Does CNN realize we are a Christian nation?

There is no problem with you not being a Christian. That is a freedom you have.
The problem lies in Christians wanting to be Christians without being spied on by our own government. That freedom eluded us under Biden. Trump gave it back...
They spy on all of us you, are not special.
Who claims Trump is Jesus? Not one Christian I will tell you that minion of Satan!

The Christians who see Trump as their saviour​

BBC › news › articles

Nov 16, 2024 — Jim Caviezel, an actor who played Jesus in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, proclaimed, albeit jokingly, that Trump was “the new Moses”.
They’re different words with different meanings.

Atheism is the explicit denial that god (any god) exists

Secularism is simply means something is not affiliated with any religion or church.
Secularism is also Godless!
No it isn't, it means no one religion can be singled as more special than another one.

Secularism is the principle of seeking to conduct human affairs based on naturalistic considerations, uninvolved with religion.
So you can't answer the question.

Glad we cleared that up. You have a nice day.
Lest anyone forget your infantile question about the Declaration of Independence, here it is:
Whose Creator?
If you were familiar with that document, you would know that it refers to the Creator of our inalienable rights. I used to think that your responses stem from faulty logical reasoning, but maybe they are the result of profound ignorance?
"We are endowed by our Creator..." Did you miss that at your reeducation camp?
all religions claim a "CREATOR" Prometheus created MANKIND by bestowal of the GIFT OF FIRE
Christianity is a bedrock throughout this country, and a cornerstone of its founding. This is true whether you are a Christian or not.
christianity is the bedrock of "THE INQUISITION" and the genocide of hundreds of millions of people and tens of thousands of human cultures
We are NOT a "christian nation". We are a secular nation.
We are a Nation founded by Christians and our Government is rooted in Judeo Christian ethics. We were not founded by atheists. We were not founded by Muslims. We are the most tolerant nation of non-Christians in the World.

The problem is that is not good enough for the secularists and many of the non-Christians. They can’t stand that it took a nation founded by majority Christians to be the great Nation that we are.

A little tolerance and gratitude from the non-Christians in this nation would go a long way.
We are a Nation founded by Christians and our Government is rooted in Judeo Christian ethics. We were not founded by atheists. We were not founded by Muslims. We are the most tolerant nation of non-Christians in the World.

The problem is that is not good enough for the secularists and many of the non-Christians. They can’t stand that it took a nation founded by majority Christians to be the great Nation that we are.

A little tolerance and gratitude from the non-Christians in this nation would go a long way.
The Christians who founded this nation were Slavers. It always amuses me when frail people try to pretend Christian is synonymous with good. :lol:
We are a Nation founded by Christians and our Government is rooted in Judeo Christian ethics. We were not founded by atheists. We were not founded by Muslims. We are the most tolerant nation of non-Christians in the World.

The problem is that is not good enough for the secularists and many of the non-Christians. They can’t stand that it took a nation founded by majority Christians to be the great Nation that we are.

A little tolerance and gratitude from the non-Christians in this nation would go a long way.
The Christians who founded this nation were Slavers. It always amuses me when frail people try to pretend Christian is synonymous with good. :lol:
And? Muslim nations weren’t enslaving at the time? How about Asian nations or African nations? Were they not enslaving at the time? This Christian Nation had a comparatively shortest tenure with Slavery and had the morality to end it. Today, slavery is dominated by non-whites, non Christians throughout African, Asian, and Muslim nations.

Prove me wrong.
And? Muslim nations weren’t enslaving at the time? How about Asian nations or African nations? Were they not enslaving at the time?
That wasnt the point I was making. This is a red herring. I'm happy to denounce slavers of any faith or ethnicity. What I'm questioning is your idolatry of a particular set of slavers.
This Christian Nation had a comparatively shortest tenure with Slavery and had the morality to end it.
As did almost every other nation. Many before the United States and then they didn't have another hundred years of terrorism, Jim Crow and Segregation.
Today, slavery is dominated by non-whites, non Christians throughout African, Asian, and Muslim nations.

Prove me wrong.
You're supposed to prove your own claims and also provide the relevance to this discussion about who the Slavers Founders were and what their brand of Christianity entailed.

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