is a U.S. Supreme court issue. An issue that they have no control over, nor ever will? Of course not. They used abortion for donations and votes, and now they own it.


Woman's march pictures
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You cannot legislate morality or your version of it from Washington D.C. This was always a U.S. Supreme court decision. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

Oh, please. Roe was an awful decision that made up a "right" out of whole cloth. Now, I agree, that the thing was, the abortion laws that were on the books were awful and no one was obeying them. But the high-handed way the Supreme Court acted gave the GOP a permanent talking point after the religious right embraced the issue.

Of course Reagan and the Bush's were pro-life, but they didn't build their campaigns around abortion. They didn't campaign on it. Now if you were sleeping in 2012, which you appear to have been, every Republican candidate, *with the exception of Mitt Romney" couldn't shut up about abortion.

I remember 2012 very well. What I remember was that the Rich decided to ignore or sabotage every candidate the GOP had and arrogantly put a Weird Mormon Robot on the ticket. but again, since 1980, you couldn't get on the GOP ticket without renouncing your former pro-abortion views, which is what the Android from Planet Kolob and George Bush Sr. had to do to get nominated.

Did any of them tell their constituents that this is a U.S. Supreme court issue. An issue that they have no control over, nor ever will? Of course not. They used abortion for donations and votes, and now they own it.

Okay. They have the White House and both houses of Congress right now. This after Trump threatened to throw women in jail for having abortions...

This is not a loser issue for the GOP. It serves them very well. Probably because most people aren't really comfortable with the notion of using abortion as contraception, which is what most abortions are performed for.
You cannot legislate morality or your version of it from Washington D.C. This was always a U.S. Supreme court decision. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

Oh, please. Roe was an awful decision that made up a "right" out of whole cloth. Now, I agree, that the thing was, the abortion laws that were on the books were awful and no one was obeying them. But the high-handed way the Supreme Court acted gave the GOP a permanent talking point after the religious right embraced the issue.

Of course Reagan and the Bush's were pro-life, but they didn't build their campaigns around abortion. They didn't campaign on it. Now if you were sleeping in 2012, which you appear to have been, every Republican candidate, *with the exception of Mitt Romney" couldn't shut up about abortion.

I remember 2012 very well. What I remember was that the Rich decided to ignore or sabotage every candidate the GOP had and arrogantly put a Weird Mormon Robot on the ticket. but again, since 1980, you couldn't get on the GOP ticket without renouncing your former pro-abortion views, which is what the Android from Planet Kolob and George Bush Sr. had to do to get nominated.

Did any of them tell their constituents that this is a U.S. Supreme court issue. An issue that they have no control over, nor ever will? Of course not. They used abortion for donations and votes, and now they own it.

Okay. They have the White House and both houses of Congress right now. This after Trump threatened to throw women in jail for having abortions...

This is not a loser issue for the GOP. It serves them very well. Probably because most people aren't really comfortable with the notion of using abortion as contraception, which is what most abortions are performed for.

You know there are actually reading comprehension classes available for adults. You might want take one.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

In 2012 Rick Santorum was winning most of the caucus states, in fact he was the runner up to Mitt Romney. Now here is a guy that is actually on video stating that States have a "right" to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning your next door neighbor via a ballot will decide for you if you use them or not, or your state legislature via a bill that they vote on will decide.

One issue was Santorum’s opposition to the Supreme Court’s 1965 ruling that invalidated a Connecticut law banning contraception. Santorum said he still feels that a state should be able to make such laws.“The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have. That is the thing I have said about the activism of the supreme court, they are creating right, and they should be left up to the people to decide,” he said.
Santorum Surging?

Santorum is so backwards he is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme court decision--Griswold v Connecticut. You probably voted for him--:auiqs.jpg: since it's clear you weren't a Mitt Romney fan. The U.S. Supreme court doesn't give rights it protects the rights of the individual against government overreach and right wing religious nutcases like Rick Santorum.
Griswold v. Connecticut - Wikipedia


Rick Santorum exemplifies the insanity of the Republican Party. They hate abortions, but they also hate things like birth control contraceptives that eliminate any need for abortions. He didn't get enough in 2012 and was back on the stage again in 2016 to see how much more damage he could do.

