Mike Johnson Turns Decades Old Jefferson Prayer Lie Into Whole New Jefferson Prayer Lie

Wow...you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel, Skews! You've got your panties in a twist over a Jefferson prayer? Really? :) :) :)
Militant Democrat's hate Christianity, and the reason should be obvious to anyone after looking into a Democrat's actions and/or irrational thought patterns in life.
We all know Jefferson wasn’t a real Christian. He was an adulterer who impregnated his slave. This is the great “hero” of the Democrat Party.

It doesn’t mean he didn’t recognize how important Christian values were for the nation or that he never read a Christian prayer out loud.

So shut up and move on.
Exactly..... Democrat's can't come to terms with the fact that living a Christian lifestyle keeps people out of trouble as is proven, and leaderships elected in many cases over time have recognized this fact also. So even if they indulge in worldliness and sin, it doesn't as you say "stop them from recognizing that the Christian lifestyle is a great alternative to being dragged down by sin", so they promote it as being a rational way of life even if they are falling short of it themselves.

The types that we absolutely don't need in government, are those whom desire to crush a good thing in favor of promoting a bad thing.

Trump, although he has lived a life of excess, still has the fear of God within his soul, and so he balances that by giving God his just due respect, while he battles his own addictions and faults in life just like the rest of us do.

Great post Hawk..
Exactly..... Democrat's can't come to terms with the fact that living a Christian lifestyle keeps people out of trouble as is proven, and leaderships elected in many cases over time have recognized this fact also. So even if they indulge in worldliness and sin, it doesn't as you say "stop them from recognizing that the Christian lifestyle is a great alternative to being dragged down by sin", so they promote it as being a rational way of life even if they are falling short of it themselves.

The types that we absolutely don't need in government, are those whom desire to crush a good thing in favor of promoting a bad thing.

Trump, although he has lived a life of excess, still has the fear of God within his soul, and so he balances that by giving God his just due respect, while he battles his own addictions and faults in life just like the rest of us do.

Great post Hawk..

Everyone has human fragility, Christians also.
The battle to maintain the lifestyle is ongoing.
There are constant.pressures to the contary.
There is no question that the basic tenetry of Christianity is overwhelmingly beneficial to the extent that they can be applied.
Well if the Daily Kook says so
000 26. I cannot say I love all Christians because Vladimir Putin is a Christian with a major Orthodox Christian Nation of Christians who support a fascist dictator who is committing genocide against our allies; Ukrainian people. SEE: Vppdar00022

Well if the Daily Kook says so
SEARCH: Krill Vigano Schlafly and most importantly “Bill Beauregard Barr”

l. ding vi. : “Christianity gave us America.” dvng 210812 Swwwcz00006

ii. NotfooledbyW xi,cdxciii to wwwcz00006: If you want to teach my grandkids your Christian morality Saint Ding be moral people and attract them by example instead of burning fucking books and spreading homophobic and xenophobic fear and hate and don’t elect presidents that brag about grabbing women by their pussy and lie that he only lost because the election was stolen and try to overturn the loss of that election by mobocracy and fraudulent electors schemes that violate the law and our constitution. nfbw 231016 Vrvwgo11493

iii. beagle9 xxi. : Militant Democrat's hate Christianity, and the reason should be obvious to anyone after looking into a Democrat's actions and/or irrational thought patterns in life. bglN 250106 Smjtdo00021

iv. NotfooledbyW xxvi to 21. : Among all adult Christians, past present and future, I very much love every single liberal Christian born to this world who supports defending our beloved western multiculural liberal democracy from being destroyed by the silent partnership aligning Putin Trump Vigano & Orban united and supportive of illiberal white mostly Christians and an oligarchy of billionaires ruling all the governments of the world.

