Does anyone still like Chris Christie?

don't like him - never did ... 'cept when he nailed panty waist jared's daddy. & he's quite adept at snark when it comes to donny - who gets easily triggered by christie. but other than that - he's vile.
I haven't heard him say anything that was the least bit controversial from a legal or Constitutional standpoint. He does not support many of Trump's crazier statements or positions. Apparently, he believes - as I do - that Trump cannot win in 2024, and handing him the nomination is basically inviting H. Harris into the Oval Office. Do you disagree?

Please provide a quote of something he said that is indefensible.

I won't hold my breath.
For the entertainment value of it, look (Youtube) at some of his town hall meetings in New Jersey, and how he takes the wind out of the sails of many people who think they have him cornered with one issue or another.
I haven't heard him say anything that was the least bit controversial from a legal or Constitutional standpoint. He does not support many of Trump's crazier statements or positions. Apparently, he believes - as I do - that Trump cannot win in 2024, and handing him the nomination is basically inviting H. Harris into the Oval Office. Do you disagree?

Please provide a quote of something he said that is indefensible.

I won't hold my breath.
That's a great position to take, but that's the easy part. Convincing Republicans to choose anyone else is the challenge, especially given how difficult it will be to rid the country of the Reich ilk.
I haven't heard him say anything that was the least bit controversial from a legal or Constitutional standpoint. He does not support many of Trump's crazier statements or positions. Apparently, he believes - as I do - that Trump cannot win in 2024, and handing him the nomination is basically inviting H. Harris into the Oval Office. Do you disagree?
Yes, I disagree with almost everything you said:
1. It is perfectly Constitutional to dispute the results of an election, and that doesn't make one a liar.
2. Which of Trump's "positions" (i.e., policies) does he oppose, and what alternatives does he offer?
3. Whether Trump can win in 2024 is a matter of your opinion, not fact.
4. My opinion is that Harris will not be renominated because of her unpopularity and Biden's health issues.
I heard some jackass being interviewed on the radio and thought it was just another Democrat shill. Then I found out it was Chris Christie. What is he doing, trying out for a spot on MSNBC? Why are these RINOs even pretending they are serious candidates?
I like when he bashes Donald fn Trump.
I heard some jackass being interviewed on the radio and thought it was just another Democrat shill. Then I found out it was Chris Christie. What is he doing, trying out for a spot on MSNBC? Why are these RINOs even pretending they are serious candidates?

I'd vote for him over Trump or Desantis, but at this point I plan to vote for bat-shit crazy Kennedy just for the shitz and giggles of democrats trying to understand why anyone would vote for him.

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