The Republican party is going to reduce itself to an old white angry male population only, and you're not going to win many elections that way. It's more than clear that campaigning on a 45 year old already settled U.S. Supreme court decision, (Roe v Wade) hasn't served Republicans well at all. In fact, it's going to kill them this November.

Women are the largest voting populatiion in this country today, and they're tired of Republicans insulting their intelligence & integrity. It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018.
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In 2012 Rick Santorum was winning most of the caucus states, in fact he was the runner up to Mitt Romney. Now here is a guy that is actually on video stating that States have a "right" to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning your next door neighbor via a ballot will decide for you if you use them or not, or your state legislature via a bill that they vote on will decide.

I'm going to repeat this vveeeerrrry slowly for you because you seem to be some kind of retard.

Most people don't like abortion as contraception. Most people think there should be at least some restrictions on abortion.


This is not a losing issue for the GOP. It probably keeps them afloat in large areas of the country.

Santorum is so backwards he is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme court decision--Griswold v Connecticut. You probably voted for him--since it's clear you weren't a Mitt Romney fan.

Um, yeah, I was completely against turning my country over to the Mormon Cult. I'm sorry you don't remember that conversation from 2012.

Here's the thing. Santorum could have won the rust belt. Romney was the guy who laid all those folks in the Rust Belt off. That's why he lost. Trump managed to tap into that angst in the Rust belt, and he won despite saying shit about abortion that would have made Santorum blush.

The Republican party is going to reduce itself to an old white angry male population only, and you're not going to win many elections that way. It's more than clear that campaigning on a 45 year old already settled U.S. Supreme court decision, (Roe v Wade) hasn't served Republicans well at all. In fact, it's going to kill them this November.

Um... not likely. Again, if the Dems managed to not fuck it up, it will be because Trump is personally unpopular and the out of power party ALWAYS does well in the midterms.

It won't be because of Abortion.
In 2012 Rick Santorum was winning most of the caucus states, in fact he was the runner up to Mitt Romney. Now here is a guy that is actually on video stating that States have a "right" to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning your next door neighbor via a ballot will decide for you if you use them or not, or your state legislature via a bill that they vote on will decide.

I'm going to repeat this vveeeerrrry slowly for you because you seem to be some kind of retard.

Most people don't like abortion as contraception. Most people think there should be at least some restrictions on abortion.


This is not a losing issue for the GOP. It probably keeps them afloat in large areas of the country.

Santorum is so backwards he is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme court decision--Griswold v Connecticut. You probably voted for him--since it's clear you weren't a Mitt Romney fan.

Um, yeah, I was completely against turning my country over to the Mormon Cult. I'm sorry you don't remember that conversation from 2012.

Here's the thing. Santorum could have won the rust belt. Romney was the guy who laid all those folks in the Rust Belt off. That's why he lost. Trump managed to tap into that angst in the Rust belt, and he won despite saying shit about abortion that would have made Santorum blush.

The Republican party is going to reduce itself to an old white angry male population only, and you're not going to win many elections that way. It's more than clear that campaigning on a 45 year old already settled U.S. Supreme court decision, (Roe v Wade) hasn't served Republicans well at all. In fact, it's going to kill them this November.

Um... not likely. Again, if the Dems managed to not fuck it up, it will be because Trump is personally unpopular and the out of power party ALWAYS does well in the midterms.

It won't be because of Abortion.

No one likes abortion as a means of contraception. I really don't believe that women are happy about paying out $1200 to $1700 dollars to get one, when there are much cheaper means of preventing pregnancies. So I don't buy your theory that it is continually being used as a contraceptive method. No taxpayer dollars go to pay for abortions either. Out of all the women you claim that have abortions each year, you have yet to find one that will state that taxpayers paid for hers.

So let's get back to basics. There are legitimate reasons for abortions.