Yes I hate Illiberal Christian Don Trump but not for taking Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. nfbw 250107 Vmjtdo00026
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000 28 Like the Pilgrims, the Puritans who came to America identified with the ancient Israelites of the Bible. The Israelites were God’s people who, with God’s help, escaped from captivity in Egypt, made a covenant or agreement with God to be His people and follow His commandments, and settled in the Promised Land of Canaan. The Puritans similarly saw themselves as God’s chosen people who had fled oppression in Europe and settled in their Promised Land of America. During the Puritans’ voyage to America, Puritan leader John Winthrop expressed the Puritans’ identity with the Israelites in his famous Model of Christian Charity sermon, saying, “The Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us as His own people. The God of Israel is among us.”

i. Amanda Marcotte pblshd250107: Why Mike Johnson's fake "Jefferson prayer" matters. One cannot say for certain that Rep. Mike Johnson was deliberately lying during his acceptance speech to return as Speaker of the House. He read what he claimed was a prayer recited by President Thomas Jefferson "each day of his eight years of the presidency and every day thereafter until his death." It is always technically possible that the Louisiana Republican is so profoundly ignorant of history that he didn't know that statement is preposterous on its face. As the Thomas Jefferson Foundation notes on its website, Jefferson doubted "the efficacy of prayer." They add that "Jefferson rejected the notion of the Trinity and Jesus’ divinity. He rejected Biblical miracles, the resurrection, the atonement, and original sin." He saw Jesus as a secular philosopher and wasn't a "Christian" in the way most people understand the term.

ii. ding vi. : “Christianity gave us America.” dvng 210812 Swwwcz00006

iii. NotfooledbyW xxviii to wwwcz00006. : Republicans the likes of white Christian nationalist House Speaker Mike Johnson lied about Jefferson to perpetuate the great myth; the original Republican big lie that American was founded as a Christian Nation of free people being righteously locked into a covenant relationship worldview with the Holy Biblical God of Abraham in the same way the ancient Israelites escaped Egyptian bandage to find religious freedom in the promised land of Canaan.

Its not likely that Sir Ding will offer a rebuttal to the Amanda Marcotte pblshd250107 historically authenticated facts about Jefferson’s religion or lack thereof, that are put forth in paragraph i. of this post.

Such a lack of rebuttal puts the lie to Sir Ding’s baseless assertion that “Christianity gave us America.”. There is no way that could possibly be true!

nfbw 250107 Vmjtdo00028
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So, by now most people have read or heard about how Mike Johnson, in his remarks after barely eking out a victory to continue his tenure as Speaker of the House in the 119th Congress, attributed a very Christian prayer, in Jesus’ name, to Thomas Jefferson.

A whole bunch of news outlets have reported that this prayer was never uttered by Jefferson, citing a page on the Monticello website that says it has “no evidence that this prayer was written or delivered by Thomas Jefferson.”

But that’s only half the story. Johnson didn’t just quote this prayer and attribute it to Jefferson; he turned a decades-old bit of Christian nationalist history revisionism into a whole new lie — claiming that Jefferson not only wrote this prayer, as in the traditional Christian nationalist lie about it, but that Jefferson recited it every day throughout his presidency and the rest of his life!

So, let’s start with the traditional version of this Jefferson prayer lie, which I wrote about in my 2006 book Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History, Vol. 1.

The traditional version of the lie is that Jefferson said this prayer on March 4, 1805, the date of his second inauguration.

While this Jefferson prayer lie can be found in many Christian nationalist books, I cited the version from William Federer’s 1999 book America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, a book chock-full of fake quotes and other revisionist history frequently used by Christian nationalist legislators, who repeat these fake quotes and pieces of bogus history without even checking to see if Federer’s endnotes for them are real.

Who is William Federer? Well, he’s a Senior Fellow at the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship, a Capitol Hill-based Christian nationalist organization whose goal is “to raise up the next generation of Christian Statesmen to serve in the mission field of government and public policy.” (emphasis added)

That's what white christian nationalists do. Lie.

Liars for Jesus. Just love the name of that book.

We all know Jefferson wasn’t a real Christian. He was an adulterer who impregnated his slave. This is the great “hero” of the Democrat Party.

It doesn’t mean he didn’t recognize how important Christian values were for the nation or that he never read a Christian prayer out loud.

So shut up and move on.
Of course he wasn't an adulter. While it is true that he had a relationship with his sister in law, it was after his wife died.
We all know Jefferson wasn’t a real Christian. He was an adulterer who impregnated his slave. This is the great “hero” of the Democrat Party.

It doesn’t mean he didn’t recognize how important Christian values were for the nation or that he never read a Christian prayer out loud.

So shut up and move on.

MLK put ole Jeffey to shame ....

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