Does BLM really care about blacks?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Their actions say no.


Black Lives Matter has been around a lot longer than 7 years. Its just the latest identity of the Occupy Movement, the Coffee Party Movement, the Weather Underground, the SDS, the Black Panthers, the SEIU, etc.

Same group , just a different trademark.

And of course, they do nothing for black people, and never did anything for anyone else except liberal demagogues since it was founded .
One more circle jerk by Racists who will vote for the Republican Party, driving those moderate conservative and Independent voters to greener pastures. They and the far right power lusting Republican Pols scare suburbia and college educated urban voters.

Keep up the good work for Joe Biden circle jerkers, soon America will become what it promised to be, the home of the brave and the land of the free.
One more circle jerk by Racists who will vote for the Republican Party, driving that which once attracted a moderate conservative and Independent voter to greener pastures. They and the far right power lusting Republican Pols scare suburbia and college educated urban voters.

Keep up the good work for Joe Biden circle jerkers, soon America will become what it promised to be, the home of the brave and the land of the free.



Get a new schtick, Halfwit.
BLM only cares about the the lives of Blacks if they can use their deaths to make hay politically

As usual a biddable fool ^^^ makes a claim that is beyond the realm of reality, claiming what others believe to support demonstrates his hate for those he does not know and will never meet.
BLM only cares about the the lives of Blacks if they can use their deaths to make hay politically

As usual a biddable fool ^^^ makes a claim that is beyond the realm of reality, claiming what others believe to support demonstrates his hate for those he does not know and will never meet.
What has BLM done to make black lives better? Be specific. And riots/looting doesn't count.
BLM only cares about the the lives of Blacks if they can use their deaths to make hay politically

As usual a biddable fool ^^^ makes a claim that is beyond the realm of reality, claiming what others believe to support demonstrates his hate for those he does not know and will never meet.
What has BLM done to make black lives better? Be specific. And riots/looting doesn't count.
Seems Rye Catcher can't come up with a single specific thing BLM has done to actually help blacks.

Anyone else as shocked as I am? :rolleyes:
BLM is the mafia that democrats are operating. Burn, Loot and Murder everyone who does not comply with the 3rd world agenda.
BLM only cares about the the lives of Blacks if they can use their deaths to make hay politically

As usual a biddable fool ^^^ makes a claim that is beyond the realm of reality, claiming what others believe to support demonstrates his hate for those he does not know and will never meet.
What has BLM done to make black lives better? Be specific. And riots/looting doesn't count.
: crickets: from Rye Catcher


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