1. Is the Republican party going to tell a woman that she needs to die to give birth, when she may already have two kids at home she needs to raise, along with a husband that would object?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl that has been repeatedly raped by a relative that she needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?
3. Is the Republican party going to tell a woman that has been brutally attacked and is only trying to get her life back together that she will be forced to give birth? Whom also may have a husband and other family members that would object to that.
4. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents (like Mike Pence did) that regardless of the health or deformities of a fetus they will not abort it?
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Federal Judge Blocks Pence's "Extreme" Anti-Abortion Indiana Law

You put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals in 2016 that don't get any of those concepts. They were Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindhal, Rick Perry, & Rand Paul.

Until you realise that women are much more than baby factories, you're not going to make much headway with them.


The U.S. Supreme court has made very clear that you cannot interfere into the very private, personal decisions that women and their families make.


1st woman's march; held the day after Trump was inugurated. For many more pictures go to this link and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

If this doesn't tell you what you have done to the Republican party in your abortion crusade, nothing will.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election
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No one likes abortion as a means of contraception. I really don't believe that women are happy about paying out $1200 to $1700 dollars to get one, when there are much cheaper means of preventing pregnancies. So I don't buy your theory that it is continually being used as a contraceptive method.

You can buy what you want. Most abortions are performed on healthy women who had consensual sex with a man and the fetus is healthy. They just didn't want to have a baby.

For instance, when I was in the service, there was this gal who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. Asian American gal, college educated, very strict family... and she decided to stop taking her birth control because he wasn't making good on his promise to marry her. He dumped her after that, and into the sink went that fetus. Then she got back together with him a year later and the same thing happened.

Her reason? She didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

No taxpayer dollars go to pay for abortions either. Out of all the women you claim that have abortions each year, you have yet to find one that will state that taxpayers paid for hers.

Wrong again. For instance, Cook County Hospital performs abortions on the taxpayer's dime. Federal funds don't pay for abortions, but local taxes often do.

So let's get back to basics. There are legitimate reasons for abortions.

Yes, there are.. but the majority are contraceptive abortions.

1. Is the Republican party going to tell a woman that she needs to die to give birth, when she may already have two kids at home she needs to raise, along with a husband that would object?

Most abortions aren't performed due to a health risk to the mother.

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl that has been repeatedly raped by a relative that she needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

Again, less than 0.1 of abortions are performed for rape and incest.

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a woman that has been brutally attacked and is only trying to get her life back together that she will be forced to give birth? Whom also may have a husband and other family members that would object to that.

Again, see above. Here's the philosophical question. Do we execute children for the crimes of their parents? Of course we don't. But if you start out with the premise that a fetus is a person (not what I believe, but a lot of Christians do), that is pretty much what an abortion is.

4. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents (like Mike Pence did) that regardless of the health or deformities of a fetus they will not abort it?

So why not euthanize kids with birth defects, under that logic?

You put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals in 2016 that don't get any of those concepts. They were Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindhal, Rick Perry, & Rand Paul.

I didn't put up any of them. I voted for Kasich in the primary. The thing was, Trump said the same kinds of things, and guess what... HE WON. Well, kind of.

Until you realise that women are much more than baby factories, you're not going to make much headway with them.

Um, Trump won white women..

Clinton Couldn’t Win Over White Women

This is not a loser issue for the GOP.

I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened. Nobody was willing to accept his apology.


Now we discover that Samantha Bee called Ivanka a **** simply because she was holding her son in a photo.
Not only wasn't this a spur of the moment thing, but the word **** was used with the okay of the producers of the show and that the show was recorded and played in it's normal time slot much later, giving them plenty of time to remove the disgusting expletive she used.


The offensive pic that triggered Samantha Bee

So, do you folks really believe this is about the difference between race and a hatred for women, or is is something else?
Every liberal is saying calling Ivanka a **** is mean but acceptable....but saying Valerie Jarrett looks a bit like a Simian is worth ruining lives over.

Anyone with half a brain can tell the left is trying to capitalize on their politically-correct double-standards yet again.:iagree:

And he constantly rubs it in to the NAGS.
No one likes abortion as a means of contraception. I really don't believe that women are happy about paying out $1200 to $1700 dollars to get one, when there are much cheaper means of preventing pregnancies. So I don't buy your theory that it is continually being used as a contraceptive method.

