Does Hillary speak for MOST liberals,"I don't believe you change hearts"...

Hillary can't speak for liberals because she's not one.

She's a "New Democrat" which is really an old Republican.

As the younger politicians pushed the Republican party farther to the right conservative Democrats began to look more liberal in comparison. In today's congress I doubt that half of the Democrats can be called liberal.
OP- Of course. In this case, a law making police officers have body cams, etc. Take a break, hater dupes.
Did we change the hearts of Southern segregationists, or did we change the laws?

You can change any law you like. So long as the enemies heart is against you there will be no peace. Gay marriage is an excellent analogy. Up until quite recently the majority of people didn't like it. Now, even religious people, the majority of them any way, are realizing that gay people aren't evil monsters. It is those people who are allowing gay marriage to finally occur.

There are very loud lunatics fighting against it....but the majority of the religious types have had a change of heart and so things change. Not the laws...but the hearts that promulgate those laws.

Were you anything even approaching a thinking creature, you would understand that fact.

You don't know what you're talking about. We've had laws against stealing for thousands of years. When did stealing stop?

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