You can buy what you want. Most abortions are performed on healthy women who had consensual sex with a man and the fetus is healthy. They just didn't want to have a baby.

For instance, when I was in the service, there was this gal who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. Asian American gal, college educated, very strict family... and she decided to stop taking her birth control because he wasn't making good on his promise to marry her. He dumped her after that, and into the sink went that fetus. Then she got back together with him a year later and the same thing happened.

Her reason? She didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

No taxpayer dollars go to pay for abortions either. Out of all the women you claim that have abortions each year, you have yet to find one that will state that taxpayers paid for hers.

Wrong again. For instance, Cook County Hospital performs abortions on the taxpayer's dime. Federal funds don't pay for abortions, but local taxes often do.

So let's get back to basics. There are legitimate reasons for abortions.

Yes, there are.. but the majority are contraceptive abortions.

1. Is the Republican party going to tell a woman that she needs to die to give birth, when she may already have two kids at home she needs to raise, along with a husband that would object?

Most abortions aren't performed due to a health risk to the mother.

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl that has been repeatedly raped by a relative that she needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

Again, less than 0.1 of abortions are performed for rape and incest.

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a woman that has been brutally attacked and is only trying to get her life back together that she will be forced to give birth? Whom also may have a husband and other family members that would object to that.

Again, see above. Here's the philosophical question. Do we execute children for the crimes of their parents? Of course we don't. But if you start out with the premise that a fetus is a person (not what I believe, but a lot of Christians do), that is pretty much what an abortion is.

4. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents (like Mike Pence did) that regardless of the health or deformities of a fetus they will not abort it?

So why not euthanize kids with birth defects, under that logic?

You put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals in 2016 that don't get any of those concepts. They were Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindhal, Rick Perry, & Rand Paul.

I didn't put up any of them. I voted for Kasich in the primary. The thing was, Trump said the same kinds of things, and guess what... HE WON. Well, kind of.

Until you realise that women are much more than baby factories, you're not going to make much headway with them.

Um, Trump won white women..

Clinton Couldn’t Win Over White Women

This is not a loser issue for the GOP.

You don't post links to your claims, other than anti abortion activists charts that could have been made up by some 400 pound fat guy sitting on his bed. I have given you plenty of verifiable credible links to source, and you still ignore them.. It's clear you're a single issue voter. You vote your religious beliefs, and you probably shouldn't be voting at all. Our forefathers came to this country to escape religious persecution, and you're not going to have your way by reinstalling it. The U.S. Supreme court has made certain of that.

Scroll back to post # 179 on this thread and you can see how serious Republicans really are at stopping abortion by installing Neil Gorsuch as the recent SCOTUS.

To add insult to injury you elected Donald Trump who was never pro-life, and judging by his past statements on the Howard Stern programs and in magazines of extramarital affairs and lifelong history of screwing prostitutes, has probably paid for a few abortions himself.
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women



Your credibility as Christians has been greatly damaged. You have lost the high moral ground by electing Trump. I think you're only bible thumpers when it comes to Roe v Wade. 83% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for this morally corrupt Ass Clown, Donald Trump. So I don't want to hear your bullshit anymore.

And no this is not good for the Republican party.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Neither is this:
Blue wave coming this November 2018
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What would Jeb or Kasich done if Hillary had gone wild on them?
Kasich would have given solid answers. Jeb might not have been a better choice than Hillary, but I certainly would not be too upset if he became president. It seems like he would do a better job than the two Bushes who actually won.

Kasich kind of sucked when he dropped out, he could have picked up votes from his colleagues that dropped out, later at the convention.
What would Jeb or Kasich done if Hillary had gone wild on them?
Kasich would have given solid answers. .

So what kind of solid answer would Kasich have given when Mrs. Clinton's surrogates called him a homophobic nazi? Or if they called Mrs. Kasich a whore? Or his daughters? Or his first wife?

The Dawg Campaign really didn't have a chance to really get into Kasich's life, but if he got the GOP nomination, they sure would have. I wonder what kind of calumnies they would have launched against Gov. Kasich just from the information in his divorce?

Jeb, of course, would have prompted the Democrats to bring up every Bush story we've already heard about Jeb's dad and grandfather, not to mention Gov. Bush's daughter who has had problems with drugs. Jeb was low energy, he was destined to lose as well.
Limbaugh is in part responsible for Mitt Romney's loss in 2012, because he paints the whole party as being a bunch of women hating misogynists.

Mr. Romney himself is responsible for his own schlonging and not anyone else.

Mitt was attacked as a rich guy who didn't pay his taxes by Obama's surrogates, and he sat there and took it instead of fighting back like Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Romney was actually apologetic about his dancing horses and car escalator in his La Jolla home when the left used it to attack him as an out of touch rich guy.

President Trump would have brought the media to his home and demonstrated the escalator- explaining "Believe me, you'd be better off with one of these tremendous devises. Trump would have brought the media to his stable and had his dancing horses do break dancing for the reporters' entertainment.

You can blow that smoke all day long--but Republicans war on women was what caused Mitt Romney's loss. Scroll back to post # 162 and READ those links.

Rush Limbaugh was a big part of that, and any woman that can turn him on and listen to his misogynist garbage has got her head stuck up a dark spot. Limbaugh continually attacks the largest voting block in this country (women.) He represents the Republican party, and paints the entire party as women hating misogynists.


Then to add insult to injury Limbaugh told his audience that the reason Romney lost was because he wasn't "conservative" enough, which couldn't be farther from the truth----:auiqs.jpg: Then in 2016 he whole heartedly promoted a RHINO--Donald Trump.


1. No conservative would have proposed single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have stated they're the king of debt & love debt.
Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'
3. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program called "child care subsidies."
Donald Trump Proposing Child-Care Subsidies
4. No conservative loves Eminent domain and used it often.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz

Hell, you just elected someone that is more liberal than Hillary Clinton. You probably should burn your voter registration cards, or switch your party status--:auiqs.jpg:

Here is Rush Limbaugh admitting something shocking after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

It should be clear to you by now, if you're not doing your own freaking homework on candidates, and just reading your right wing websites,or just watching a listening to right wing talk show hosts & FOX NEWS, they're just about the MONEY and they could give a rats ass who they're promoting & are now having to defend with a mountain of conspiracy theories. You were warned about Trump a thousand times over, and you ignored all those warnings, because they did.

Donald Trump is the direct result of a large segment of this society who have insisted on living in a right wing media bubble over the last 20 years.

The article that everyone should spend the next 20 minutes reading so they NEVER make this yuuuge mistake again.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

What a childish rant.
What would Jeb or Kasich done if Hillary had gone wild on them?
Kasich would have given solid answers. .

So what kind of solid answer would Kasich have given when Mrs. Clinton's surrogates called him a homophobic nazi? Or if they called Mrs. Kasich a whore? Or his daughters? Or his first wife?

The Dawg Campaign really didn't have a chance to really get into Kasich's life, but if he got the GOP nomination, they sure would have. I wonder what kind of calumnies they would have launched against Gov. Kasich just from the information in his divorce?

Jeb, of course, would have prompted the Democrats to bring up every Bush story we've already heard about Jeb's dad and grandfather, not to mention Gov. Bush's daughter who has had problems with drugs. Jeb was low energy, he was destined to lose as well.
You think Hillary would make scandalous accusations like Droompf. You are deplorable as shit.
You think Hillary would make scandalous accusations like Droompf. You are deplorable as shit.

The Dawg through her surrogates have made all kinds of allegations against President Trump and his family. Why wouldn't she make them against the Son of a Mailman?
Tucker Carson is killing it tonight... Causing everyone involved in covering for spygate to look like the fools that they are...

Republicans if involved in covering for spygate should be so ashamed of themselves. If they blow it in this country, and they usher the Demon-crats back into power, then everyone of them who were involved should be accounted for, and they should be stripped of their power by the voters and their peers. Time for middle America to rebel big time in this country. We are completely out of control.

Rise up America, rise up. You have been sold out big time.

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